Al Sharpton Defends Bernie Sanders From ‘Socialist’ Attack:

But you do understand that Russia is currently attacking our minority communities by pretending to be black online, in an attempt to get them to not vote for their interests, or to not vote at all.
I can honestly admit I’ve learned much more than I knew before about the Russians by reading your posts. No bullshit.
I can honestly admit I’ve learned much more than I knew before about the Russians by reading your posts. No bullshit.
Im glad, it is really important to me that this gets understood. It is too efficient and works too well for us to be blind to it.
I can honestly admit I’ve learned much more than I knew before about the Russians by reading your posts. No bullshit.
I think a Russian took his girl. Got her drunk on vodka and poof she left him. Now he thinks everyone is Russian. I had to mute his dumb ass. I just see
hanimmal said:

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and seeing you Reply with the word Russian I knew what he might be talking about. Russia Russia Russia
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He says he’s black. He could be lying. Pretty bold claim to make and could easily be called out on it.
And to answer you, yes that’s pretty racist IF that’s the case. I for one chose to believe him. Again that’s a pretty bold claim for him to make if he’s lying
I must be the first white man with brown/black skin. I'm learning to speak blaccent. ...WAIT or I'm I Asian with black/brown skin.
He says he’s black. He could be lying. Pretty bold claim to make and could easily be called out on it.
And to answer you, yes that’s pretty racist IF that’s the case. I for one chose to believe him. Again that’s a pretty bold claim for him to make if he’s lying
you believes he’s black despite no evidence and call me a liar despite photographic evidence

Ok, that’s smart

LOL now your wife is VERY wealthy lol...tell me again how much she pays for ACA ? lol... DId you not get a 40,000 bill for a cesarean delivery and you paid zero thanks to ACA. do your dumb ass realize what you post and why you lie. My daughter came off our insurance due to age. She herself pays around the same amount as your wife for her ACA, maybe about 33 dollars less for her silver plan. She is not
Me thinks you post to damn much that you forget what you post. Do you need me to quote your post. LOL
we paid $0 for the c section because we had passed our oop

And she can get insurance now because Obama banned pre existing conditions discrimination

You dumbass
we paid $0 for the c section because we had passed our oop

And she can get insurance now because Obama banned pre existing conditions discrimination

You dumbass
GTFO you could still get insurance with pre existing conditions. You would just have to pay more. We did this for my child. and do your ass realize ACA base what you pay on income. So how is your very wealthy wife only paying 170 a month you fool for the silver plan with child. You do realize being married you are suppose to report your income as well...are you cheating the government. Your lies are ridicules and save that oop bullshit ...Do I need to share your post. One wonderful thing about this site is the search function.
search ------- ACA MY WIFE ...member - Unclebuck
LOL now your wife is VERY wealthy lol...tell me again how much she pays for ACA ? lol... DId you not get a 40,000 bill for a cesarean delivery and you paid zero thanks to ACA. do your dumb ass realize what you post and why you lie. My daughter came off our insurance due to age. She herself pays around the same amount as your wife for her ACA, maybe about 33 dollars less for her silver plan. She is not
Me thinks you post to damn much that you forget what you post. Do you need me to quote your post. LOL

drinking has a way of doing that to you..
170 for two people and you claim to make 50,000 and your wife is very wealthy GTFO
the insurance my wife and i pay for is about $170 a month total.

i would not use the word "devastating" to describe that. devastating would have been having to pay every penny of the $15,000+ worth of medical bills we incurred last year.
do you forget what you post. I can do this all fucking day. I mean you post A LOTTTTTTTTTTTT
they took about $25 out of each paycheck, two paychecks a month, 12 months a year = $600. i have the stubs to prove it.

my wife [ays about $280 a month for top notch insurance with a pre-existing condition.

for $400 a month, they better send someone to clean my garage and suck my cock, which ronald would do for me for free if elected president.
Added copy & paste info:

Keep in mind, the 4% payroll tax isn't going to cover all of the expenses. It would be helpful to also list the other proposed mechanisms of paying for M4A:

Creating a 4 percent income-based premium paid by employees, exempting the first $29,000 in income for a family of four

Imposing a 7.5 percent income-based premium paid by employers, exempting the first $2 million in payroll

Eliminating health tax expenditures

Making the federal income tax more progressive, including a marginal tax rate of up to 70 percent on those making above $10 million

Making the estate tax more progressive, including a 77 percent top rate on an inheritance above $1 billion

Establishing a tax on extreme wealth

Closing a tax-loophole that allows self-employed people to avoid paying certain taxes by creating an S corporation

Imposing a fee on large financial institution

Repealing corporate accounting gimmicks

I've been questioned about this before so it'll be handy to know these when discussing this with potential voters.
Do you not read before you go right to the troll? Here:

Why ask the stupid question?

Again, I would consider it more racist if someone was on here pretending to be a black American in order to trick people into not voting their interests, or not voting at all.

Do you disagree?
Why not just say its racist instead of pointing out something more racist which is just a more complicated way of saying its racist?
GTFO you could still get insurance with pre existing conditions. You would just have to pay more. We did this for my child. and do your ass realize ACA base what you pay on income. So how is your very wealthy wife only paying 170 a month you fool for the silver plan with child. You do realize being married you are suppose to report your income as well...are you cheating the government. Your lies are ridicules and save that oop bullshit ...Do I need to share your post. One wonderful thing about this site is the search function.
search ------- ACA MY WIFE ...member - Unclebuck
my wife is very wealthy but we both have normal incomes

I wonder how this is possible!
Why not just read the rest of the conversation before having to add your two cents?
This one thread was actually managing to stay on topic long enough to flesh out differences between the candidates and those fuckers couldn't stand for that.