
cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
the ones i grew were amazing. sativa side, stretched like crazy and looked like it'd be a flop. but a full 9 weeks into flower, they were gorgeous. harvest at ten weeks was best for me. need to prop them or tie them if you're growing large, since it gets top heavy.

very vigorous and extremely hard to kill.


Well-Known Member
I have grown AK48 from Nirvana - had a very sativa-like pheno that more than tripled in height and took longer than 9 weeks in flower. About the opposite of the description I had read and was expecting. But it was a very vigorous grower and the smoke was excellent. Was worth the effort of growing even though it outgrew my space.


Well-Known Member
the ones i grew were amazing. sativa side, stretched like crazy and looked like it'd be a flop. but a full 9 weeks into flower, they were gorgeous. harvest at ten weeks was best for me. need to prop them or tie them if you're growing large, since it gets top heavy.

very vigorous and extremely hard to kill.
Funny, I just wrote about the exact same thing at the same time. I actually wouldn't hesitate to grow it again and wish I had kept some clones.


Well-Known Member
Here's my first grow. Nirvanas ak-48. https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/696180-drooping-crisp-textured-leaves-first.html are you growing indoors or out. I was advised to harvest 55 days after flip. Good advice. I did let some of the lower branches go longer. The lowers had more amber tricks but fluffier buds so I let them alone. My wife and bros girlfriend said yesterday that the 5 month cure on what is left has increased the quality in every way. I had one plant that I really wanted to kill. It was a problem child. But it pulled through and produced some really nice flowers. Welcome to riu Frank.


Well-Known Member
When did you start yours and when did you harvest?
If you were asking me, I grew AK48 indoors but it would have been an excellent outdoor plant considering how big they got... I don't remember how long I vegged them for now (it was several years ago).

In regards to if you can start yet, make sure there are likely to not be any more freezes/frosts in your region before you put them out. Now would be a perfect time to get them started indoors for transplanting outdoors later though if you have the space/equipment.


Well-Known Member
I'm also growing ak48 this year outdoor. They are just germinating now it's a bit late . Do you think they have enough time ? I have until the end of September. Maybe 4 months if im lucky.