Ak-48 Grow Journal With pics :)

So this is my first ever grow it's been growing for about 2.2 weeks and a little 2 day sprout. The first pics are from when it was 2-4 days the later ones are when it was 1 week and the last ones are 2 weeks and as they are now. As you may notice in the last pictures I corrected the stem cos it was bending alot :) Every one is welcome to comment :D Thanks :) :leaf: I will be posting in this thread updates every week !!



Well-Known Member
Good luck with your grow. I just started my first grow recently as well. AK48 is a strain i was already thinking about for my second grow. What is your setup like?
Thanks :) my setup is : one cfl 60 w lamp that is as strong as 400 w and 2 12 w ventilators ,the inside is made with tinfoil Peace :) :leaf:


hi good look with both your grows, just finished a grow with ak48 and for my first grow it was better than expected, 5 plants and i harvest about 3 once per plant, ended up with just under 15 oz, bout to start my second grow with the same strain (still have seeds from last grow), left to dry for a week then cured for 2 more great smoke and good high, high doesent last that long though but good for first timer grow


Active Member
are you going to be using just that bulb for the whole grow, also is the shoe box just for vegging? your gonna need more space. the plant looks to be coming on alright, well done so far. but please get a bigger grow area and light.
I dont know about the light cos i calculated that it produces enough lumen for the grow room. Now abou the room i add more pics so I can show you the actual size do you think it's enough ? Peace :leaf:


hi good look with both your grows, just finished a grow with ak48 and for my first grow it was better than expected, 5 plants and i harvest about 3 once per plant, ended up with just under 15 oz, bout to start my second grow with the same strain (still have seeds from last grow), left to dry for a week then cured for 2 more great smoke and good high, high doesent last that long though but good for first timer grow
Thanks and I am so waiting for the harvest and it's so so far away... Peace :) :leaf:
week 2 day 4 growth has increased rapidly in one night she became almost twice the size and a pair of new leaves everything is looking awesome except the sprout it seems too small to be 4 days old ... I don't know :D. So everything is fine but the lower leaves of my older plant have yellow tips does anyone know why? And last question can anyone tell me how many true nodes my plant has cos i want to top soon. thanks and peace :) :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Where did you get your AK's from? I have a batch of fem beans going down for the next turn, never grew them. Should be fun.....supposed to be a great medical smoke.