Alex's First Grow! (Cheap, Stealthy...)


Active Member
Ok, well... I still live with my parents. Hahaha.... I know. Alright now, here is a little trick i came up with so i can still start my shit indoors, then move the little sproutlings outside when they're ready. I put a lamp and all my seeds between my drop ceiling and the actual ceiling in my basement. I gave the area a thorough cleaning and I plan on making a tent from a white sheet up there to protect my 13 babies from bugs. This is, again, my first grow ever. Check out the pics, tell me what you think, and all tips, comments, advice is welcome. I'll be updating this whenever I can. Thanks for looking!



Active Member
Alright, quick update. Let's call this day 4... Here's what's new.

  • Put all the cups into a reflecting box (Cardboard box, no top, covered with aluminum foil)
  • Lowered the light, it seemed me sproutlings were stretching waaay too far.
  • Replaced my shitty Incandescent bulb with a 9w 495 lumen cfl (Finally!)
Check out these new pics:

I'm hoping to get a couple more cfl's, but I'm torn... For one thing, its a bitch to move the tiles and get up in the ceiling. Thank God for making me 6'4, though. Another thing is that I'll be moving these guys outside soon, within 2 weeks, so i don't know if i want to waste the money. I guess I could consider it an investment.

Thanks for your interest. Peace



Active Member
yeah thats a really good idea putting them in the ceiling. i would deffinately get more cfl's tho. you can get a 3 pack of 23 watters at wally world for like 10 bucks or something.