AK47... more problems... are these male? Hermie?

Apologies, these are the best pics I could find.

I posted a few weeks ago, was having some problems with some of my crop. My indicas (818budha) are my sour og sativas are doing okay (great, as far as i can tell)... flowering up beautilfully.

However, my 6 ak47s are havin ga rough time. 3 have died straight up, 2 are alive but look a little funny, and 1 looks.. well.. i'm betting its hermie.

The suspected-hermie plant's leaves are very 'soft' looking, and most of the new leaves are all 3-tipped (not 5 like the sour og or 818B). The other two ak47 plants are much bigger and thicker, but while their older/lower leaves are 5-tipped... the new ones also look 3-tipped. I'm having a hard time telling whether they are male or what.

The first two pics are of the suspected hermie, and the other two are the other 'healthy' ak47s.... if you need more pics feel free to ask. I also have pics of the old sick ones before they went.

If they are male... should i remove them from the room? Is it too late? thanks for the help!

project 4 002.jpgproject 4 001.jpg100_2029.jpg100_2030.jpg


Undercover Mod
Looks like it is time for you to start over. I see so many problems I have no idea where to start.
Okay first that looks like algae on your rockwool thats bad.Second i dont know if its hermie or not but it looks like white hairs.
Alright, I'll take allt he harsh criticism you can give me, but i do need to learn from this and do better.

1) In my last thread, several people saw the algae on the rockwool and said it wasn't a big deal. This makes sense to me... I don't mind if there is algae on the top of the rockwool.. should I? I have cleaned the actual reservoir and hose lines out regularly and there's no algae in that.

2) Can you tell me what else you see wrong with these plants? What else is up? Are teh currently healthy looking plants ruined as well?
Alright, I'll take allt he harsh criticism you can give me, but i do need to learn from this and do better.

1) In my last thread, several people saw the algae on the rockwool and said it wasn't a big deal. This makes sense to me... I don't mind if there is algae on the top of the rockwool.. should I? I have cleaned the actual reservoir and hose lines out regularly and there's no algae in that.

2) Can you tell me what else you see wrong with these plants? What else is up? Are teh currently healthy looking plants ruined as well?
I dont know but i would definately get rid of the algae.You could be overwatering your plants as well.I think they can make a recovery.Try slowing down on the watering.
Okay. Can you tell the sex from those photos?

Whats the best way to get the algae out? Just scrape it off/remove the rockwool? Or cover the rockwell surface with something opaque so no light gets in?


Well-Known Member
Hey Bud you would have had some awesome plants if you would have just went with

have it solid white in your flowering room
use a soiless mix (I use FF)
maybe some water/fish emulsion
and some decent lights.
And some oscillating fans

Buy the book
Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible [Paperback]

Jorge Cervantes

Jorge Cervantes (Author)

And he has a video rolling around on the internet somewhere.

It helps a lot and you will get into growing more and treat your plants the way they need to be treated.

God luck


Well-Known Member
You plants are overwated and overfead.
You need a ph meter and ppm meter
Get rid of the foil
Set up a ventillation system
And clean you system more often and run some peroxcide to get rid of the algee
nutes - i used sensibloom a&b, big bud, adn sensizyme, all about 1/2 the recommended strength, for the first 3 weeks of flower (we're in week 3). this is what the grow bibles and this forum instructed.

i have a ph meter, runoff ph has been ~6.5 the whole time

i just got rid of all the foil on the walls, its white now.

vent system is in place, though it could probably be improved

i will clean more often.

can you guys tell from those pics whether that plant is hermie or what?
imho do you see balls or nanners anywhere?Because i dont i think its female but just in bad shape.
I'll keep an eye out, maybe take a bunch more pictures and let you see since I dno't really know what I'm looking for. But no, I don't see anything that 'definitively' looks like a seed... and i think i may be overanalyzing it to some degree.