Algae/Flushing Question



This is my first post and my first time doing Hydro...

My plants have been up for 1 month now and are going strong... Only problem I have is the roots are starting to turn light brown and Im getting a slimy grew on them. I started with higher amounts of H2O2 and Im bathing them in it for 15m every other day.. "A lot of work tho" but the brown/red algae is still growing. I noticed that light is getting into my buckets so I put plastic on the top of the 12 buckets to ensure no light gets in! I have 2 1,000W's running, Temp in room 80, water temp 70 PH 6.0 Nuts 700-800

Now my roots are getting whiter, It seems that no light is getting into the bucket so less algae growth, now my question is how can I flush out my system to get the "decomposing algae" out of the system?

How many flushes?
Do I use chemicals?
What is the process of flushing?

Thanks in advance!
Honestly, if the algea problem seems to be going away, I would keep doing what your doing... As far as flushing goes, I would just run water through it,( along with a healthy dose of H2O2... Hope this helps... Depending on how high your water temps get that could also have alot to do with your algea problem... What is your watering schedule, too much water, or standing water could also be your issue...


Thanks for getting back to me!

Sounds good for the flush.... Should I do 6ml per gallon vs 3ml for the flush?

Also, My timing is this water fills every 6hrs for example fill at 12:00 stops at 12:16 Drain at 12:16 stops at 12:44 Should I adjust? It was longer I made it shorter..

I Also have a air pump on all times in the rez as well


Well-Known Member
you can flood the rocks with H2O2 proper dosage leave it flooded for an hour or so, then drain flush the rocks with water change your res, and go on with H2O2. make sure theres 0 light entering buckets. as far as the flood timing, I like to make it more often and shorter periods, to make more drains, because each drain pulls fresh O2. I only flood for 5 mins and I dont need airpump in control res because water is being moved constantly.


you can flood the rocks with H2O2 proper dosage leave it flooded for an hour or so, then drain flush the rocks with water change your res, and go on with H2O2. make sure theres 0 light entering buckets. as far as the flood timing, I like to make it more often and shorter periods, to make more drains, because each drain pulls fresh O2. I only flood for 5 mins and I dont need airpump in control res because water is being moved constantly.
What do you mean by rocks?
Also flood the plants for an hour with H2O2 so thats 3ml per gallon like normal then change my rez? Cant I just floor them with H202 then put in nuts??
Also if you have time can you send me your fill and drain schedule? please and thanks... what your times are on your timers...



I was worried about algae too roots are covered in that green slime completely since first week of flower, never noticed any harm or side effects so I never flushed mine and everything is still fine. Once the canopy filled out very little light came through to the bottom and the algae keeps getting washed out every time the tray gets flooded.


Start using benny tea! A easy fix is aquashield by botanicair. H202 is just a bandaid
Thanks for the Idea.. So, I should stop using H202 and use [h=3]aquashield botanicare?[/h]
I have just got done doing research.. People say this is a band aid too lol and that they both do wonders.. The question I will try the shield but Im assuming I stop using H202...

Let me know your thoughts...
Money is not the issue, I just want healthier plants ;)


Well-Known Member
unless you're using organic hydro ferts, you dont need any bacterial growth in your res...


Rebel From The North
unless you're using organic hydro ferts, you dont need any bacterial growth in your res...
Zem you are so rong lol! You need to do some research before making comments like this!

First off organic fert in hydro = a slime fest like no other! Running chem nutes in hydro is
the cleanest way! Zem i dont think you understand why adding benny you your res is better
then just adding h202. Adding h202 only holds bad bacterial growth at bay it dont kill it 100%.
using teas are a way to intro good bacteria to your roots zone and res! By doing so bad bacteria
can not take over, and by adding this to your root zone, your roots will uptake it and adding vigar
to your plant. As this process goes on your plants roots give back to the medium that the bennys
live on, so it a circle of life that we cant buy in a bottle! Its a process of nature. Now as all this takes
place your roots will exsplode = in larger yields, less def. and zero root rot or spoiled res tanks.

You zem should read hiesenberg thread! Link is right above.


Well-Known Member
Zem you are so rong lol! You need to do some research before making comments like this!

First off organic fert in hydro = a slime fest like no other! Running chem nutes in hydro is
the cleanest way! Zem i dont think you understand why adding benny you your res is better
then just adding h202. Adding h202 only holds bad bacterial growth at bay it dont kill it 100%.
using teas are a way to intro good bacteria to your roots zone and res! By doing so bad bacteria
can not take over, and by adding this to your root zone, your roots will uptake it and adding vigar
to your plant. As this process goes on your plants roots give back to the medium that the bennys
live on, so it a circle of life that we cant buy in a bottle! Its a process of nature. Now as all this takes
place your roots will exsplode = in larger yields, less def. and zero root rot or spoiled res tanks.

You zem should read hiesenberg thread! Link is right above.
I just read it, I will be very interested to read about studies done with the tea, like scientific sources. I know even hydro farms sterilize water no need for microbes, and what about larvae, and smells, and other microbes? does this beneficial microbes mix remove all types of bad microbes? maybe if I read something more than a thread, maybe a credible book or something, I will even try it myself. but it is interesting, I will look to find some sources of this info


Currently H202 is working... If I replace it with AS I would have to stop using H202. Now I don't have the time to make my own tea but If the AS is the tea I can buy it. My question is the AS more beneficial using AS then H202 for my plants?


Well-Known Member
I was worried about algae too roots are covered in that green slime completely since first week of flower, never noticed any harm or side effects so I never flushed mine and everything is still fine. Once the canopy filled out very little light came through to the bottom and the algae keeps getting washed out every time the tray gets flooded.
I don't worry about the algae either, if it bothers you literally you can rinse it off. now brown roots, thats a problem. Make sure you change/clean your res's once a week at least and don't let the res temps go hotter than 75. I've recently added rapid start by GH to my feeding regiment. The roots from start to finish are much whiter and more abundant. I don't like H2O2 unless I'm sterilizing res's and pumps when I reset my tables.


Rebel From The North
Currently H202 is working... If I replace it with AS I would have to stop using H202. Now I don't have the time to make my own tea but If the AS is the tea I can buy it. My question is the AS more beneficial using AS then H202 for my plants?

Yes AS is more beneficial


I ordered 2.5G of AS....

I will be discontinuing H202 and going to AS...... We will see! It can only make things better I guess ;)


Alright, I been using AS for 9 days and no improvement. It seems to be the same or more root rot on 3 plants.....

My question is keep using it? I spent $80 on this...
Or switch back to H202
Or H202 with hygrozyme?

Im going on vacation tomorrow night and Im worried that I won't watch something go wrong when my buddy is keeping a eye on it... LMK please!