AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH


Well-Known Member
Hay thankz there shipinit, i did it and the cam almost works good again, it only has probs with the auto focus now, but works! thankz.....

and hay smokeh, thankz for the offer, i wish i had someone to do it all for me......but alas... i work 12+ hours at my day job then work lotza hours in the roomz, only peeps even know of it's existance is my wife and RUI...... i wish i had help........but i refuse to give anyone the knoledge of it's existance ........ everyone thinks i get my smoke from outa town, lol...

so here be some pics of my Veggin lady'z and the new clones today, put the rest of the last clone batch into the 12h yesterday so those mom's look lonley in there, lol...
i'm so happy i managed to reveg 2 Hiawiana Sweet Skunks, they are the smallest in the veg....
i'm really thinkin of keeping my last AK47 x SSH mom and plant it outside...... i think it would grow stupid big, lol, it's got hundreds of branches!



Well-Known Member
well..... finally got some flower room pics for ya........ had to water everything and thankfully the flower lights came on before i wuz done.....

i Fimmed my HSS moms, gotta get them cloning in a month or so, so need lotza shoots....

i think i got the MG prob with my one batch solved.... at leaste they showing improvement, already givin the next batch's treatment....but all the rest veggin and flowering girls look Awsome!

and with my new cloner, on it's DIY tread i started it with claiming it would produce 100%..... IT DID! he he he......check it out if ya want https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/175476-my-diy-aero-cloner-51-a.html :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Congrads on the 100% in your cloner!! Well, you almost look like you have a full plate in front of you right now.......with that bud looking so close to finishing and all of those rooted clones...haha, and every minute of it being fun too, huh!
So what do your temps/RH average in your 12/12 area??

Keep it up--it looks NIIIIIICE!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Hay thankz there growinman, and OH YA i got my hands full in there for sure..........

And YES...... i truely do love growing, and just enjoy the results and tension of waiting! ....... can only have true fun doing something you love so much! :bigjoint:

as for the temps..... they kinda fluctuate but better know it's not so cold outside i can have a window open..... all my temps revolve around the intake rooms temp (just a seperate room)

the intake rooms temp goes between 65-75 (65-70 now with outside air)

clone room stays between 65-70

veg room stays between 65-80

flower room floats between 65-88 (staying 79-84 when intake room temp 65)

most likely gonna have to get AC for the summer months.... but i plan to change the room arrangments before then and go full aerophonics.....

must say too, i come across an awsome DIY for Air conditioning! i'm trying to figure out how to run it using a small beer fridge instead of just water and ice... https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/171481-air-conditioning-grow-room.html looks and sound promising!


Well-Known Member
........looking very cool as seems to be the norm around your grow!!:hump::peace:

I am in love with your cloner and am building it today(if I can find a fricken decent tub that'll close a bit better......got everything else yesterday). Gonna check HD again(already checked Lowes) and some Office Depots or similar.. That is so awesome!! I thought my bubbler was bad ass! <----and really, it is; but your roots are completely insane!....:hump:
Yeah, I ended up getting ac after fighting the temps for over a year......couldn't get the magical ventilation tight enough I guess.....and the ac is easy and works(heats as well! and dehumid). Temps stay under 80 always.......usually around 75 running 1600-2000wts in a 7' x 11' 12/12 room and all of the bs....... I 'd just be kind of leary of doing a diy ac-----out of my league I think, + not having that much room..... And if your all aero you really want to watch your temps for the res's especially w/pumps going 24/7....... I am just keeping my h2o temps barely in the park now pushing 70 and up to 75........that's an aero system. The flood/drain systems and a dwc stay right at about 66-70 which would probably be okay......but not if I fire any more light or...?

Your grow is coming along great!!! I may be back on later to hit you up w/a couple of ??'s if you dont mind....

Have a great weekend!!:joint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
tankz growinman,

with the Jug just make sure the lids fits in upside down and sits down min 1/2", it doesn't need to seal as long as the inside lip is lower then top, i really only added the weather striping to be sure of now leaks, but the rim inside around the weather stripping is dry.....

as for the temps..... ya, big time ongoing battle, lol, gonna be changing that prob soon when i change the rooms around.......but jezz.... to many options and witch will suit my grow best!.....

for the aero rez i'm thinking of using some type of liquide chiller in it, and in the flower and veg stages the pumps will be on timers, gonna use 6" round PVC for the runs so lotza room for roots,

i also think i'm gonna have the main rez in the next room, right beside it but sepertated by a wal, tubes thro the wall, still all gravity wize, figure that'll to 2 things, eacier to keep the water cool and way better for humidity.... leaste thats what i'm gonna try....

i decided on the aerophonics simply cause of the only way into my grow.... can't get nothing over 2.5' x 6' thro to the rooms without ripping down homemade shelves and desk or walls!..... wuz thinking too stealthy when i made it..... lotza room in it but small entrance, thinkin of a way to rectify that too eventually......

i know lotza guy's with fload and drain, temps in the rez not bad, just the humidity...... buddy of mine says the water gets cooled by the fans as it floods and then sits on cold cement floor in the rez till next flooding, he assures me he don't have temp probs, and his rez wuz 68 and room wuz 75 (6h after lights on) at the time i asked him, but he just hates the frigin humidity, lol, he's got a drain in the floor so just lets the humidifiers overflow and just drain away......

