Al B. FAQt

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Well-Known Member
1) lumens don't add. The lumen figure is a measure of brightness. No lamp gets brighter because there is another one beside it. 2x 2900lm lamps yields 2900 lumens.

2) A 250HPS yields 28,500 lumens, the lamp tube is $20. An entire kit with ballast and ref is $117.

3) 150W CFLs are about $60 each.

4) Flowering with fluoros is a waste of time. Yields thin, fluffy buds.

5) Giving advice you haven't researched makes you look silly every single time..
maybe you need stronger glasses or too quick to shoot someone down that grows in the ag but if you read my post it says 150w. replacement 5.00USD.
And i never stated that lumens add.
Trying to make me look silly makes you look even worse than you portray you are.
And im not trying to start an e-fight cause ill never see you and youll never see lets just leave it at that.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
maybe you need stronger glasses or too quick to shoot someone down that grows in the ag but if you read my post it says 150w. replacement 5.00USD.
You wrote:

instead of getting that 250w. hps or can get a couple 150w. cfl replacement bulbs for a fraction of the price(2900) Lumens each.I added 4 more plus the old AG hood and i am having no probs with lightiing.But i also agree with al.The AG is not for growing cannabis and needs a makeover, but we can make this thing work,ever since i added the extrs cfl's i am having no probs with light.but if you do dcide to go with the 250w or whatever.dont even use the AG hood.
No mention of $5 anywhere.

Find me a 150W CFL replacement lamp for $5 and I'll make sweet love to it.
And i never stated that lumens add.
Trying to make me look silly makes you look even worse than you portray you are.
And im not trying to start an e-fight cause ill never see you and youll never see lets just leave it at that.
Don't give unresearched, patently bad advice and you won't get picked on.

Run along, now.


Well-Known Member
You wrote:

No mention of $5 anywhere.

Find me a 150W CFL replacement lamp for $5 and I'll make sweet love to it.
Don't give unresearched, patently bad advice and you won't get picked on.

Run along, now.
damn u must not get out the house much.ya know they make medicine for paranoia.go to wal-mart.lowes.home depot etc....


Well-Known Member
ok al. well your location explains it.any one of those stores on my previous can get these by the crapload for just under 5.00USD
left 45w 2900 lumens
right 42w 2700 lumens



Well-Known Member
I get about 1/2-3/4oz per plant with 1000W lights, but can do better with more attention to the op. I told you I was a fricken lazy stoner. :wink:

In the 2 week harvest thread you say you are getting 1/2 to 3/4 oz per plant. Somewhere in this thread I thought I read you are now getting 1 to 1/12 oz per plant . What did you do or change to increase your yield?


Active Member
Hey Al,
Hope all is well and you are swimming in big piles of sweet tooth :eyesmoke:

I am thinking about starting up some new moms from clones, My current moms just donated their 6th pass ( started from seed).

Because I am vegging under flouro, im not getting the 9", >5.5mm clones that I would really like to get, and my strike rate and time sucks too. I am getting it dialed in
I number the plants, then use an alpha character to denote the pass of clone it is ,( e.g. "4F" is the 6th pass on plant 4.) so i can track what is working and what is not.

So far round "D" ( which is where i swiched from gel to powder) has been the most successful, but they are still pretty small clones. Im concerned that either my yeild will suck if i flower them at this stage with no veg time, or that I will have to suck it up and veg under hps for a few weeks ( too long inbetween harvest for my taste)

I would like to make a fast turnover with the next pass throught the flowering cab in order to get my surplus up a bit.

What do you think about tossing the old moms into the flowering cab?
They are 16-17" on average, and I have around 40" from bottom of tray to light in the cab. Is there any disadvantage to doing so?

Thanks as always!!

-\x0D :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Al, I'm sorry to bug again, but with knowledge comes great responsibility,lol.

My issue is that my plants are not holding on to their leafs, even though new growth looks perfect. All the bigger fan leafs start to yellow and die off.

