

Well-Known Member
i spent a few months up there. you will love it there if you like the outdoors and don't mind cold winters. i was up there during the tail end of summer goin in fall and i loved it


Well-Known Member
Alaska is the shit. I lived in Anchorage for about 7 years. Any possesion of marijuana is ok as long as it's under 36 grams. Also, no smoking in public, only the safety of your home, or someone elses. You can also have up to 3 plants without getting fucked with(Feds can, but not alot will make the trip to Alaska for the minor busts).

P.S.- Alaska livin' is easy. Just gotta have a jeep with tire chains, and you're good to go. Summers were on average 70-80 degrees F. Coldest it got when I was there was like -15 or something. Go up North boy, lot colder. Does suck going to bed at 11pm with the sun still up though.....

lol also, good luck with the daylight savings bullshit too.... lots of people who aren't acustom to it usually develop some kinds of psychosis while it happens. Made me an insmoniac fer a few years...
They got feds right in Anchorage, ain't no need for them to make a trip they right there. I got plenty homies been busted by the feds for crack, or narcotics trafficking.


Well-Known Member
There is plenty to do in Anchorage, which is where I was born and raised. I loved every minute of it. Great place to raise kids, and grow up. Good school systems, teachers actually care and teach you something. All in all, I love it there, and greatly appreciate the man it made me. I love the outdoors, and all that, and there is plenty to do outdoor wise. Plenty of night clubs, and a good party scene, gotta be able to go all nite tho. Good food, people, sights, the whole nine. Gotta experience it to feel where I'm coming from. But I would say AK is the shit. Very affordable living, homes can range from $125K, on up to $600K+. But you get alot of house, and land. So, it is a great place.


New Member
Really i always thought it would be cheap to live there.. Like they give you a grand just for moving there or something like that...


Well-Known Member
I just moved back to California after living in Anchorage for 10 years. It's quite an experience out of the ordinary, but then again so is how I would have grown up here too. I didn't notice how much I loved Alaska (well Anchorage at least) till I moved away.


Well-Known Member
I just moved back to California after living in Anchorage for 10 years. It's quite an experience out of the ordinary, but then again so is how I would have grown up here too. I didn't notice how much I loved Alaska (well Anchorage at least) till I moved away.
Well said, I can't wait... I think I will live and die in Alaska.


Well-Known Member
Apparently the Samoans that live there are mainly assholes that push people around cause they're big and always have other Samoans around to back them up:o


Well-Known Member
Apparently the Samoans that live there are mainly assholes that push people around cause they're big and always have other Samoans around to back them up:o
I fortunately get along with them, and grew up and played football with them my whole life, so them was like my brothers, and they like a big family so you kinda know em all. lol. But this is very true, but it stands true for all races not just samoans. But they are the biggest out there. Hahhaha.


Well-Known Member
It's called the Permanent Fund. It is paid out to Alaska residents, from the tax on Prudhoe Bay oil. I believe that is correct, or very close. And it varies every year based on who knows what. But I can remember s few years it was over $2000. Not bad. And the cost of living is very reasonable and affordable. You can still manage to have your own place on one income. Which is far more than I can say for CA. Unless you were born into money, or you are an entertainer, business owner, etc, etc.


New Member
Wow, so all the replys and no one but me who is actually living in alaska at this very moment. Well theres plenty of shit for me to do because theres always something to do its just a matter of getting high and finding out exactly what it is to do. Yea, alaska is pretty tight, good jobs, Not to many People, lotta small towns, good people, Easy access to drugs and the downfall i would say is theres alot of ugly native and other raced chicks.


Well-Known Member
Wow, so all the replys and no one but me who is actually living in alaska at this very moment. Well theres plenty of shit for me to do because theres always something to do its just a matter of getting high and finding out exactly what it is to do. Yea, alaska is pretty tight, good jobs, Not to many People, lotta small towns, good people, Easy access to drugs and the downfall i would say is theres alot of ugly native and other raced chicks.
Socatasmoker lives there at this very moment...