All BS set aside CMH yields

is it true or not

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Do the cmh put off alot of heat?! Would i benefit next to a 1000w de with overdrive setting in a 9x5 tent that runs at 85 with co2 if it's left sealed all day..or will i likely start to kick on my exhaust controller too often and lose the co2 too quickly for cost efficiency? .. Coming into winter I'm almost more worried about cold nights than high heat but it seems like it's always a battle one way or another when I'm working with a new set up..
Those numbers are awesome. Wow. 1.5 gpw using less than 1000 watts of light? Damn thats great. Thats over 3 frikin pounds and not an hps lamp around. Amazing. Maybe combining COBS with cmh is where its at. I dunno. I do know my grow pals went all cmh..then cmh and hps combined. Numbers went up comnined. But sounds like you got your room dialed like a mo' fo'. Are you gassing co2??? What strain(s) are you running??? Net trellis? Plant count? A 4x6 flood table? Medium? What do you like your pH and ppm at in peak flower? Sorry for all the questions but those numbers are really good. Alot of work isnt it?

no c02, just intake and exaughst set to keep room at 72f my in take is a 6inch inline at 420cfm, exaughst 4 inch inline at 220cfm. they replace the 12x12ft rooms air in like 5 minutes. im running multiple strains now but all testing was done w/ th seeds bubblegum,, then 5 runs w/ cherry bomb,, im popping seeds in hopes of replacing her soon.. but cherry bomb has big buds,even lower buds are big, very easy trim few leaves big calyxs w/ crystals everywhere..4x6ft table, 4x4x4 rock wool medium, screen 2ft above table,scrog keeps plants from falling over. i use maxi series by gh,,
week1-2 1/2 tsp maxi grow, 1/2 tsp maxi bloom per gallon ppm=1,000
week 3-6 1tsp maxi bloom per gallon ppm=1,100
week 6-7 1tsp maxi bloom and 1/4 tsp of koolbloom powder ppm=1,200
then 3-5 days of flush w/ gh kleen. flush really brings out fall colors(bag apeal)
not much work,, i spend an hour a day w my plants,, oh and have a baby song machine on 24 hours a day,7 days a tests plants w music produced over an ounce more than plants in silence..

check my grow journal
oh as for ph i have a 50 gallon rez,, after nutes are mixed my ph is at 5.6, after 3 days its 5.9 and needs to be topped off w/ water, 3 days after that ph is 6.2, needs to be topped off and ph down to 5.6 or 5.7 again.. i change ther rez every 2 weeks.. ive been testing jacks classic citruc it works well in both veg and bloom, no yellowing, plants look healthy but i have to use lots of ph down,,maxi is easier as its ph balanced for hydroponics... ill use the jacks i have enough for maybe 4 runs,,once its gone ill go back to gh maxi series..
oh jacks use 1/4 tsp per gallon and 1/4 tsp per gallon of potassium sulfate..
Ive used GH Maxi....shit is good stuff. And has everything a plant needs. Your pulling big weight for more than one strain no doubt. Using way less electricity than alot of growers doing it. Imagine monocropping one strain. A proven big fat yielder like Dream and sealing up the room. Using Co2 and an a.c. (you could afford it because it would not have to be a big ac and your running less than 1000 watts.) You would kill it in the numbers department (you already are). But hey...i would be hard pressed to change anything except strains now and then with what your yielding and from the power and work you got into it. Damn nice bro!!!
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Ive used GH Maxi....shit is good stuff. And has everything a plant needs. Your pulling big weight for more than one strain no doubt. Using way less electricity than alot of growers doing it. Imagine monocropping one strain. A proven big fat yielder like Dream and sealing up the room. Using Co2 and an a.c. (you could afford it because it would not have to be a big ac and your running less than 1000 watts.) You would kill it in the numbers department (you already are). But hey...i would be hard pressed to change anything except strains now and then with what your yielding and from the power and work you got into it. Damn nice bro!!!

