Alittle help yall please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

brought my plant into my closet the last two nights for 12/12 to induce flowering when i went to bring her outside .....the new growth leaves are a very light green compared to the leaves on the rest of the plant.....what could this mean ????? is it something i should be concerned about .....I havent been overwatering her ....same as i always have ....heres a pic lemme know what ya think ?????? plantpic10.jpg
havent started giving her nutes yet was gonna start next week, u reckon that could be my issue????? i did a little research and all i kept finding was that it might be a magnesium deficiency ?????

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Unless you are using soil with LOTS of food already included,i'd have started feeding those a long time ago.
ok well this is my first grow ever so im not real i know for next time....that wasnt my question was could me not giving it nutrients cause the leaves to turn light yellow like that


Well-Known Member
it's getting a lot more light outside and the new growth appears brighter and brighter green the faster the plant grows

this healthy looking green originating from the center of new growth is a good sign

it's different from other types of paling originating at other parts of the plant

you might also be noticing the better colour rendering ability of the sun

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ok well this is my first grow ever so im not real i know for next time....that wasnt my question was could me not giving it nutrients cause the leaves to turn light yellow like that
Yes. Hence why i said i'd have fed them a long time ago. If you don't feed them they're not going to stay green.
when i start giving it nutrients that something that you do everyweek? or every other week or how does that work ???? i was told as a newbie to start out slow only give like 1/4 or 1/2 the recommended dose and then work my way up ?????

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It sounds like you need to do some research on watering and feeding. I personally used to feed every single watering which depending on pot size, was sometimes every day.


Well-Known Member
brought my plant into my closet the last two nights for 12/12 to induce flowering when i went to bring her outside .....the new growth leaves are a very light green compared to the leaves on the rest of the plant.....what could this mean ????? is it something i should be concerned about .....I havent been overwatering her ....same as i always have ....heres a pic lemme know what ya think ?????? View attachment 2235645
normal...they will green up with some light. mb they were just scared of being in the closet. i would too.