AK-48, Northern Lights, Smart pots & 2 x 180 Watt LED Spectra lights


Well-Known Member
My plan is to grow 2xAK48's & 2 Northern Lights. I got feminized seeds from Nirvana. I'll be using a mix of 80% Ocean Forest 20% coarse vermiculite in fabric smart pots I plan to veg & flower in the same pots. After sprouting the seeds via the paper towel method I transferred them to the prepared smart pots, covered loosely with clear plastic wrap and placed 36" away from a Spectra LED 150 light to complete sprouting, maintained temps of aprox 78F. Here's some pics preparing the smart pots.


Well-Known Member
So, we had a problem. One of each of the strains failed to sprout, so I've got one each of the AK-48 & Northern Lights that sprouted this past Tuesday, and the ones that just sprouted today. I plan to veg for 6-8 weeks so it'll be a wash by that time anyway. Currently under lights 24 hours daily, plan to move to 20/4 light cycle 1 week from today. There's two lights in the tent currently a 2011 150 watt (2 watt diodes) Grow Led Hydro-discontinued shortly after release and replaced by the 2011 180 watt - GLH . I'll be taking delivery on Monday for 2 new 2011 180 Watt Spectra LED grow lights it's a 36"x36" grow space that'll total 360 watts of LED growing power-should be sufficient for some big bud by my reckoning. Depending on how my personal budget goes I "may" throw in another 1 for a total of 530 watts LED power-sit tight on that one though. The 150 watt light I have now has to go back Mike the owner of GLH kindly allowed me to swap it out so I'd have a matching set. Here's a pic of the plants 1 tall & 1 short NL have an identical of both of the AK48.



Well-Known Member
hey yum000. I just bught a spectra 180 about three days ago. I talked to Mike on the phone and he said it might not even be a 2 week back order on the lights but never said exactly how long it may take to get to my house. How long did it take you to get yours?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately both times I ordered it took about a month for me to get my lights, just received a 180 yesterday on the 21st ordered on 2/16 Previous to that received light on Jan 31 that I ordered on Dec 31st. Mike said he's shipping me another 180 next week so hopefully he's gotten this backorder sit worked out. Its really the only negative I had about the lights or dealing with Mike, everything was just wonderful-except slow.


Well-Known Member
One of the two 180's arrived yesterday. Mike said the other would ship out next week. Here's some updated pics, was going to update yesterday but the site was down.


Well-Known Member
Wow a month. That sucks. I like Mike I've heard nothing but good things about his lights, but I've noticed his customer service could be much better. He takes forever to return phone calls as well as emails. I guess he is still in school and this light business isn't necessarily his primary focus, and that is unfortunate for his customers. I just spent 800 bucks on a Kirby vacuum and got it the same day, dropping half a grand on a light and waiting for a month is a little ridiculous. Maybe it will be worth the wait though.


Well-Known Member
the two seeds that sprouted first 1-ak48 1-NL have really taken off, particularly the NL and of the two that haven't made much progress, the NL has made the least. Still, I'm expecting the two little ones to hit a spurt any time now.

