AK Bean Brains


Well-Known Member
I’ve got 7 tknl5 hazes about 4 weeks in, all stacking up nicely and all look to be really good yielders. Extremely loud smell on all of them already. 3 stretched nicely into a haze dom structure and two of those have a main cola setting up about the length of my elbow to the tips of my fingers. Fuckers are going for it. Smoke report would be nice
Hell yeah brother! Will you post pics??? I wanna see


Well-Known Member
Usually for sativa with trippy/psychedlic/soaring/energy/creative effect, I go with SnowHigh and Ace Seeds as they have a crap load of pure landrace crosses without any indica or skunk pollution. And if you go to Ace Seed forum on IC, you'd see a lot of actual grow and smoke reports attesting to their great pure genetics.

ACE seeds have been in the industry for a long time compared to AKBB... I think AKBBs popularity just started after his potcast... Hint the reason why you dont see much, yet. But like I said insta is full of reports and pics! Ace advertises quiet a lot too, more people have been growing there stuff for far far longer. I was growing out aces gear back 7-8 years ago, akbb is really fresh.

Don beta

Active Member
That's really interesting since mine have hardly any odor at all. A slight lemon smell and that's it. My last grow my scrubber couldn't keep up with the odor, but this one I haven't even turned it on. They've got a haze look to them and are putting on some resin, but not really putting much weight on and very low odor. Weird....
It is. All 7 I have smell very strong. Haze learners reek like a lime pine hazy smell with some earth. The shorter phenos that I assume are more tk/nl structures smell like an astringent tk funk, one that smells like a sweet(like a daylily) metallic earthiness. They all reek and it’s not even halfway done.


Well-Known Member
I'll make sure and fill this thread with pages and pages with results of all his gear I grow out... Detailed smoke reports etc... I think that will help people feel more confident and comfortable with his genetics. Never heard not one single bad thing about him or his gear... I communicate with a ton of breeders on insta and they all say the same thing, coolest legit cat in the industry!
I'll second this. I've grown a bunch of his gear already (Hawaiian Catpiss, GSC x MAC, Moonshine Haze x NL5, Stardawg/NL1 x SS, Skunk Qabbage x Mimosa) all are top notch. A lot of his genetics are decades old and he does a great job selecting parents as I haven't had a dud pheno of anything yet. He communicates and answers any questions on IG, as well as shows his breeding males.


New Member
@psychadelibud Thank you for the info, but have you or anyone actually grown and done a proper smoke report of the Consumption, TK NL5 Haze, and CG/PR x TKNL5HAZE?

I don't mean to rain on people's parade, but I don't see much smoke reports on here but a lot of speculation and excitement. And yes, I listened to that PotCast and it sounded great, but I want to see actual results from growers like you and me.

Usually for sativa with trippy/psychedlic/soaring/energy/creative effect, I go with SnowHigh and Ace Seeds as they have a crap load of pure landrace crosses without any indica or skunk pollution. And if you go to Ace Seed forum on IC, you'd see a lot of actual grow and smoke reports attesting to their great pure genetics.
About fucking time someone said something. I've been watching this thread for a while and had to jump in to agree with you. Almost the entire thing thus far has been psychadelibud serving as a one-man cheer squad, telling everybody how great beanbrains' gear is without a single grow report or smoke report to back any of it up. There may be some stuff on IG, but IG is full of idiots who say everything is fire. I've seen many digitally enhanced and edited pictures of plants that don't really even exist, and there are always people saying that it is fire. As for bean brains being the most honest person psychadelibud has ever met, that is a really dumb thing to say. There are many breeders who are just as honest if not more so. First bean brains hypes up tknl5haze on a potcast, then he sells varying filion generation, then it turns out if you want the good stuff, you have to get the breeder pack that is only available through him directly, then it turns out he wasn't even talking about tknl5haze, but Waco. He also supposedly gave psychadelibud cgpr x tknl5haze as a "tester" but is selling it before he can even grow it to "test". This mother fucker is either a shitty business man, or he is shifty as hell. Here people are spending who knows how much money based on second hand information with no evidence to back up anything. He may be new, but that is all the reason to be skeptical and not buy into stuff that nobody has grown. Oh, and another thing, he misspelled Darién Gap.


