tankz growinman,
with the Jug just make sure the lids fits in upside down and sits down min 1/2", it doesn't need to seal as long as the inside lip is lower then top, i really only added the weather striping to be sure of now leaks, but the rim inside around the weather stripping is dry.....
as for the temps..... ya, big time ongoing battle, lol, gonna be changing that prob soon when i change the rooms around.......but jezz.... to many options and witch will suit my grow best!.....
for the aero rez i'm thinking of using some type of liquide chiller in it, and in the flower and veg stages the pumps will be on timers, gonna use 6" round PVC for the runs so lotza room for roots,
i also think i'm gonna have the main rez in the next room, right beside it but sepertated by a wal, tubes thro the wall, still all gravity wize, figure that'll to 2 things, eacier to keep the water cool and way better for humidity.... leaste thats what i'm gonna try....
i decided on the aerophonics simply cause of the only way into my grow.... can't get nothing over 2.5' x 6' thro to the rooms without ripping down homemade shelves and desk or walls!..... wuz thinking too stealthy when i made it..... lotza room in it but small entrance, thinkin of a way to rectify that too eventually......
i know lotza guy's with fload and drain, temps in the rez not bad, just the humidity...... buddy of mine says the water gets cooled by the fans as it floods and then sits on cold cement floor in the rez till next flooding, he assures me he don't have temp probs, and his rez wuz 68 and room wuz 75 (6h after lights on) at the time i asked him, but he just hates the frigin humidity, lol, he's got a drain in the floor so just lets the humidifiers overflow and just drain away......
And I am always happy to chat, debate, learn, teach...... knowledge is power............ specially with Mary Jane..... he he he