AK47 first indoor grow

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
try to get some gallons of stabilized weak nute solution too that way when your res looses a bit of water you wont have to toss in there something that isnt very stable. you should try to bring it to 5.5 and then let it go up again. id say perfect ph is 5.8 but its so hard to get it perfect


Well-Known Member
try to get some gallons of stabilized weak nute solution too that way when your res looses a bit of water you wont have to toss in there something that isnt very stable. you should try to bring it to 5.5 and then let it go up again. id say perfect ph is 5.8 but its so hard to get it perfect
I usually add the water to the res and then check the ph, the problem is the nutes lower the ph initially and then it goes up gradually until it stabilizes in the second week. The res is 33 gals but I use 25 gals.


Well-Known Member
The CFLs arrived this afternoon and I continued with the A/C project, I finished the evap section and I noticed when I got home that the bagseed seedlings had grown some impressive leaves, I'm kind of thinking they may be sativa dominant, time will tell. I'm continuing to adjust the ph levels and I'll keep close tabs from now on.


1) the finished evaporator unit, a duct will be connected to the top of the evaporator and one of the 105 Watt CFLs
2) the seedlings, the first 4 on the left are the AKs and the rest are bagseeds
3) the ladies today



Well-Known Member
The CFLs arrived this afternoon and I continued with the A/C project, I finished the evap section and I noticed when I got home that the bagseed seedlings had grown some impressive leaves, I'm kind of thinking they may be sativa dominant, time will tell. I'm continuing to adjust the ph levels and I'll keep close tabs from now on.


1) the finished evaporator unit, a duct will be connected to the top of the evaporator and one of the 105 Watt CFLs
2) the ladies today
3) the seedlings, the first 4 on the left are the AKs and the rest are bagseeds
Good news dikncider, glad to see you're making some good progress. The plants are looking good, and Sativa dominant to me as well, you coming along any problem yet? Keep the posts coming my friend, can't wait to see that AK start developing mate. Happy growing

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Good news dikncider, glad to see you're making some good progress. The plants are looking good, and Sativa dominant to me as well, you coming along any problem yet? Keep the posts coming my friend, can't wait to see that AK start developing mate. Happy growing

KC :leaf:
Thanks for your interest, the only problem has been the ph after changing the res but I won't let it happen again! I'm including the latest pic, the plant in the back middle is exploding, it's at 12 1/2" and all of them are growing some huge fan leaves.



Well-Known Member
Well today I moved 3 of the AKs to the new res and I made a quick reflector out of materials I had laying around. The light socket holder was from the piece of bracket I cut of the dehumidifier fan and the reflector I made from sheet metal I had, I hot glued some mylar to it and added some bent coat hangers for hanging and that's it. I'll be working on the veg chamber to seal it up nice and tight today and possibly begin to install the a/c.

1) the ladies today, the yellowing is an illusion cause I adjusted the cam to get better detail
2) I've been shutting of the exhaust while home and running a lil co2 from a propane torch
3) the plants don't mind the higher temps while getting gassed
4) the completed reflector setup



Well-Known Member
Those plants are developing some fat indica leaves on them, very nice mate. You have a schedule for when you're going to flower those AKs? Keep the posts coming

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Probably Mon or Tues, I'm trying to set up a couple of 5 gal buckets for the 2 moms to put in the veg chamber, thanks for ur interest m8 will put up pics later.


Well-Known Member
Well today I worked on light proofing the flower room cause it's 12/12 on Tuesday and I put the future moms in their own 5 gal buckets. I still need to light proof the tops and a little of the sides, the bottoms have foil tape blocking the light. None have showed their sex yet. I'm adding about a cap full of ph down per day to stay at 5.8.

1) Pic before I moved the future moms into the veg room, the biggest AK is 15" and the others almost 14, the runt on the back right is about 11" and 9 days behind the other 3.
2) The future moms in the veg area under the new 105W CFL.
3) The clones I took from the 2 stinkiest plants are starting to straighten out.



Well-Known Member
I temporarily installed a co2 sensor, it has a set of normally open contacts that close at 1400 ppm so I will devise a way to use it to exhaust the room it works on 24 volts ac so I installed a transformer for it, the transformer will also supply the a/c system I'm working on for the grow area. Tomorrow it's 12/12, I guess the 3 small aks are going to go along for the ride, I don't have anywhere to put them. I'm going to run the lights at night so I can tend to them when I'm home. All the plants are looking good with the exception of a couple of the bagseed seedlings, I lowered the ph a little too much in the bubbler.

1) the new co2 sensor
2) the ladies after rearranging.



Well-Known Member
I brought her in to the grow area last night, she's getting eaten up by leaf miners, I sprayed her with some insecticide for vegetables and she's waiting for 7pm to come alive with the rest of the clan. I'll try to get a pic up but I won't be home til late tonight. Cheers

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
i would have left her outside and treated her there, you don't want all kind of bugs in your indoor grow area. anyway i hope none of that nasty crap gets close to your inside girls. keep up the good stuff, and the pics!!!


Well-Known Member
i would have left her outside and treated her there, you don't want all kind of bugs in your indoor grow area. anyway i hope none of that nasty crap gets close to your inside girls. keep up the good stuff, and the pics!!!
I hear you, I brought her in over the weekend and sprayed her prior to that and last night I sprayed her again and left her inside, hopefully there won't be any infestations. I kept a close eye on the indoor girls but everything appears to be cool. I'll post some pics in a few.


Well-Known Member
Well tonight is the clans first 12/12, after adjusting the ph on all the honeys I took these pics. I need more light in the veg area so tomorrow I'll be adding a shelf for the bagseed babies and adding the additional lighting. I also have to pick up some more nutes FF big bloom, tiger bloom and open sesame and various other supplies I need.

1) The outside lil lady, filling up with luscious buds.
2) The clan getting gassed
3) the rest of the clan in the veg area



Well-Known Member
Yesterday I upped the nutes, the bigger aks liked it but the little ones didn't, they are yellowing at the top if they continue to deteriorate I'll plant them and move them out side. This morning I found the plants a little droopy so I upped the flood cycles to 3 times a day, they looked ok when I got home in the afternoon. No definite signs of sex yet. The seedlings and the clones in the veg chamber appear to be ok with the exception of one clone that seems to not be taking very well but is still green and upright somewhat.

1) the clan today.
2) the future mothers
3) the seedlings and clones



Well-Known Member
Today I cleaned and changed the nutes in the flower and bubbler reservoirs, the younger aks in the tub don't seem to mind the increased nutes and I checked on the clones and noticed some yellowing and dark spots on one of the clones new growth ( high humidity and temps these last few days), I mixed up some ph'd water with h2o2 and sprayed them with it. It's wait and see for now but these clones don't really matter because they came from the 2 biggest plants and I don't like the internodal spacing on them.

1) The happy clan
2) a top view of the mom in soil ( some animal's been nipping the bottom buds, hehe)
3) the mothers to be showing new growth
4) the clones 10 days in no roots yet

