AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH


Well-Known Member
needed them, my poor girls getting burned...
got the lights at 20" up and still getting burns.....
got extra coin for them by gettin rid of some clones..
fukin eh i hope they do there job.....


Well-Known Member
busy busy i be these days....
here are some pics of my lovely lady's last night, those clones getting big and those moms getting way bushy......
and those buds! they looking soo yummy...
still havn't got the new light tubes up yet, do them tomorow..... :joint:


Well-Known Member
finally got the light pipes up and wired, moved the carbon filter to the far end, then ran 6" flexy pipe from it to the lights, then out to the fan...
all tested and running good, lowered the lights to 1' above them there buds, lets hope this solves the burning problem!
still got lotz to do in the 3 rooms today so there'll be no pics till later, specially the buds.... i hate green light pics lol....
gotta get the clones into pots and under the 600w'z tonight.....


Well-Known Member
started to get ready to transplant clones, then i got the soil outa the garage..... frigin stupid cold, gonna have to let it warm for the night.....
desided to go ahead and top all the clones to get them all shorter and more equal, read someware that AK47 really likes topping.
thinking of topping the mom's now so the future clones got a topped head start......
so here's some pics of the clones before and after topping....
and here's the mom's before anything, will update those pics later with the flower room and it's changes.....
1 hour left till it lights up, can't wait to start testing how low i can have those light pipes to the canopy...... :joint:



Well-Known Member
so i topped all the moms too, get a head start for the future clones, trimmed them up and got rid of crappy leaves too...
so far i'm quite impressed with the light pipes, temp is way different in the room and 12" under on the canopy, seems to work not too bad, gotta adjust some of my venting tho, lmao....
man are those frigin buds ever getting nice!
i had to crop 2 smaller sexers tonight....
he he he.....
they done enough to make sure i got Xmas BUDS!!!!! got them hangin over the T5's, should be well dried and cured for Xmas eve...... bongsmilie
and round Xmas the rest of the sexers will be done anyhow.....
my screwed up batch seems to be alright, some of them are still recovering, no thanks to my frigin heat issue's....
but hopefully now they all done with...... bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
checked on them there buddin plants this mornin, they seem to be doing fine with the light pipes, the tempature is definetly diferent in the room, way cooler, totaly cooler at canopy level with the light pipes at 12' up... i really gotta get an electronic temp sensor....


Well-Known Member
here's my girls as of last night..... started to repot some of the clones, and left the rest for tonight....
man are those buds ever looking nice!
the HSS are coming along good, they should be ready to sex soon. the moms and clones looking supper good too.. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
seems to be going good this far......
got 11 plants done round Xmas day!
lmao, between the 2 strains xmas day is the max..... fukin eh, christmas crop! thats gotta be a good sign.....
got 12 potz filled with new clones, 3 girls each...... the 2 girl potz got huge buds... sooo...... we try...... 36 plants in 12 potz, adding 5 more 3 packs when i get the sexers cropped...... in about a week... fukn eh ..... had to kill 2 Haiwian sweet skunks... they were males.... got 3 females tho.. fukn eh there too....
took 2 romulan clones for moms, in veg room in bigger potz now.......
so here'z some pics..........



Well-Known Member
thankz..... with all the troubles my grow has had it's fukn heaven to see them there nice buds.......


Well-Known Member
finally got some wireless temp meters, got 1 in veg and flower rooms, now i can work at gettin that dialed in, i know it's too hot in my rooms....
still gotta put my last few clones into potz but gonna wait on them till the sexers are cropped, i just plain old got no room!
my moms really wanna be cloned, they soo big and bushy..... they still got another couple weeks to wait, lol....
there's some pics of the girls in veg, no flower till the lights come on tho.... post again later i will.... :joint:



Well-Known Member
ah crap... sorry i didn't post my budders pics last night, had to water most of them and hit bed for work.....
so here are the budding girls lastnight.... :joint:
got my first buncha temp numbers..... max'd at 91.5 and min'd at 69.8 in both rooms!..... gotta get some cooler air in there i do, i think anyhow, they seem to be doing fine in those temps tho, can't see it hurting them, they grow in way hotter temps outside..



Well-Known Member
ahh... and here are all my lovely ladies tonight....
gave the remaining clones a shot of veg fertz tonight and all the sexers water... the clones just waiting for bigger potz...
those moms are getting way outa hand, lmao, i luv it!
and lookz at them budz, oh ya baby, sexy sexy is all i can say... :joint:



Well-Known Member
well, thank ya kindly, check back later, it'll be updated after lights start comin on........... :leaf:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Also checked out your thread on the cloner. It's nice when people aren't stingy with their knowledge I just spent $80 on an 8 sight cloner because I didn't want to spend $350 on a 45 sight... Wish i would have run across it a little earlier. Good news is that it's a 1000/L per hour pump and with your design I can modify mine to make it a 45 sight cloner and only spend another $50 or less.....


Well-Known Member
or less, go to a depot store and check there garden/pond supply's, you'll be surprised at how much even the hydro shops over price.... i stick with my hydro shop on most stuff just cause we friends and my trial/errors are to his benifit, if i have a problem he gives me what i need to fix it, even trade overs, and he then has tryed and true test results to tell his potential customers, so i just support him with my buisness, lol, i get killer deals too...