i have an ac unit but rarely ever need it,, im in upper mi, even summer temps, and my ligfhts kick on at 5pm-5am, cool nights keep room perfect.. i think i had the ac running maybe a week in mid july..
ive been growing 20+ years never used co2,, a friend uses co2 and hps,, i pull better gpw than he does,,even w c02 hps is hard to get better than 1 gram per watt but ive never tried it,,so what do i know??
i just popped 2 female C99, but i do have HSO blue dream 4 feminized, havnt popped any yet.. ACTUALLY I HAVE HUNDREDS OF STRAINS most are 3-4 years old now. i have budzilla, ive been waiting to try,, ive popped several different strains this year,none have been keepers, i make S1's then toss the mothers..wright now i have 2 different gdp moms,2 white widdow, ultimate purple,dark star, and panama red..i might keep dark star the rest ill toss after making S1,s...
its dissapointing that maybe 1 of 20 seeds is really worth keeping, espeacially when i paid like 10-15 bucks per seed..i refuse to buy cali connection or dj short ive been really screwed 5 cali con= $124,, and not a keeper, dj 5 b.berry=$100 not one even popped.. buying seeds is addictive and seems most are a waste of money
i have an ac unit but rarely ever need it,, im in upper mi, even summer temps, and my ligfhts kick on at 5pm-5am, cool nights keep room perfect.. i think i had the ac running maybe a week in mid july..
ive been growing 20+ years never used co2,, a friend uses co2 and hps,, i pull better gpw than he does,,even w c02 hps is hard to get better than 1 gram per watt but ive never tried it,,so what do i know??
i just popped 2 female C99, but i do have HSO blue dream 4 feminized, havnt popped any yet.. ACTUALLY I HAVE HUNDREDS OF STRAINS most are 3-4 years old now. i have budzilla, ive been waiting to try,, ive popped several different strains this year,none have been keepers, i make S1's then toss the mothers..wright now i have 2 different gdp moms,2 white widdow, ultimate purple,dark star, and panama red..i might keep dark star the rest ill toss after making S1,s...
its dissapointing that maybe 1 of 20 seeds is really worth keeping, espeacially when i paid like 10-15 bucks per seed..i refuse to buy cali connection or dj short ive been really screwed 5 cali con= $124,, and not a keeper, dj 5 b.berry=$100 not one even popped.. buying seeds is addictive and seems most are a waste of money
Seeds are mostly a hustle anymore. There arw some breeders worth the money time amd energy...but those arw the exceptions. I dont really fuk with seeds anymore. Just run cuts from sources...and trade with about 20 gellow growers here in Flint.
Care to share the formula? I have personal friends who've effectively used whole plants strained through Everclear to shrink tumors small enough to be removed....

Their retail store. It ships from Ecuador.

The product is Cansema Black Tropical Salve. They have a few formulations including regular and deep tissue. I have been using it for maybe 15 years. I have been hit with liquid nitrogen, acid, lasers, and mohs for my shoulder which is a scraper under a local to numb it. The doctor also made me do Efudex when I was young which is a floraicil which is based on flouride which is very corrosive. Women get efudex now for wrinkles.

Cansema was started by a guy named Greg Caton and his wife. He started in miami. The FDA smashed his lab and arrested him. He was arrested again and went to jail. The wife moved to I think the Bahamas then Ecuador where they are now.

On the web site go to the (endless) testimonials. Some are pretty rough to look at but these people have saved many people especially people who could not afford to be saved. They have helped people's horses, dogs, donkeys, cats and other animals too. They are angels. You can email them and the wife will respond very fast and is very helpful.

The great thing about Cansema is if you put it on a spot and it does not react in about 20 minutes, there is no cancer. It does not harm to healthy skin. I had a spot on my shin I was a little worried about. I applied it and there was a small dot a few inches away. The dot "lit up". A dermatologist never would have noticed it. It killed it, was deep and took a while to heal. I bet it could have been killer melanoma.

From Metal Halide lights I had a spot on my shoulder (always wear a shirt) and on my face that took off. Skin cancer is - basal, squamous then deadly melanoma. My guess is both were squamous. Both would have required MOHs surgery from a dermatologist then a plastic surgeon for the face. This would ahve easily cost $5 K. Cansema deep tissue killed the cancer in about 24 to 36 hours.

I had to order new deep tissue because my reg Cansema was about 6 years old. It takes about 10 days from Ecuador. While I was waiting, I tried concentrated MMJ CBD paste. It helped a little but not much. Applied Cansema, the cancer was dead in 24 hours. It will be sore sometimes afterwards but take Tylenol or Motrin. .