I run a controlled environment with co2 injection. I do not vent during lights on, my co2 remains at 1500 -1700 during lights on. I obviously vent during lights off. A lot off guys vent 5 min. every 2 hours during lights on, is that necessary?

I had only one glitch with this grow, it was a ph issue during veg that caused a severe def. Aside from a root aphid infestion on the Bubba Kush when I got it from the dispensary. I thought that once it was corrected the plant would progress normal, am I wrong in assuming that? It appears almost like the plants are still deficient, but the new growth has a nice mid green color.

My roots look snow white on all 4 plants. I was concerned about the 2" layer of rock wool on the top causing rot due to water retension, but the roots look great.
I'm all but certain that the roots are not causing the problem.
I'm not even sure there is a problem anymore, could it be that they are eating their fan leafs do to rapid growth? (I'm only 17 days flower from first pistils)

It also appears that the Bubba Kush (dark green one) is not having any issues, which could mean that I am underfeeding the larger plants but my ec is off the chart already. Base nutes I'm running 1.2 EC I add Sweet, multi enzym and root excelerator and I'm up to 2.5 EC

I do not recerculate, Drip to waste! My drips are running fine I use Canna Substra and there has not been any cloging. My Ph in is 5.6 my ph out is about 5.8 and I'm watching it like a hawk since my earlier ph problems.

Do I need to run stronger nutes due to my environment?

Here are some pics and if you need to know how I got here the journal is in my sig line.

I'm sorry about all the questions, I know you are bussy but I am clueless as to what is going on and you are the guy with the experience.
BTW, I have started your h2o2 maintenance program today :)

Thanks Al!




Well-Known Member
Sounds probable.

Sounds like Grandpa's axe- you know, the one that's on its third head and fourth handle- but by gum, that's Grandpa's axe! :D

Good news.

If you can do so without damaging the new roots, have a go.

No, it's 2-5-4. Sounds like a fairly weak nutrient.

Nope, the smallest I use is a 400HPS.

Improve the ventilation. Air has to be forcibly removed from the area. A small grow like yours is a good candidate for a freestanding wardrobe or growtent with a 250HPS in a cooltube and a separate exhaust fan.

4 inches tall? Why so short? :D

For a 250, a cooltube with an internal reflector will do, it won't be covering a very large area.


It sounds a 4-6 plant SoG op which yields between .5 & 1oz every 2 weeks to me. How much can you smoke? :)
Ok, so from the top...

I will stay away from rockwool rooted clones from now on... it is very hard to remove it all...

Yeah! Gramp's axe or that old tennis shoe I keep re-gluing... I know, but experimenting has been FUN, what can I say...???

Thanks, Yeah there is some new root growth punching through the foam... Strong...

I will try my best to remove all browning and soft roots, I will also try to change the foam pieces as well...

So my Bloom juice sounds like an additive to an already established nutrient regime... if not what would be the purpose of such low nutrient content???

No baby lights for you huh...?!?!?! serious....!!!LOL

I am growing inside of the night stand with a BIG ASS FAN that can really move some air... If anything I may have too much ventilation causing the temps to be a little low...

I want to keep everything small so when I go back home (been in a hotel room in the BIG city for a while now, treating my broken ass leg), I can set up 4 units in the 2 door kitchen cabinet...
I figure the plants might triple in size... so 12 to 15 inches at harvest would be the goal....

Now to the good part...

A 250 Watt HPS on a cool tube with internal reflector at 3 to 6 inches from the closest plants... am I getting it???

I also should have noted that I live in an area that is very remote, and we must generate our own electricity, at a very high cost...

I don't know what the dollar figure is, but I can tell you I pay 4x more than people that are connected to the grid in the USA...

But at $600/oz WHEN it is available... and it is usually not... It makes it worth it...

How much I use depends on how much I hurt... usually an oz/28g will last me about 10 to 14 days... So I may be cutting it a little close...hummm...

Well, I will try to get all this stuff done quickly...
Thanks for your time!!!



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