AK47 2 weeks into flower...buds dying! HELP


Well-Known Member
These beloved ladies are getting fucked by something and i have no idea what the problem is.

Discovered fungus nats about a week ago and dosed them with some GNAT-OFF seems to have killed the little cunts crawling in my soil, the fly catchers should sort the rest.

apart from that i suspect it could be nutrient def./ or lock out due to low or high Ph in soil.

plse help guys dont post much on here but always makes for good reading. cheers


Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
honestly that looks like its parents were brother and sister, sometimes genetics of the seed/strain make it hard to grow to fruition, get your seeds from an authorized dealer, this looks like a seed you found in a joint which probably didnt have the proper amino acids to get it off the ground correctly, I only say this because I can see several deformed leaves.

go with a better and more reliable strain


Well-Known Member
they are serious seeds feminised AK-47 i would never waste this much cash on a bagseed lol. just tested the ph and its at 6.5 so im running out of ideas now


not enough calcium look up a chart on nute def probaly due to lock out are you using tap water


Well-Known Member
look like a def., probly by lockout... what nutes you useing?, what is the pH your feeding/watering at?, how often you water?..., for the most part iv found a good flush follower by a mellow pH corrected feed can solve almost anything...good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
using ionics bloom nutes and dr hornbys big bud plants have only had 3 feedings since they went into flower were veged on organic soil containing nutes. watering with 7.1 ph water, only water when bags are dry so every 4 days or so(massive potato planters are being used as pots). what ph should i be feeding them?
you need to redo your water, and cool it on the feeding, your "loving" it too much. haha... 5.1 is your ideal ph for these plants, and if you dont chemically get it close to that after 2 tries, wait an hour or use neutral water to start over again. you dont want the water all effed out with chemical in it, you want the plant to have oxygen and water and MAYBE food, so, start feeding a 3 of the nutes it calls for until you see what she responds to. shes a haze so its going to be important to accomidate her with a lot of water in that tank above all else. hoped that helps a bit, good luck.


Active Member
looks like a water problem, i dont know if its the picture or what but they look brown, flush the pots, and start over w/the h2o like refridgahater says, i know sativa is harder to grow i think ak47 is sativa, dont love them to death they are a weed you kn ow good luck are they indoor or out door? again good luck


Well-Known Member
they are indoor just done a flush but its hard getting 50litre grow bags through a loft hatch lol, ive grown a few times and this has never happend. all of the bud sites are drying up to nothing and the plant has only had 3 feeds in its life!


Well-Known Member
the rest of the plant looks healthy...is the only damaged areas on the top?...what type of light are you using...one of the leaves in one of the pics looks like its curled around in a circle.did they get to close to the lights,whats the temps in the grow area.it dont look like nute burn...7.1 is a little high for your water tho.i like mine around 6.5 for soil grows


Well-Known Member
600w HPS, room temps vary but ive been keeping it low 70s at the minute due to the problems, have an air-con blowing in which i have now turned off because the guy at my local grow shop said it might be something to do with the aircon. its not just the tops that are damaged it is all of the budsites, even the ones below the canopy are beginng to get affected.


Active Member
I used to ph around 6.8 to 7 and kept getting rips and deformed leaves and weird holes like something was eating it but i had no bugs. I ph to 6 then bubble it for an hour then recheck the ph a few times and fine tune it to 6 again as it usually rises. My bottle of floranova says to ph from 5 to 6.5. My plants are super green growing faster with no more problems. I have lots of lime in my soil so the ph tends to rise a bit so i ph my water on the low side. My run off comes out at 6.3.


Well-Known Member
I used to ph around 6.8 to 7 and kept getting rips and deformed leaves and weird holes like something was eating it but i had no bugs. I ph to 6 then bubble it for an hour then recheck the ph a few times and fine tune it to 6 again as it usually rises. My bottle of floranova says to ph from 5 to 6.5. My plants are super green growing faster with no more problems. I have lots of lime in my soil so the ph tends to rise a bit so i ph my water on the low side. My run off comes out at 6.3.
hmm, i had my pH goin in at 5.9 at one point...plants were not happy...i am in fox farm ocean forest soil, but i have a 50/50 soil to perlite ratio...but i dunno it might work out for mcnulty, just try not to drop it alot in a short period of time it will freak your plants out, iv head do not drop it more than .5 within 24 hrs...


Well-Known Member
i feel a GOOD flush where the runoff is atleast 50% (in your case 1.5 gallons), followed by a light feed(both pH corrected), prolly at about 1/2 strength your bottle tells you. will fix almost anythig in soil, but i really think you should get that pH up to atleast 6.5 man...

EDIT: im stoned, your at 6.5 right? stay there then...