ak and earley skunk


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of maybe tryin to get some pollen off the twat and pollenate a couple of buds if i can.how long does it take a plant to produce seeds after it's been pollenated?


Well-Known Member
just gunna roll one to smoke away my blues and then i'll take a look.but if i've only got 1 week left i dont think i'll have time but i could the buds on which i pollenate.i'll have a look and see.

mr west

Well-Known Member
ill join ya in the building of funny roll ups. Dr zoidburg is an officianado on lr2's maybe u should pm him, ill get a link to 1 of his threads, hold tight a min...........

mr west

Well-Known Member
I just put flame to a fat one too, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm inhale exhale, easy like sunday morning lol. puff puff passs>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
i pm him.cheers for that.i think i'm to late but i could freeze it and do it on my next grow.i've got 4 seedlings on the go dont know wtf they are i got them out of a bag of weed but they got 3 sets of proper leafs and its day 11.there growing alot quicker then my first ones but i know abit more now


Well-Known Member
this is the one outdoors see if u can see thhmale bollocks.i new it was flowering cause it grew 6 inches in 2 days just like the 1 i grew indoors.



Well-Known Member
the 1 outdoors has had its main stem split down the middle and 3or 4 days ago it got nocked off the table and snapped 3 of the main stems

mr west

Well-Known Member
bad shit man, poor plant lol. The little ones look nice an healthy, did u say they are bag seed? Was it a nice smoke u got them from?

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol well u could prob improve the taste with ur curing, retail pot is always quick dried if its dry atall lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah too right.i dont think it was flushed it tasted realy chemically.i just hope i get females.that ak plant was out of a bag of weed aswell but the bloke i got it off said it was dutch ak.dont know if it is but it looks and smell's great and it it was a nice smoke from what i remember.[so that's what bag seed is]