Al B Whats wrong PLease Help


Well-Known Member
awesome but i didnt use any nuts in the misting just distilled water so i should just leave everything and switch to flower thats what im going to do but do you guys think everything looks good?

Besides the heat stress do you think im gonna get some good quality buds cause i let them get a nice long veg


Well-Known Member
lol ok i have 2 of you guys telling me its 2 diff problems Will it be ok? The whole plant wont die will it:?

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Just switch to flower and change your nutes to flowering type.

The length of time vegging only affects the overall physical size of the plant. I give my cuttings zero veg time because I want short plants.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
look at this pic and the margins, the leaves lower down that arent part of the canopy are showing it to, the margins are a lighter yellow which means there lacking the ability to make chloraphyl.

the signs there are consistant with potash def maybe a little n too, he hasnt started flowering yet and i think he should do cus otherwise they going to turn out to be beasts. once he does raise the ppm by quite a bit with flowering nutes is what i would say
ngt, you're pissed off with me because I have proven you wrong on your mid-tank-life top-up theories.

Now you're coming in here to cause confusion with a fellow I have been nursing through his grow for some weeks.

You really don't know what you're talking about and NOW you want to proffer some of your bad advice to other people.

Do your worst. You'll be taken very seriously.


Well-Known Member
ngt, you're pissed off with me because I have proven you wrong on your mid-tank-life top-up theories.

Now you're coming in here to cause confusion with a fellow I have been nursing through his grow for some weeks.

You really don't know what you're talking about and NOW you want to proffer some of your bad advice to other people.

Do your worst. You'll be taken very seriously.
Prove me wrong, at what point did you do that, you just kept going over the same points over and over and over again, you convinced no one.

Go with heat if you want, al is obviously the new resident expert who knows everything.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
im sorry green but i will ave to go with Al how can it be a def when ive been giving it the perfect balance. My ppm is exacly 1090 right now thats gotta be perfect and i was misting so much and my plants were only liker 10 in from the light they def got burnt

Al im gonna switch to flower im gonna put in the flowring mix should i go up in ppm or still keep it at about 1000>?

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
You were wrong in that other thread and you're wrong in this one, ngt.

I know an awful lot more about mosberg's grow than you do. Indeed, I am the resident expert in this case- no apologies for that.

If your disingenuous 'good luck' means you're going away, good.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
how can it be a def when ive been giving it the perfect balance. My ppm is exacly 1090 right now thats gotta be perfect
As long as your nutes are within the 2-week lifespan, all should be well.

and i was misting so much and my plants were only liker 10 in from the light they def got burnt
Misting is really unnecessary in a properly operating grow room. One usually fights to keep humidity down. Adding more humidity is counterproductive- and can cause problems, as you accidentally found.

Some folks swear by foliar feeding, but even they would tell you that you must not do it during lights-on.

Al im gonna switch to flower im gonna put in the flowring mix should i go up in ppm or still keep it at about 1000>?
Bump it to 1300-1500ppm @ pH 5.3-5.8.

You have some pruning to do. Remember that your plant will double to triple (if not a bit more) in height by the end of flowering. You should shorten (if not totally remove) the lower branches (bottom 1/4 to 1/3 of the plants) or you're going to have air circ probs caused by crowding.

If you haven't got enough vertical space under your lights to cope with a tripling in height while still maintaining adequate spacing from the lamp, consider cutting the mainstems 1-2 nodes down from the growing tip. This will divide the growth and make things a bit more bushy, but it will hopefully stop them from growing into the lights before the end of flowering.

How high can you hang your light? How far is that distance from the lamp to the tallest plant tip?

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
BTW, as your plants have been vegging up to this point, anything you take off the plants can be used for clones. Lower stems don't make as good of quality clones as do those from mainstems, but they will most definitely set root and grow you some more plants.

Now, don't you wish you'd built that clonebox last week? :twisted:


Well-Known Member
yes i do lol but its ok i keep looking at these things and i dont know if they are getting better or worse. What do u mean a 2 week lifespan?

I will bump it up too 1500 just dont know what you were saying by keepin it in a 2 week lifespan i have room like maybe 2 feet but should i cut the top of the northern heres a pic should i chop to bad growth off here are some new pics Al i cant keep my eyes off these things lol worrying to much


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
yes i do lol but its ok i keep looking at these things and i dont know if they are getting better or worse. What do u mean a 2 week lifespan?
You normally dump your tank of nutes every 2 weeks and make up a fresh batch.

No wait, you're handwatering, aren't you? Your nutes would be fresh every time if you are.

If you don't have an automated watering system going- you need one. Forgetting once is all it takes to undo a lot of hard work. Automated systems allow you to consistently perform a task, applying the same amt of water each time and for the same time period.

i have room like maybe 2 feet but should i cut the top of the northern heres a pic should i chop to bad growth off here are some new pics Al i cant keep my eyes off these things lol worrying to much
How tall are they now? If they're a foot tall now, they'll be 3 feet and a bit when they finish. Got enough clearance, Clarence?

You gotta stop messing around in the grow room. New growers kill plants- with kindness. You really only need to put about 10 mins a day in there for general maintenance. If you want to just sit there and stare at them, OK, but try to avoid temptation to muck around with them. Just do the necessary temp & RH check, verify fan operation, etc. etc. I mean, if you want to play them Led Zeppelin or sweet talk them, that would be OK, but the Mythbusters would sure have a piece of you. ;)


Well-Known Member
ahhh see ive only been plugin the pump in when i think they need it i have a 3x a day timer but i dont use it so i dont give them the same water everytime can that be the problem should i plug the pump into the timer and let it flood 3 times a day another thing is i think the heat stress made my northern a hermie this sucks man

now another female looks like its getting sacs too here goes my whole grow take a look at the pic of the northern One side has beautiful hairs then this tiny thing on the other side what do you think man


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
ahhh see ive only been plugin the pump in when i think they need it i have a 3x a day timer but i dont use it so i dont give them the same water everytime can that be the problem should i plug the pump into the timer and let it flood 3 times a day
yes, they should always have been on a timer. Automating processes helps eliminate problems cause by human inconsistency.

Your 3x/day timer- how long for each on time?

A digital timer that allows you to program numerous events for varying lengths is what you really need. Splash out the $20, man.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
what should i do should i kill it? You think i fucked them all up because of this misting dammmmm
No, the misting probably wouldn't cause hermaphrodism, but high temps or excessive nute strength might- and we know for sure you've had temp problems in the past.

Interrupting the dark period for flowering plants can cause hermaphrodism, too.


Well-Known Member
i just plugged it in gonna flood my trays 3x a day for 5 min at a time the water comes up pretty quick so this should be good im gonna stop the lights tonight at 12 then turn them back on at 12 in the afternoon im gonna change the nutes tonight and hope i get bud i also have some baby fem skunk seeds they will bud too right they been veggin for like 3 weeks with the big ones i have 6 of them going now should i just put all my effort into them or with these big guys.

Im debating on what i should do, i know 2 of them are white widow fems for sure the northen pissed me off because it was beautiful im gonna wait a couple days in flowering if any of them show sighs with male in them im gonna kill right?