Our bodies are amazing because once the cancer or eschar (?) is dead, the healthy skin below starts pushing out the dead cancer. It takes about 10 days and the dead cancer almost pops out. The spot about 1 inch from my nose scared me because it swelled up and was probably pretty deep. After a week it started getting better and 3 to 4 weeks was fine. I used the Medaderm from Wal Mart about $10. Dollar Tree has a scar gel made in Mississippi which is almost a good for $1.

I would recommend anything they sell. These people are life savers.
If i took my trimmings, and soaked it in everclear 95 like Rick Simpson Oil.
And then evaporated the alcohol.
how would i then take this to make a topical cream for melanoma?
If i took my trimmings, and soaked it in everclear 95 like Rick Simpson Oil.
And then evaporated the alcohol.
how would i then take this to make a topical cream for melanoma?

You can experiment but I would check out the info I posted about about Cansema if you have Melanoma. The cost is about $30. Do not wait or screw around with Melanoma. I am not sure if RSO will do the job. I tried good quality CBD oil/paste on less dangerous squamous cell and it was not helpful. Cansema killed it in a day.

I did some more research. The US Govt flew to Ecuador and arrested Greg Caton again (2012). It was totally illegal. Unreal. Why? Because he helps people for pennies. The big drug companies do not like competition. Greg and his wife have been helping people worldwide. Go look at their testimonials at web site. They have hundreds over the past 20 to 25 years.
Anybody try these guys yet?; Cultilux. Can't link since I slack on posts...

Apparently they make/import a true 1000w DE CMH bulb that is more stable than those DE 945w bulbs. Funny that the 1000w lamp they show has only two inner bulbs and yet gets 1000w??
Will these 1000 watt de CMH be a game changer ?

If they can provide high enough efficiency with the same or higher PAR output with reduced bulb wear on top of it, then yes, absolutely they will be.

That being said, if they can't put out the same PPF as a Philips DE HPS 1000w bulb in a Gavita, then no, they simply won't be adopted by commercial growers.
Yes they do exist.
True 1000 watt CMH that uses two(2) 500 watt Ceramic balls.
Double jacketed.
3000 and 4000k
Others CMH bulbs incorporate 315 watt balls.
Would this bulb operate in a 1000 watt Gavita?
Does anyone know how much these new bulbs are selling for?
CMH is not discontinued, just the old "Retro-White" is gone. but the new "CDM Energy Advantage AllStart" lamps are even more efficient and use only 330w on a 400w mag ballast. and it can be hps or mh ballast with the new allstarts. there is an 860w version that runs on a 1000w mag ballast, but if you look at the spectrum, it is not the same as the 400's and is more suited for a streetlight or soccer field light. It is missing the low blue/UVA that the 400 is rich in. But I have heard good comments even about these in combination with HPS. As far as UVB. your not gonna get much from any bulb on the market except reptile bulbs and other specialty UVB lamps. Any horticultural bulb I have seen that claims to put out UV, if you look at the spectrum it is UVA at best. UVB is between 280 and 315nm. I have never seen a spectral chart that went that low, and UVB is blocked by most glass anyways.
CMH is more of a supplemental light, that should be used in combination with an HPS to get real results. The resulting spectrum is great for plants, I have heard it can produce amazing results in this combination CMH 400w 4.2k for every 1000w HPS, or if you want to do all CMH use one 4.2k for every 2 3.1k CMH, which has more of a flowering spectrum. but thats a lot of 400w ballasts. your money would better be spent on 4.2k's to go with cheap HPS 1000watters.
Keep in mind however there are now many different full spectrum bulbs available on the market. the best known, and most expensive to operate is the hortilux blue, but ushio, sunmaster, and solis-tek, and something called U-Light now I am seeing adds for, but they all make a full line of full spectrum bulbs, to be used as SUPPLEMENTAL lights.

Realizing this thread is 2 years plus old I appreciate your knowlege and experience with CMH and wanted to ask @febisfebi if they have developed further opinions on CMH in general, 315 vs 630 DE specifically and best brands of bulbs Thanks to all, this is my first post here
I just bought a 315 cmh ballast , growlite it's called , $300 with 3100k Philips bulb and adapter, no hood . I'm going to try veg and last few weeks of flower with it on a flip box . I will be replacing a 600 hps .