AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good time (22%). Have you tried the SSH by it's self? What does the Romulan add to it? If the Rom gets better with the SSH does the SSH get worse with the Rom added?

Good day, lol, ya, i've smoked Super Silver Haze, it's heavy/melow/spacy and a long stone. long flower time with this strain. 8-10 weeks.
Sativa 50%/ Indica 50%

the Romulan has a way more up/energetic high. short flowering time.
Indica, Origins - Cali strain x White Rhino 6 weeks.

when they are mixed, the flower time is reduced to 8 weeks, And what a nice Taste, smell and stone outa it, to me it smells more romulan, tastes more haze and manages to mix a heavy up high that lasts for like ever....

LOL, as for the backward genetics thing....
i'm no genetics specialist, but i would imagine it's only done certain ways to have the dominent parent be the shorter flower time strain.....
probly work the other way around, but take like 10 weeks to flower..bongsmilie

SO..... Anyhow.......
i had some major Bad luck in my flower room......

went out of town for a few day,
it's my first aero system and i didn't remember to check the water level before i left....
when i came back yesterday,
they were all wilted up, but still green and not dry'd out,
the roots were all brown and britial.........

i put fresh water in the rez last night, and now the roots seem to be white again but the plants arn't reactin yet....

Will they live or is it better to just restock it with fresh clones?

i got lotza fresh clones but hope i won't have to go that way and be put back by a few or 3 weeks.......... :roll:


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Damn dude that sucks. I'm leaving town for a week and have my bro-in-law taking care of mine otherwise I don't know what I would do. Probably have to stay home....
Hope it works out for you, watchout for hermies if they do pull through. It doesn't seem to take alot of stress to bring on the nanners....


Well-Known Member
Well, wuz just in there,
the roots getting brown again so i'm just gonna put a fresh batch of rooted clones into it,
i will even have the second Aero system up and running for the remaining clones, did 50 and only need 24 each unit.....

i'll clean and refill the Aero system today, then i'll have 24 in flower again,

Just finished the smaller Aero Veg setup, gonna fill it with the last 24 and try vegging for a week or 2, so i got that long to make the 2nd Aero system......

So once again, i Restart my grow.......
think i'll get around to adding the Quiet Rock sheets i bot to sound proof it....
yup, i gonna do that before the 2nd aero system setup for sure....
gotta change out my 400w mh for 2 sets of 4'x4 bulb T5's,
just got the other set the other day.....
hope that helps with the heat and slows my Mother's growth down,
LMAO, i just don't need a spec of the clones they produce.......

I will have some update pics later, after i'm done cleaning and rearanging and restocking...... fuk..... oh well............



Well-Known Member
Good day all, so here be some update pics of my rooms..... :bigjoint:

Aero system all stocked again, all but 1 going great,
the new water in the veg aero system should be ready to use tomorow and i'll load it and get the cloner cleaned for the next batch........... ;-)

All my soon to be Mother plants are coming along great too, probly repot them next week....... :eyesmoke:

Had to feed them momes and vegging clones tonight, they were thersty...... bongsmilie

................ :lol:


Active Member
the problem your having with some of your seedlings dying, is because your transplanting to soon, all that is stress on those babies, that can also cause them to turn into males, a seedling can grow up to 4 stalks before you have to transplant it, so take time with your babies, you will get good results, dont rush, accidents do happen, like death of your babies.


Well-Known Member
the problem your having with some of your seedlings dying, is because your transplanting to soon, all that is stress on those babies, that can also cause them to turn into males, a seedling can grow up to 4 stalks before you have to transplant it, so take time with your babies, you will get good results, dont rush, accidents do happen, like death of your babies.

Um.... Hay man, thankz for stoppin by.....

how be ya go a few weeks back in my journal logs here and you'll see the only probs i'm havin is the change over from Soil to Aerophonics,

as for my ways of Transplanting, when in soil they go from cloner to soil for 1 week veg then into flower, and i have done Many batch's that way without the veg week, just leave them in the cloner for 2 weeks then into soil and into the flower stage...
Never have i had a hermy from my clones, only from seeds, but that's just me........

as for killin my baby's..... done it too many times, learned alot, all i can say on that...............



Well-Known Member
Good day all,
here's some pics of the rearanged vegging girls,

got the future moms under T5's now,
that's what i'm gonna use for the veg stage from them on.....

finally using the veg Aero system, it's under the MH just cause it's still being used for a few weeks.....:leaf:

i'f i get time later i'll get some pics of the flower room up, the reloaded Aero system doing good, lotza rootz.....