Well-Known Member
About fucking time someone said something. I've been watching this thread for a while and had to jump in to agree with you. Almost the entire thing thus far has been psychadelibud serving as a one-man cheer squad, telling everybody how great beanbrains' gear is without a single grow report or smoke report to back any of it up. There may be some stuff on IG, but IG is full of idiots who say everything is fire. I've seen many digitally enhanced and edited pictures of plants that don't really even exist, and there are always people saying that it is fire. As for bean brains being the most honest person psychadelibud has ever met, that is a really dumb thing to say. There are many breeders who are just as honest if not more so. First bean brains hypes up tknl5haze on a potcast, then he sells varying filion generation, then it turns out if you want the good stuff, you have to get the breeder pack that is only available through him directly, then it turns out he wasn't even talking about tknl5haze, but Waco. He also supposedly gave psychadelibud cgpr x tknl5haze as a "tester" but is selling it before he can even grow it to "test". This mother fucker is either a shitty business man, or he is shifty as hell. Here people are spending who knows how much money based on second hand information with no evidence to back up anything. He may be new, but that is all the reason to be skeptical and not buy into stuff that nobody has grown. Oh, and another thing, he misspelled Darién Gap.
I'm sorry a full detailed smoke report isn't available for you here yet. If doing your own research into his genetics you can't find a reason to buy any of his gear, I don't think he will be offended. His stuff sells fast without the reports and hype.


Well-Known Member
About fucking time someone said something. I've been watching this thread for a while and had to jump in to agree with you. Almost the entire thing thus far has been psychadelibud serving as a one-man cheer squad, telling everybody how great beanbrains' gear is without a single grow report or smoke report to back any of it up. There may be some stuff on IG, but IG is full of idiots who say everything is fire. I've seen many digitally enhanced and edited pictures of plants that don't really even exist, and there are always people saying that it is fire. As for bean brains being the most honest person psychadelibud has ever met, that is a really dumb thing to say. There are many breeders who are just as honest if not more so. First bean brains hypes up tknl5haze on a potcast, then he sells varying filion generation, then it turns out if you want the good stuff, you have to get the breeder pack that is only available through him directly, then it turns out he wasn't even talking about tknl5haze, but Waco. He also supposedly gave psychadelibud cgpr x tknl5haze as a "tester" but is selling it before he can even grow it to "test". This mother fucker is either a shitty business man, or he is shifty as hell. Here people are spending who knows how much money based on second hand information with no evidence to back up anything. He may be new, but that is all the reason to be skeptical and not buy into stuff that nobody has grown. Oh, and another thing, he misspelled Darién Gap.
Nobody here gives a flying fuck what you have to say - Mr 1st post man. :finger:
Kick rocks douche canoe.


Well-Known Member
@Kndreyn also, all the grows I've seen on insta the tknl5haze is a very very heavy yielding plant. Nl5haze in general will give you arm length buds, all over the place! One of the heaviest yielding plants I've ever grown was a nl5haze... what is your setup like and do you have more than just one to judge by??
I'm running in Promix using Jack's nutrients. Same as I've been using since 2000. Well it's changed a bit. Back then in was Peter's 10-50-10 and now it's Jack's 10-20-30. I vegged them under a 315 CMH then under a 1000 watt HPS for flowering. Pumping lots of fresh are in to the room. Humidity stays between 40 and 50. Temps around 75° during lights on, and around 65 - 70° during dark. To be fair, I've been battling PM through the whole grow. Worse case of it I've ever had, so that could be a factor. I gotta say, the early samples are very VERY potent. I just did a run of Dominion stuff and none of it was as potent as this. The only thing I have as good as this is Cannarado's Birthday Funk. And I think the TKNL5Haze lasts longer and has more of a head tingling buzz. I like it a lot!
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Well-Known Member
About fucking time someone said something. I've been watching this thread for a while and had to jump in to agree with you. Almost the entire thing thus far has been psychadelibud serving as a one-man cheer squad, telling everybody how great beanbrains' gear is without a single grow report or smoke report to back any of it up. There may be some stuff on IG, but IG is full of idiots who say everything is fire. I've seen many digitally enhanced and edited pictures of plants that don't really even exist, and there are always people saying that it is fire. As for bean brains being the most honest person psychadelibud has ever met, that is a really dumb thing to say. There are many breeders who are just as honest if not more so. First bean brains hypes up tknl5haze on a potcast, then he sells varying filion generation, then it turns out if you want the good stuff, you have to get the breeder pack that is only available through him directly, then it turns out he wasn't even talking about tknl5haze, but Waco. He also supposedly gave psychadelibud cgpr x tknl5haze as a "tester" but is selling it before he can even grow it to "test". This mother fucker is either a shitty business man, or he is shifty as hell. Here people are spending who knows how much money based on second hand information with no evidence to back up anything. He may be new, but that is all the reason to be skeptical and not buy into stuff that nobody has grown. Oh, and another thing, he misspelled Darién Gap.
If you think so shitty of him then by all means, why even be here??? 99% of what you just said is complete bullshit. Imo you are probably some jealous fuck of a shit "chucker" that calls yourself a "breeder", that's pissed off because AKBB is reaping all of your sales on your "elite" s1 and poly hybrid cake n cookie crosses.... Gtf out of here with that shit! If anything, you should have some hardcore fucking respect for a man that is bringing all of these old genetics back to the people. The shit that started this entire industry and got us where we are today.

Go crawl back up inside of your mothers whore hole where you came from you fucking troll. Anyone here that agrees with you should do the same! There is a reason AKBB is respected so highly in the breeding World and has collaborated with people like relic/dynasty, mr. Bob hemphill etc... Did you know that he donated and contributed $20,000 worth of genetics to the "Canndor" herbarium? How many other breeders do you know that's done such a thing? I'm not saying he is the ONLY great breeder/person out there... I am saying however that he is among the greatest and I respect a lot of fucking breeders.

You obviously know nothing about the man and you should get the fuck off this thread. Shows how fucking stupid you are for following a thread that you have no interest in, a breeder you despise so much... Guess it was worth reading huh? Shit bag.

We all knew this was coming.... The trolls, the haters, the jealousy, and the list goes on.... Coming out of the woodworks boys!
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Well-Known Member
I'm sorry a full detailed smoke report isn't available for you here yet. If doing your own research into his genetics you can't find a reason to buy any of his gear, I don't think he will be offended. His stuff sells fast without the reports and hype.
You're so right... He gives less than a fuck what douche bags like that dude thinks. He definitely would not be offended, at all.


Well-Known Member
I'm running in Promix using Jack's nutrients. Same as I've been using since 2000. Well it's changed a bit. Back then in was Peter's 10-50-10 and now it's Jack's 10-20-30. I vegged them under a 315 CML then under a 1000 watt HPS for flowering. Pumping lots of fresh are in to the room. Humidity stays between 40 and 50. Temps around 75° during lights on, and around 65 - 70° during dark. To be fair, I've been battling PM through the whole grow. Worse case of it I've ever had, so that could be a factor. I gotta say, the early samples are very VERY potent. I just did a run of Dominion stuff and none of it was as potent as this. The only thing I have as good as this is Cannarado's Birthday Funk. And I think the TKNL5Haze lasts longer and has more of a head tingling buzz. I like it a lot!
Sounds like your grow is set up just right and your pretty much dialed in! This is really good to hear... I hope that it turns out great in the end and I'm sure if it's already this potent it's going to be insane by the time its finished and cured. I personally am the type that never waits on a cure. I can judge a plants potency within a week of it finishing, simply by chopping a small bud and drying it in 2 days... or less and throwing it in my pipe and smoking it up. No need to wait for a proper dry, cure and all that imo.

Keep us updated!


Well-Known Member
Now..... Since bitch boy has crawled back up inside of his mothers whore hole and is playing "who's the daddy?" for a bit while, let's get back to business here... :bigjoint: :finger:

I've been really busy! You guys that are following my thread I linked recently, I apologize for the lack of updates. This is the busiest time of year for me mainly due to an indoor reset, selecting new outdoor plots, etc has really been eating up my time.

Currently, this is what I am doing and looking like I wont hit the bed till after daylight. Anyone curious about AKBB and his genetics will soon find out, I have a huge variety to search thru...



Well-Known Member
I grow a lot of weed and have grown out many high dollar packs from the hype breeders.
I've only grown out 1 pack of Ak Beanbrains gear and it was right up there with the best out there.

