AK49 and NL autoflower grow


Alight, heres the scoop. I'm 11 days into my current grow and after the success of my last autoflower grow, i thought i would post a journal to show exactly what i did which lead to great results. Feel free to comment and ask questions. Heres the current setup.

Strains= 2- AK49 autofem
1- northern lights autofem
Soil= 3/4 filled with FF OF and 1/4 near top FF happy frog. Added a bag of mykos (3.5g) between the 3 pots
Light= 4' T5 light for now. 10 - 42w cfl's to be added later
Tent= 28"x54"x78"

Heres a few pics from today. Day 11.

Ill try and post some pictures tomorrow of my last autoflower grow.
Thanks for looking..


Alright. As promised i have some pictures from the previous grow..
Strains include:
NL auto x 2
Diesel matic x2
Auto AK x1

I cant seem to get the early pictures as the files wont open. Here are the pics towards the end of the grow:


I have many more pictures on my phone. Just gotta figure out how to upload them.


Day 18 Update

So i was out town for the past 4 days and had my gf tending to the plants during this time.

Looks like the last day before i returned she did not raise the lights high enough and burnt some leaves on 2 of the plants. Its not bad, just not ideal for such young plants.
I'm also having some issues with watering. I used more perlite this grow and am having a hard time finding a balance of moisture throughout the pot. The top several inches will be bone dry, but the soil at the bottom has been pretty moist since the first good watering and will not dry. I think 1 of the plants is being stunted, but i have stopped watering for the past week and just using a spray to wet the first 2" since the lights are so close to the soil.
I wanna start giving a little bit of FF grow big to the water, but i need the soil to dry before i start feeding and adding more water.
I've been trying to keep the temps a little higher (around 80) and the humidity has been running around 30%, but i think the added perlite is really messing with me. Should i just stop spraying the top of the soil? Im spraying the top to try to get the roots to spread the width of the pot instead of just going straight to the bottom of the pot.
Heres some pics, you can see the burnage.
Day 18


Day 24

picture update:
Left=NL, Center=AK49, Right= AK49
The 1 AK is still struggling, but showing signs of bouncing back. I skipped another watering for her today and gave the other 2 plants a gallon of water with 1 tsp grow big.


Day 29 update

Growing nicely the last few days and the struggling AK is finally starting to show improved growth.
fed the NL and larger AK today
-1.5 gal split between the 2
-2tsp grow big
-4.5 tsp big bloom