And I am always happy to chat, debate, learn, teach...... knowledge is power............ specially with Mary Jane..... he he he


Well-Known Member
How Do all this fine day............

well my cloner rocks, lol, that frigin thing almost works too good..... the roots are hanging into the water now past the misters, they aren't blocking them yet so they stay there till monday..... not to mention i have to get potz and soil for them.....

them Mother's are so Sexy!.....
the 2 smaller ones are HSS and were just FIM'd a few days ago, they comin along real good, outa 6 i cut off a flowering HSS only them 2 worked, me soo happy, that wuz good smoke!
the Huge Bushy one is my Last AK47xSSH Mom.... it's getting Thinned tonight, frigin too bushy........

i'll have a pic of it up when i'm done hackin it up.........and pic's of the flowerin lady's latter too........




Well-Known Member
doooh..... sorry no updates last night , took the pics but got too busy, so here they are, man those buds lookin frigin good.... ya can sure see the dif between the tree dif batch's in there, lol..... and there's that Mom all hacked up, frigin bush..... :leaf:



Well-Known Member
So here be my veg'n lady's and clones this fine day.....
them frigin clones need to be transplanted big time tomorow, they way below the misters now, lol
those Moms look soo sexy! they are as follows....

2 big left plants and the big back plant are Romulan's
1 big plant on the right is the AK47
2 smaller in the middle are the Hiwiana Sweet Skunks

the skunks gonna get tied down in a few days to get the smaller lower branches growin...... want them to big ass Mom's.......

More pics of the flower room later..... wuz in and rearanged and trimming the plants earlier under green light...... 1 of the big Ex Mother plants is ready for harvest, lotza red tricone...... :bigjoint:




Well-Known Member
so here's my budding lady's this fine evnin.....
i cropped one of the big ones just before the pics.......
i am starting to think my soil has some to do with my Mag prob.....
all the moms are in dif soil then the clones, and they even finish perfectly, but the clones got brown spotz all over.... even the newest batch into 12h is starting to show spots...........fuk.........




Well-Known Member
........I just cant get over those roots:shock:.......and look at how happy they are in hydro......hmmmmmmmmmm:hump: Dont I remember that you are building a system or something??
Not too sure what that prob is your starting to see. I had just been noticing that your getting what looks like a lot of dead/dry/crispy leafs thoughout the whole plants that are about done. It very well may be just the hps lighting that I am seeing. I would think to really try to find out what is up if your seeing it in your new rooted clones(you mean the ones going to 12/12 next, right--or the ones that you just rooted?). To be honest, I dont remember what soil, nutes, etc., you using; or if you PH your water, what the ppm's are going in/out, and if you flush.<----another cool thing with hydro is that you just dump your res, run a flush, new nute solution, if you run into problems. That would be equal to completely replacing all of your soil(transplant) without any of the stress...... And I apologize if you already know all this; I am just too stoned atm to remember or think toooo hard.
I dont know if you ever go over there or not, but here's a link to Stitch's Sick Plant thread that is cool 'cause you can pretty much just go right down the page looking at pics of a lot of different issues/problems: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688


Well-Known Member
how do all..........

hay growinman,

oh ya i got a whole reconfig gonna happen in a month or so....

gonna change the whole setup to a 3 room setup.....

gonna have the veg and clone room in 1, Rez and hydro room 1, and gonna make the flower room bigger and add another 600w and all except the Mom's will be in Aerophonic's......
starting to buy all the parts already..... will have a DIY for the new setup too..........

But First..... i gonna do a Journal for the Romulan clones, then i'll change it all and start to learn Aerophonics!

As for the dead/dry/crispy leafs thoughout........
i know, they suck!
it all stems from Misbelief.....
both the strains are supposed to be done in like 6-8 weeks......
but they are taking round 10...........
needless to say i learned with the batches i've done to NOT start washing till week 8....
and them poor big ones been on nothing but water for 4 weeks now...... and outa chocked patients i just let them be in the faint hopes those leaves might green again, but they just keep die'n......

I also found that the soil i'm using has TOO much peat in it..... soo..... i gonna have to 1/4 my fert mixes again..... frigin soil......

i usually use Sun Shine Mix 4... 40-50% peat..... could only find Preimium Mix Pro BX.... 70-80% peat..... so i kinda think the soil part of the prob too..... thank god i'm going Aerophonic soo........


Well-Known Member
wow, those plants are amazing. u are a really good grower. it helps to have the nice setup u have as well thou,lol. im gonna try +rep u if i can, i might need to spread some love.

those colas look huge!!! id like to hope my next batch turns out half as decent as urs.


Well-Known Member
Nice man!!!

Forgive me if this has been asked already, but where did you get those seeds from?

... Need somethings next to those colas to get a size comparison! lol ... They look good :)


Well-Known Member
good day all, been busy i have...

hay GreenphoeniX, i got the AK and Rom seeds from Hemp Depot and the HSS from Vancover seed bank.......

pretty sure i got a big one to crop tonight, gonna wait till just before lights on to check the trycones......

Been making hash all day too.....
my hydro guy lent me a tumbler with #100 screen around it, fuk thing works awsome!
i think i'm gonna make a bigger one in the futur for sure.......
shakin, boilin and pressing all day sofar.....
outa a shoping bag full of dryed chake and trimmins i got 15 grams of hash.....
5 grams of top grade and 10 of just lower grade.....
grades desided by the amount of time in the tumbler 30 mins for top and 2+ hours for the other....

should have some pics up latter...

................. :joint:


Well-Known Member
cool, making hash as well. havnt ceased to amaze me yet epixbud,lol

if u get chance, will u upload how u did ur hash? ive been looking for ages but everything else is complicated. im trying to do it as cheap as possible without buying any extra stuff. i know u'll upload lots of pics :p

oh yeah and lets see the harvest of buds and what u got for hash. id like to see them :)