AK 47x Juicy Fruit


Well-Known Member
Well i dodged a complete failure last night as sometime during the early AM my transformer blew blowing heat anticipator in my t-stat and letting it get down to 50 in my grow.Of course it wasnt coming on with Transformer out but i found the problem a critter had bitten my 110 supply voltage to my heating setup.i replaced transformer and it still didnt come on i got to do a little troubleshooting and found the little wire on the anticipater dial broken i just slid it around till the dial touched the soldered joint.This use to be a common problem with the old mercury style t-stats when you had a short with electric heat.What i have is something i made that kicks a electric heater on when temps fall below 62 in that area,but i need to modify it so it rings a buzzer in the house if 1 of the circuits are broken as a safty device,I started to do it some may remember about 4 months ago when i was in there and just happen to watch my timer catch on fire,i cant harp enough how important it is to use heavy duty timers with hid lighting and always check conections on all circuits making sure none are loose this will draw excessive amperage creating a cost increase and fire hazard oh yea it was 29 this morning so my karma is all good i should have alot of dead plants.il take some pics later today the cross is coming along ok its got 9 blades on the fan leaves.Its gonna go thru some shock probly and ive been training it so its not growing as fast as i expected but shes looking good.


Well-Known Member
damn that sucks dude...

Wiring, etc. as what I'm always worried about. Then again my homebox is in my bedroom so it's a easier to monitor.

Wishing your plants a speedy recovery!


Well-Known Member
man! that sucks! i hope u get everything figured out...thanks for the help with my vent stuff...i got a fan that will blow towards the bulb and an inline fan that i can tie into the reflector...i found a good thread on adaapting before i went and got my stuff...should b good...ill have pics of everything finished with the plants in the new room 2moro!.....good luck with what ur dealing with


Well-Known Member
damn bro,sorry to here that,must suck to loose plants..cant wait to c more pics
Im so fucking pissed,i cant believe this shit all the gadets and shit ive made and bought and forget to do the most important damn thing how STUPID can i be.Ive spent all afternoon where this will never happen again.I now have every circuit covered and troubleshooted where if even my cfls for cloning, circuit is is broken it buzzes in my bedroom till i correct the problem.:evil::evil::evil::evil: il be back on later gonna take a little purple PILL r 2.


Well-Known Member
WEll only 7 surrvived not saying loss so dont even ask.The cross is looking ok considering all that she went thru,i also still have 7, 3 week old clones.And my mother plants stay in the house so there fine.Good thing im was doing the PH thing are it wouldnt be a merry Xmas,for all me included.Im still in:oand really dont belive it till I see the empty trays,then reality sets in.Well i got to go grind some money at Full Tilt Poker find me a couple donks and recover some cash.


Well-Known Member
You just trying to get your ass out of that damn snow....But serious it would be way kewl if we all could get together when obama decrimilizes something that has shown it has many medicinal uses,one of my best friends here has ms,and another is going thru chemo and we all no about increased hunger,lol but it has aloud him to actually hold his food and put on a little weight.
Cheers to that my friend!

Hey, What strain do you use for sleep? I have a sleeping problem, and rather not take sleepnig pills, if you can recommend a strain that be great! Ill have to pick up some seeds, and grow me some.

I loved what you said in another thread.....Everyone here that grows are doctors, and they self medicate. haha, true that man. Rather smoke buds for my pain then taking narcotics. Something from mother nature!

Growing is fun though, its a hobby, and the actual plant is a really interesting one to grow ofcourse. Nothing is better than growing cannabis!


Well-Known Member
WEll only 7 surrvived not saying loss so dont even ask.The cross is looking ok considering all that she went thru,i also still have 7, 3 week old clones.And my mother plants stay in the house so there fine.Good thing im was doing the PH thing are it wouldnt be a merry Xmas,for all me included.Im still in:oand really dont belive it till I see the empty trays,then reality sets in.Well i got to go grind some money at Full Tilt Poker find me a couple donks and recover some cash.
Sorry to hear you lost some plants, but I am glad you have 7 that survived. But yes, ofcourse the loss sucks, but you corrected the problem, and those 7 will be just fine!

Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
This is a great sleeper,but has been know to put on lbs due to frequent eating.Dosage 3 hits.Side effects include weight gain an has been linked to paronoia in some patients.DR.Beech Hows the ol knee doing with winter setting in?


Well-Known Member
Every time I smoke AK-47 I feel like someone slapped me in the face with a cold, wet hand. Definitely a cerebral high.


Well-Known Member
shit looks killer dude.. im def gonna check back for some bud shots..interested is an understatement.. And thanks for the cross strain training great job.. Great thread!!


Well-Known Member
Every time I smoke AK-47 I feel like someone slapped me in the face with a cold, wet hand. Definitely a cerebral high.
Yea its cerebral for a long while,but then its becomes narcotic and im glued to wherever im at like the couch.The way i can best describe its 3 hits and you better get some where,id advise final destionation for atleast 5 hrs.Thats why i crossed it with the JF it has the more energetic get up and clean are do something that i normally dont with the AK.To much of the ak and my mouth stays open for no apparent reason starin at the TV and coudnt even tell you if you asked what id been watching.Its IMO right there with the hash plant strain strongest ive smoked in 10yrs.Oh yea i forgot the cross is in 12/12 as of the 12th.Pics soon as im out of town now be back sunday and hope and pray, alls well.


Well-Known Member
Yea its cerebral for a long while,but then its becomes narcotic and im glued to wherever im at like the couch.The way i can best describe its 3 hits and you better get some where,id advise final destionation for atleast 5 hrs.Thats why i crossed it with the JF it has the more energetic get up and clean are do something that i normally dont with the AK.To much of the ak and my mouth stays open for no apparent reason starin at the TV and coudnt even tell you if you asked what id been watching.Its IMO right there with the hash plant strain strongest ive smoked in 10yrs.Oh yea i forgot the cross is in 12/12 as of the 12th.Pics soon as im out of town now be back sunday and hope and pray, alls well.
damn im gonna have to try sum of dat ak yea!