I'm currently testing some gear for him and I gave him my big bad bitch pheno of the Tk/NL5Haze F2, that I grew a couple months ago, for him to try out.
He gave me the Americanna.

So all I have to show is 3 plants from 10 seeds of Tk/NL5Haze F2's that were given to me after I purchased a few packs.
2 were Northern Lights leaners in my opinion and 1 was more haze, but nothing like an old school NL5xHaze.
No big fluffy Haze buds, but thick and solid.
There's definately been some breeding and in a good way for me.
He's not the guy your going to be expecting landrace or heirloom Sativas from.
All 3 Tk/NL5Haze I grew, carried the trademark Og reek up front, from the Triangle Kush, but the Haze leaner had those Jack terps hiding behind the kush, while the other 2 had that sweet NL bubblegummy Afghan hiding inside.

I've already posted these, but I guess I'll do it again, just in case somebody might get the impression that no one has posted pictures or given a smoke report.

Tk/NL5xHaze F2


Oh and BTW it was all good a real 5 fingered crowd pleaser.
There was no loss of bowel control, no seizures were observed, nobody was sent to the hospital with a panick attack and nobody thought they dropped acid.
Just lots of grins, deep thought and pizza.



Well-Known Member
Well I am gonna keep things on the civil tip. I won't pass any fair judgement on anything till I blast into space. Here is my consumption F2. She has a ways to go as I am feeling there is at least a few weeks left. Right now its about 60 days from flip. Not the frostiest but it stinks like cheese and sugar, sort of like asian pears.

Consumption 5-15 (7).jpgConsumption 5-15 (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
About fucking time someone said something. I've been watching this thread for a while and had to jump in to agree with you. Almost the entire thing thus far has been psychadelibud serving as a one-man cheer squad, telling everybody how great beanbrains' gear is without a single grow report or smoke report to back any of it up. There may be some stuff on IG, but IG is full of idiots who say everything is fire. I've seen many digitally enhanced and edited pictures of plants that don't really even exist, and there are always people saying that it is fire. As for bean brains being the most honest person psychadelibud has ever met, that is a really dumb thing to say. There are many breeders who are just as honest if not more so. First bean brains hypes up tknl5haze on a potcast, then he sells varying filion generation, then it turns out if you want the good stuff, you have to get the breeder pack that is only available through him directly, then it turns out he wasn't even talking about tknl5haze, but Waco. He also supposedly gave psychadelibud cgpr x tknl5haze as a "tester" but is selling it before he can even grow it to "test". This mother fucker is either a shitty business man, or he is shifty as hell. Here people are spending who knows how much money based on second hand information with no evidence to back up anything. He may be new, but that is all the reason to be skeptical and not buy into stuff that nobody has grown. Oh, and another thing, he misspelled Darién Gap.
I personally don’t have a problem w/this post . You call it like you see it !! I will pull the value from your words or flush the bullshit . We can’t all be friends but the tie/path that binds is clearly the same .

Edit : But I sure fucking hope it’s not a spelling contest for us AARP motherfuckers . Most times it takes half a day to remember who and where the fuck I am ,but that’s on me .
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Well-Known Member
Well I'm pretty certain my PM issue I've been battling had some affect on the yield. I've never seen anything like it. Nothing I've tried has even slowed it down. Like I say, I took some early samples a week or so ago. I had some last night and it kicked my ass. Great weed....


Well-Known Member
Well I'm pretty certain my PM issue I've been battling had some affect on the yield. I've never seen anything like it. Nothing I've tried has even slowed it down. Like I say, I took some early samples a week or so ago. I had some last night and it kicked my ass. Great weed....
if you have PM you need to sanitize and then sterilize your tent to get rid of it or else you won't; those spores are prolific as fuck.


Well-Known Member
I've never had to deal with PM.
If you keep your humidity low will it even grow?
Yes. PM is a show stopper and id say 1000x worse than spider mites for a comparison of pests. Spider mites you can get rid of and still harvest if you do it right. PM, you have to start cutting sections of the plant off and praying the spores didn't circulate throughout your whole tent. But any time and every time someone mentions it, I always recommend after their current grow to stop production, and just clean / sterilize the hell out of their tent before they start again or else the probability of it coming back is exponential.