AK-47 progress!


Well-Known Member
Hwy Sunni,

I have plants at a similar age and some are very similar to yours.

I think that you are doing fine.

Good luck,

The end of week 5 is now!

Supposedly this is when she starts to swell up. I think I am starting to see that.


Tried to block the light a bit to show you true color. Turned out okay.


Lets take a closer look at the colas of the mother plant.


I can see the calyx's starting to show themselves. And a bunch of little underdeveloped trichomes popping out

Lets take a look are the colas of the clone plant.


Well that is all for now! I just watered them with water only this time to see it anything changes. Lets hope for the best! Peace, Earthlings.


Well-Known Member
Nice. I am at a very similar point in my grow.

They are beginning to fill in, but know that they are going
to grow a lot more (i.e. more from this point than they have
so far, as far as bud weight goes).

Looking good.

The end of week 6!!!

She has definitely fattened up since last week! Overall I see that she is healthy. The leaves are decent enough color and lifted towards the light and the stem is vibrant green!


Lets take a closer look at the individual tops of the mother plant.


Lets take a close look at the clone!


A couple of problems though. Some of the sugar leaves on the tops have yellow. It looks like light burn to me but I don't know. I raised them a bit to see if that helps. What do you guys think?


Thanks for any and all help! Peace Earthlings!


Well-Known Member
That is a happy plant Sunni. Great work.

LOL, my ladies would love not to be so crowded. She has room to breath.

Thanks for sharing.