.......................... :weed:



Well-Known Member
good day all, here's some pics of the flower room, they all doing good....

had to trim some moms down again, and the old clones too, too frigin big tall they were, man i frigin waste so many potentail clones........



Well-Known Member
good day all, how'z things this fine day?

So here's some updated pics of my rooms last night.... those Moms are so ready for the next cloning........

and my Veg Aero system works awsome, even clones with no roots before being put into the veg system are growing lotza roots now....

And my Fresh replacement Mom'z are doing great, had to feed them, thats why they in pot trays.... i can't wait to start bending those moms, i gonna keep them all shorter then the present moms, plus they will be under T5's, so that might help them be more managble for my grow room...

In the flower room..... all is going Great! Plants look a bit light coloured, but exspected, i havn't added any nutz to my Rez yet, i will today..... seems to me that the roots grew faster in the 12h Aero with just water for the first week.... but they want nutz now, so they getting some...

And as for these old clones..... what to do with them..... they are over 3 months old, constantly cut down, lol, maby i'll just keep them round to see just how long they will survive, properly treated of course....



Well-Known Member
I'm happy to see your switch to aero is going well, epix!

I can't wait to get back up and running again. I found a new place to live that's gonna save me 2 hundy a month in bills/rent. Six months and I can afford a proper deposit on a nice house in the country and it's on like donkey kong. Keep an eye open for some breeding journals in the future.

Now... I plan...


Well-Known Member
Good day all, how do this fine day?

K, here's some update pics of my grow, got me a busy day ahead.....

i gotta get my 51 site cloner pulled out so i can place my new smaller 35 site cloner in there and still have room for the soiled new momz.....
only gotta place them tempularily till i do the full Grow Renovations....

Gonna be a 2 instead of 3 room setup within the next week, gonna have the momz and veggin clones under T5's in the present clone section, and the flower room will go from 8' long to 11.6' long, and the space between them will serve as the power/rez room with the new smaller cloner above the rez....
main reason for the retro fit is the noice....
fans sound like a jet engine outside the rooms.......
So i bot some real nice sound proof board to do myself, and might as well refine the rooms aswell.......

So here be some pics.... and man i gotta get my Flower aero PPM'z up, those sexy lady's lookin a bit light coloured yet....

.......................................... :joint:


Well-Known Member
Good day all, howz it going?.......... :hump:

here be an update all.....
finished my new cloner yesterday, set it up and let it run all night, no leaks....
got it temporarily sitting on a jerry rigged shelf,
making a clone stand / Bud Dryer, almost all done,
made to just fit the cloner on it and stayunder 2' long 16" wide and 2' high,
it's got 7 shelves at 21" x 16" x 2" deep with an extra 1" between the shelves, i still gotta get more screen, only had enough to do 5....
gonna enclose it today and get a filter and fan attached to it with some doors, it'll be placed in the room After i do the soundproofing and room rearanging, but i need it done to include it in the design....

Man oh man i love Aero sofar.... started my veg aero system with just water, went great for a week, then the leaves got lighter green, added first weak fertz batch to the rez and presto... alot quicker intake then soil, 3 hours latter they were all dark green. nice and eacy.......

And Wow.... once again i got too many potential clones going on, lol, my friggin mothers grow too much! i can't wait till my new moms get bigger... then i gonna start throwin old mom's thro the 12h..... i gonna crank the PPM's up in the flower system, they looking light green, they want nutz!



Well-Known Member
wow great root system you got there

Thank ya kindly sir, but no ware near what i exspect of them roots yet!...........

Epix, is that corrugated plastic you're using for the flower tub? Meaning what the netpots are sitting in...
hay there diggitydank420, lol, ya, thats exactly what it is, i use it in veg and flower as the system tops, eacy to cut holes in, used to use it back in the day working in greenhouse construction, shit is way strong, the fact that i'm alive proves it! keep the longest distance under 3' and it'll work great for ya.....:joint:



Well-Known Member
I like the idea... very economical and if it works, use it! Not to mention the ability to make custom sizes.

the fact of the availibility and eacy of use, corragated plastic is way strong and seems to be perfect for use this way, i spend alot of time trying to find good altenatives to as much as possible, saves lotz coin for sure......

Well, i got my Cloner stand/Bud dryer built, i just gotta wrap it with plastic and add some vent holes, turned out not bad, should make my drying time way eacier and faster, i'm soo happy i won't have to use the frigin cloths hangers anymore... my room entrance ain't big nuf to go thro with only a few hangers loaded.....:joint:
