AK-48, 400w Hps, DR80, Canna Nutes


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, Iv been told the taste isnt great, but I love AK47 and the sativa buzz that it and the AK48 are supposed to provide.

Im using Biobizz All-Mix, I just like being able to pour the soil into the pot with no mixing and messing. I used to add extra perlite, but with the Airpots they dont need any help drying out, watering everyday now!


Active Member
hey nice grow u got going on, i have 4 ak48's myself going right now, well 2 are in flower at week 5, and im vegging to so i can do a scrog grow with them, but mine didnt look like urs or billys in veg, idk alittle weird if u ask me, but yah they stank in veg and when flower comes be ready for some serious smell bro!! i have 3 other plants in my flower room and all i smell is AK, well i thought i shared some pics their from the 5-17th.....
Heres My Vegging ones....


Well-Known Member
I topped mine at the second node when they were seedlings, could be why they look weird to you?


Active Member
im not sure, why they look weird, like ur guys fin leafs are huge compare to mine, and my first 2, i didnt top or nuttin just let them vegg for about 2 weeks then went in 12/12, my other 2 i topped one at the 5th-6th node, and one at the 2nd-3rd one, and now im doing a scrog with them..


nah that's all wrong! kill them and start over man...
hahaha just kidding. You are definitely on track.Unless you're actually trying to grow tomatoes


In fact, I think I'm going to jump on that track. I am liking those airpots! I just use regular 5 gallon pots.


Lookin good bud. I was gonna buy a few AK48 seeds meself but I eventually found a seedbank that had the Ak47 fem from Serious seeds in stock.

Did you get 4 main colas on all plants?


Well-Known Member
There's two dominant ones (the higher up node) and two lesser but still larger than average branches (the lower node).


Well-Known Member
Never going back to Biobizz...gonna be insane buds in a few weeks, lots of crystal too. Smell is getting stronger and stronger too, but the filter is keeping up with it. I wanna just live in there with them!



Lookin awesome! Great choice on the ak48's...the holy grail of weed if ya ask me...short,fast, potent, large yielding...keep those pics coming!


Well-Known Member
Probably about 3-4 weeks left, gonna try the PK13/14 in with the flower nutes next week for one week, we'll see how it works out.

Im aiming for 12 ounces, anyone got an opinion on that? Cant wait till they start swelling.

