AK-48 Automatic Oxyponics Closet Grow 2011


Active Member
I will be purchasing all the equiptment, seeds, etc soon, so keep watching! I know I'm going to get shit from you guys for purchasing the Oxyponics system because I know I could build my own system for cheaper, but I'm not very handy (at all) and money is not an issue. This will be my 3rd Grow in hydroponics, previously using Ebb and Flow systems (flood and drain). Any tips or ideas are welcome! So, here's the line-up...

Oxyponics® 4 Planter System - http://www.stealthhydroponics.com/product.php?xProd=467&xSec=313

SAGARMATHA SEEDS AK48 Automatic Feminized -

Advanced Nutrients Jungle Juice Grow-Micro-Bloom -

FLORALUX 250 watt High Pressure Sodium Grow Light - http://www.htgsupply.com/Product-FLORALUX-250-watt-High-Pressure-Sodium-Grow-Light.asp

I will also have an oscillating fan and co2 running, and of course a thermometer and pH control. I am going to line the walls of my closet with mylar. This will be a closet grow, and I have the perfect space set up for it. Any other suggestions for me? I'm planning on having 3-4 oz's per harvest. I want to make sure that I can have the best QUALITY product possible, and again, money is not an issue, but space and time are. All comments are welcomed! The closet is 3x3x5.5, for those that are wondering. :peace:

UPDATED: Questions...

1. Would upgrading to a 400 watt HPS be efficient enough while obviously increasing my yields (considering it's a 3x3 surface area)?

2. Would investing in a good bloom booster be worth it? (I have a budget for this grow, but it's a relatively large budget considering I am being sponsored by a friend). Still trying to think economically.

3. Does anyone else have any strains that would be good for my style of grow (4 plants, in a 21"x 22" x 19" system, and a 3x3x5.5 space) ?


FINALLY someone is doing a grow with the jungle juice!!! thank you brother....ive been waiting for somebody to do this, so i can figure out if this shit works.
anyways, happy growing!


Well-Known Member

I am also very interested in seeing a grow using Jungle Juice. Don't make the same mistake I've seen a genius on YouTube make - he got all bent out of shape complaining about how Jungle Juice recommends 33ml per gallon for cuttings and seedlings.

He's an idiot who doesn't understand how big a difference there is between 33mL/100L and 33mL/gal. (It's actually 33mL/100L, or about 1.25mL/gal.)

Double and triple check your units so you don't end up overfeeding by more than 25x. And if their Jungle Juice is anything like the rest of their stuff, you can probably get along great at 1/3rd or 1/2 their recommended dosage. Start low and work up.

Regarding your questions:

1. Yes, a 450 would be worth it, provided you can get rid of the extra heat. No amount of light increase is better if you cook your plants. It will depend on your environment, air exchange, and whether you use some kind of cooling (like a ventilated hood, etc).

2. Big Bud. I categorically will not grow without Big Bud. You can toss in Bud Factor X and Overdrive if you want to and you've got the budget for it, but honestly Big Bud will be enough to make sure you get nice fat buds. I always want to top the previous grow so I'm always on the hunt for ways to push the envelope further, but it's always smart to start small and work your way up rather than trying to skip to the end.

3. To me that's really a matter of taste. Everyone has a favorite strain and no one can universally agree on what's best. If you don't like what you're growing it won't matter how great it grows. Just grow whatever you like the most (though probably not any sativas unless you have hella tall ceilings.