AK-47, under the sun in the desert?


Well-Known Member
Indoor growing is fine because of the perpetual harvest, but I want to go outdoors back to my roots.
I will continue my indoor grow, but I want to grow a tree; do you guys think I can do this with an AK-47.
Average temperatures reach over 100 degrees F in the shade?


mulch the hell out of it to help keep moisture in , also i would put some vermiculite in to help hold in moisture ..


Well-Known Member
It gets that hot where I am and don't have any real issues except watering twice a day. It does cool down at nights and don't get hot until 9 or 10 in the morning and there are breaks where it will drop to 90. You must be in ground or buried buckets.


Well-Known Member
We have weeks over 110. I use the shade cloth. Didn't used to though. They were still fine and get some shade in the late afternoon. They drank a lot of water in, in ground 20 gallon pots. Use to have to flood them on low for like 10 mins a pot twice a day. They grew really fast.