Alice In Wonderland (Tim Burton) + Psychedelics?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I get where you're coming from. Makes perfect sense.
Just remember this...... Crack is WACK :lol:

Sr. Verde

Yo I just saw this, not on any susbstances and straight up it was a little depressing.

I mean the idea of Alice In Wonderland is awesome, and I was expecting to see some twisted representations of this crazy ass world but the main focus was really on the characters. Don't get me wrong though, the graphics were pretty cool (saw it IMAX 3D) but nothing breath taking like Avatar... I was thinking the whole movie, "Man if I ate some shrooms this and this part would be boring as fuck"

I haven't taken LSD before though so maybe its more for that?

idk ill wait for some movie reviews/trip reports to come in

Sr. Verde

I hope that's misleading or a lot of you folks are going to be quite pissed! Including me:|
it did start at 12am so maybe being tired and hot as fuck was an issue.

And I didn't mean to say I thought the whole movie is boring as fuck I mean there are a decent amount of parts focused on the red queen and her army, some gay shit that is supposed to make you respond with something along the lines of "oh fuck this bitch she's annoying as hell"

The mad hatter though? Awesome performance by johnny depp, he really made me feel the character...

All in all though I would rather smoke a blunt and go see it, and save the hallucinogens for a nice day in nature.

Good movie, just not a good trip movie, not enough visual eye candy or trippy shit imo.

But remember guys this is my opinion who's to say what YOUR going to like?
Anybody else hear much about how the movie was, as I came across some good L and was planning on going to see whilst flying; don't worry I've been doing this stuff for twenty some years and know my boundaries quite well, allthough I don't want to really waste some good trips on a lousily done movie. Thanks


Oracle of Hallucinogens
nah did not have the chance, the only thing I had availability to at the time being was MDPV and I didn't go that route.

Saving the doses for 3d.
i tried to go watch Alice in 3d on shrooms, but wen we got there the movie was sold out and i already ate them. we saw the Crazies instead and i sat staring at the screen scared shitless for almost an hour and a half lol.

i had to keep reminding myself "it's all in the mind", it was still fun though cus i took a small dose.


I saw Alice in Wonderland digital 3d last night on about half an eighth of shrooms FOR THE FIRST TIME. It was amazing! I was mildly tripping completely focusing on the movie and not wandering off somewhere else in my mind. the colors in the movie and verrrrry bright and beautiful, especially the blue caterpillar and smiling cat. I would recommend mildly tripping like I did so you can still catch every word and facial gesture from the movie. Depp's voice and his characters actions are very amusing and it's a really well put together film. Tim Burton is an incredible artist.

I would like to see Alice again on LSD for sure, or a bigger dose of shrooms. i ate about 3 grams of mushrooms today and had a very significant enlightenment. Life-changing!
I took shrooms and saw Avatar, in Imax 3-D, opening night, not having a clue what it was actually about. The first 20 minutes or so, I was tripping so hard I thought I was watching a preview and remember thinking I hope this doesn't end, because I want to know what happens next hahahaha. The next time I plan on taking shrooms is March 4th at 11PM and heading over to the theater to see Alice In Wonderland. I'm so stoked, I can hardly wait!!
Avatar was awesome on shroomies! I wish I could've seen it in theaters..