All CFL Grow - Stealth


Well-Known Member
Nice vigorous healthy growth keep up the good work dude. Edit: on a side note when I uped ur rep your 1 green dot went to 2 :D happy ta help


Active Member
Nice vigorous healthy growth keep up the good work dude. Edit: on a side note when I uped ur rep your 1 green dot went to 2 :D happy ta help
hahaha thanks man. I tried to give you some but it would not let me, said it needs to be spread around. lol. BTW I was wondering when I would get another green dot. lol


Active Member
sounds good. i made a makeshift c02 filter but havent even had to use it yet mine dont smell that much too. ill be keeping an eye on how your plants progress. peace.


Well-Known Member
You must sprea some reputation around before giving to TheDude0007 again..... lol very nice bro they look so frosty.


Active Member
You must sprea some reputation around before giving to TheDude0007 again..... lol very nice bro they look so frosty.
They are retting ready that's for sure :-) My problem right now is that 2 clones should go into flower now but due to the space that girl is currently taking up it wont be possible until I harvest. I am playing with the idea of harvesting this girl at 6 weeks to make sure my rotation works out correctly and to ensure I do not have the same space issue again. Last night I topped the plants that are vegging. Decisions decisions :-)


Active Member
now you can't tell from the pics but the smell is something else. very sweet candy like smell. one of the best smelling weeds I have ever smelled. I have been to Amsterdam and spent about 4 days just trying everything in this one coffee shop. people ask me if I went to see anything like the museum's or anything. Honestly I went to the marijuana museum and the rest of the time I just smoked every kind of cronic I could. and this plant (above) smells better! :-)


Well-Known Member
now you can't tell from the pics but the smell is something else. very sweet candy like smell. one of the best smelling weeds I have ever smelled. I have been to Amsterdam and spent about 4 days just trying everything in this one coffee shop. people ask me if I went to see anything like the museum's or anything. Honestly I went to the marijuana museum and the rest of the time I just smoked every kind of cronic I could. and this plant (above) smells better! :-)
Dammit my Toshiba smell-o-vision laptop was supposed to be in like yesterday. lol looks good bro


Active Member
Thanks SKunkybud :-) BTW I am harvesting tomorrow. Only six weeks but to get my perpetutual grow going in the right synq I need to as my vegging plants are ready to start flowering. This way they will not be as big as this one and I will be able to fit 2 in the space I have for flowering and they will be flowering for 8 weeks. So although 6 weeks is not ideal I am happy with the buds right now and the potency is good also. :-)


Well-Known Member
Any harvest pics brotha? I'm excited I got 3 ladies going as of right now. 1 is a brick seed another is a Maine medical seed and the other is a clone I got off my buddy. I'll get pics up on a thread of my own . Thanks for inspiring me to get growing again man I'll pm ya a link when I manage to get sum up. Oh and I got a picante pepper clone that my dad cloned for me aswell. Why doesn't my enter button work on rui?? I try to space things out that I'm writing but can't enter works for me on every other site and program... strange.... Ne way lets see those nuggies bro. lol:bigjoint:


now you can't tell from the pics but the smell is something else. very sweet candy like smell. one of the best smelling weeds I have ever smelled. I have been to Amsterdam and spent about 4 days just trying everything in this one coffee shop. people ask me if I went to see anything like the museum's or anything. Honestly I went to the marijuana museum and the rest of the time I just smoked every kind of cronic I could. and this plant (above) smells better! :-)
First - those plants look great, if only smell was transferable through the web! Second - I'm going to Amsterdam on the 23rd. Any advice on what coffee shops I should go to?


Active Member
Any harvest pics brotha? I'm excited I got 3 ladies going as of right now. 1 is a brick seed another is a Maine medical seed and the other is a clone I got off my buddy. I'll get pics up on a thread of my own . Thanks for inspiring me to get growing again man I'll pm ya a link when I manage to get sum up. Oh and I got a picante pepper clone that my dad cloned for me aswell. Why doesn't my enter button work on rui?? I try to space things out that I'm writing but can't enter works for me on every other site and program... strange.... Ne way lets see those nuggies bro. lol:bigjoint:
Hey Skunky :-) glad you are coming along with your own grow plans, I feel honoured that I have inspired someone. :-) I will post some pics very soon of my harvest. It looks ands smells great! It is a lot for just one plant also. Hopefully the pics will do them justice. They are so sticky !!! I love it !!! :-)


Active Member
First - those plants look great, if only smell was transferable through the web! Second - I'm going to Amsterdam on the 23rd. Any advice on what coffee shops I should go to?
Thanks man! You will loooooovee Amsterdam. My advice is to try as many coffee shops as you can and you will soon find a fav. Mine was a place called Resin it was right in the centre of Amsterdam close to all the nice hotels and the red light district. But the first one I went to was the best for another reason. It was close to the train station, can't remember the name. It was basicly like a local that all the locals used, not allot of tourists and did not look fancy, had a bar/ pub feel but obviously they do not sell alcohol. I was new and not sure how it worked so I asked the guy hahaha he explains and then asks me If I know how to roll hahaha. So I jsit in there with my wife and roll this huuuuge splif, you can feel the locals check you out hahaha I light it and start smoking it, and it is as if they then go " good sized spliff knows how to roll it he is ok...." hahaha and then they seemed to chill out. was great, this was before I even got to the hotel. Get to the hotel complete stoned out of my mind. hahaha O make sure you go to the marijuana museum! that is class. Different coffee shops will also have different strains for sale. Some coffee shops you can smoke but you cant buy from them others will sell and you can smoke there. The weird thing is that they harly sell food in them, I chowed space cakes for food. lol they thougt I was nuts but then again I smoke allot. :-)


Active Member
dang, i been gone for a bit. but looks amazing dude! congrats
Thanks Siq :-) I will post pics of the curing buds soon, just put them in a jar, they have been drying for 8 days hanging and just a hour ago I put them in a glass jar.


Active Member
Harvest Pics - 1 plant yielded 35 grams or 1.24 Ounces. It has been hang dried for 8 days and currently curing in a glass jar (day 2). P1090583.jpgP1090580.jpgP1090584.jpgP1090585.jpgP1090586.jpgP1090587.jpg


Well-Known Member
Damn bro those look like some unique tastey nugs I wish I could match up with ya bro I'd love to try some of that yum yum lol. Congrats bro and enjoy the fruits of your labor. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
On Friday I will be placing 2 or 3 plants ,depending on how well they fit, into the flower section of my cab. So hopefully before I can smoke my current harvest, there will be another harvest to replace it with. :-) If I place 3 in flower section, there will be 2 plants left in my veg section which will go into flower after the before mentioned 3 plants that I am putting in on Friday. The two remaining plants will each have 1 clone taken from them so by the time they are in flower the two clones will be big plants. So the cycle seems to work out ok my only problem will be when mother in law comes to stay for a week around Christmas. The cab is perfectly stealth, but I do need to run the lights and fans and if I run it at night she will hear it. During the day she will at least be out. Dam man this is a problem. I am actually thinking of only having small clones at that time. Clones don't need much light and my two pc fans should provide enough air circulation. That would be super stealth and clones take about 10 days to root anyway...... I'm nervous though....