Ak47 43 Days into Flowering Leaves Around Main Cola are Falling Off (With Pics)

Hey guys I've been running ak47 since this past November. The plant is currently in a 5 gallon bucket( no drainage holes), I'm using happy frog soil(without any added per lite), and using flora nova(at 1.25tsp per gal) and general hydroponics cal mag(1tsp per gal) every other watering. Up until now the plant has been fairly healthy, I did have to run a go-gnats and Palmolive dish soap(fungus gnats), plant did suffer a little but bounced back fairly quick. Now over the past week or so the leaves surrounding the top colas are beginning to yellow, brown towards the tips, and are crispy. The plants are about 1 ft from a 400w Hps in a cool tube, tops of the buds are warm but not burning. I'm 43 days into flowering all pistols are still white, and the rest of the plant remains a healthy lush green . I'm pretty concerned about the yellowing, i know its sort of expected towards the end of flowering , but this is my first grow and I'm not really sure when that is suppose happen. So guys i could really use some advice at this point, is she doing alright or is there a serious problem with my plant. your help will be greatly appreciated.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie(these bongs dudes are awesome! by the way). Oh yeah and much longer do you guys think i should wait to chop her.


Smucker G

Active Member
Why no drainage? Plant looks like it has some problem. Maybe too much nutes. Maybe a def. Someone more experience may diag for ya.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you have any (serious) problems! and would just keep on with what you are doing! how fast are the leaves falling off? one here and there or starting to all fall of? are you cleaning them up at all? grab the yellow leaves and give a little pull, if the leaf is dead or almost dead it will come off a lot easier! Wait until at least 8 weeks to cut it, get a jewelers loop that will tell you when. my plants usually start yellowing about 2 -2 1/2 weeks before they are done and have lost about an eight or quarter of its fan leaves by the time I cut it. If you are super worried about it, you can add a just a bit of N. Not a lot just enough to slow the yellowing. quarter strength veg fert mixed with your flower fert.

really easy to put holes drain holes in that bucket! even with the plant in it! heat a coat hanger and poke holes! you might hit a root or two but the drainage is better!

Smucker G

Active Member
Seems like poor advice to me. Those burnt leaves aint normal. Like I said either a def or a burn. Maybe too hot. Not sure what the issue is but you should try something new. Try 2-3 waterings with no nutes, check your temps. For sure drill some drainage holes.
yeah I'm not really sure about it being nute burn. I have 7 other smaller plants and they're getting the exact same nutrient mix and they're are doing fine. i'll probably go out tomorrow and get some test strips to check the ph. thanks for input guys

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I think any of the alleged problems can be traced back to your lack of drainage .....
Yes Yes Yes. I can't believe they look as good as they do with no drainage. You needs to have drainage holes always. Drill some holes today, give them a good flush and a light feeding or 2. Then start your pre harvest flushing. What should happen is that the smaller newr leaves should green up a bit from the feeding, and the older lower leaves should begin to die off from the flushing. While dying lower leaves is a good indicator that you're getting a good nute flush, yellowing new upper leaves is just going to make your weed look and taste poor.



The problem is the lack of drainage holes. You're watering and the plants roots sit in what's supposed to be run-off water. Its full of salts that are dangerous for the plants. YOU DEFINITELY NEED DRAINAGE and You need to flush with water and make sure the water is ph'd. Im 100% thats what the problem is. It happened to me too. Although I had drainage I also had my plant sitting in a tray so the run-off was being sucked back into the plants.


Well-Known Member
Drill holes, run distilled or phed water thro the soil, let it drain and flush out. Let her rest a day. Water again with distilled and 1/2 strength nutes and u should be okay. Add a few drops of the veg nutes too