All I want are some "Fucking Incredible" seeds...

kush fario

Well-Known Member
lol way to be from your stock of seeds keep crossbreading traits that you like and eventualy ul have a strain that suits you perfectly

anything new on the grow? life? death? sadness? bliss?


Active Member
The very first set of true leafs are now the same size as the cotyldon leafs. Still very small. I can't tell yet what is going to happen.
What size pot is sufficient for a seedling? I mean. are the 2 inch deep 3 inch wide round seedling pots i bought too small? I read the taproot would be 4 inches long by the time the cotyldon leaves opened. If so, damn that pot is way too small lol, Why even sell it lol.
I dunno. I will update when something changes.

Edit: Next morning. It is still alive, and it has grown. I think it may survive. I am germinating another 2 seeds also. Pics if any of those 2 pop.


Active Member
Ok. So I guess I forgot to mention that I transplanted this plant from that tiny pot it was in to a 2-liter green plastic bottle which has a much better mix. I did this 2 days ago I think. The plant is beginning to grow now. I will never try to start in such a small pot again. I think I am going to continue the grow in the bottle to see how well the plant does. It will be a short veg anyways. 2 weeks or so after I get 2 more seeds to sprout, I will flip the switch and flower. That should give me enough seeds to play around for a few little grows. Provided that I get at least 1 male and 1 female. Sometime after that, I can learn more about cloning and breeding traits. But for now, my goal is seeds. And with ANY luck, I may get some.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
sounds like things are starting to look up my only advise would be dont trans plant very often as it can easaly dammage roots and if your only goal is seeds and all you get is fems you canstress them out and induce hermaphrodites which ive herd produce feminized seeds


Well-Known Member
Stock of seeds is all.
i got sick of spending $250 on 5 seeds..... so i inbred pollinated 10x NYCDiesel in my flowering room..... i got 300-400 seeds from the whole batch, and the smoke was STILL amazing even tho it was seedweed.

its WELL worth it now-a-days when breeders are trying to sell you a SEED for $30....... $5 is too much for a seed in my books....


Active Member
Yeah for sure.
I have never paid for seeds as of yet and I am already fed up with the prospect of having to pay that much for them.
You say you only got 3-400 seeds from 10 pollinated plants?
ResearchKitty seems to think that I should expect atleast several hunderd seeds from just one plant....
I guess Idealy, I want 1 male in the middle and 2 females. One on each side of him. But I would be happy to just get a male and a female to play with.
The one surviving seedling is doing well. The second true set of leaves is developing and will rise above the first by tonight I imagine.
The two seedlings have not popped yet. Tonight will be 3 days in the soil. Should be expecting something to wake up within the next few days.
Got my fingers crossed...


Well-Known Member
ResearchKitty seems to think that I should expect atleast several hunderd seeds from just one plant....
IF you have continuous polination to polinate ALL of the calyxes on teh plant then it is possible to get 100+ seeds per plant, but you shouldn't expect that unless you are doing a LONG veg time.

i polenated once, around 1/4 of the way through flowering so that it would only cause 1/4 - 1/2 of the calyxes to develop seeds, and there would still be decent THC production......


Active Member
My intent now is to have at least one male plant and at least one female plant go into 12/12 at the same time beside each other in a cab that has a constant circulation of air for the entire flowering cycle...
I am not however planning a particularly long veg cycle... Once (and if) any of the seeds I have germinating sprout and get past the seedling phase, I plan on vegging for only a couple of weeks.
I hope to pollinate the entirety of the plant(s). I am hoping for a few hundred seeds at least.
But I am just learning now, so I am just going for a ride really to see where I end up...

And on the side, I am working on a smaller box to use for a mother or some clones or a germination chamber or something. I don't really know yet.


Active Member
i dunno sativus, im wondering if ur best bet might be to extend the veg time a little least a month... then do like corbat says, to pollenate once just a couple of weeks into flowering. that way the existing calyxes develop into seeds, then the rest that grow after the male is removed will be good quality hash material (perhaps even some smokables)
you should still end up with plenty of seeds from this method... what with the slightly longer veg time.
just a suggestion


Active Member
What benefit does extending the veg time bring? More seeds? Better chance of viable seeds? Anything related to the quality of the seeds or just the quantity?
Honestly, for this grow, I am not interested in leaving myself any "smokeables". I want every single calyx pollinated on whatever buds do develop. I will make hash from everything else other than seed regardless of the quantity or quality.
In your opinion. How many seeds am I likely to produce from flowering 1 male and 1 female in a grow box with wind blowing everywhere until the pods begin to open?
The male will not be removed until there is no more hairs to pollinate.
My research gives me the idea that I can expect at least a couple hundred from a smaller sized plant, possibly a thousand or more from a larger plant.
Or is there a alternate reason for the longer veg time?


Active Member
i was only thinking more options.... i guess i lost sight of the thread
and yes more veg = more seeds.
i would say if you veg only a couple weeks you will probably get at least a hundred seeds.
if time is of the essence than yes , keep it short and fast...
after all it is YOUR grow lol


Well-Known Member
lol i was just talking about this strain on here. crazy... it can be come a beautiful shade of purple, with bright pink hairs. its in a cannabis culture issue, in an article on colors.


Active Member
Well, I would not say that time is of the essence. I would however like to finish this seed grow as soon as possible while still making sure that the seeds are mature and viable.
I will top the plants once, and do a basic 4 way LST. Once they are in uniform, I will flower them. So I dunno what the veg time will be, but it will be as short as possible.
But I may not even get any other seeds sprouting. I have the two germing, and if they don't pop, I am doing something wrong. In which case I will need to re-evaluate what I am doing.
That would also leave me with one single plant, which would fit perfectly as a clone mother in the new little box that I am building.
I really don't know. All just ideas running through my head at the moment. I could very well go left, even thought I just told you I was going to go right... :)
Hope you follow me for the ride ;)
Edit: Its the cooler nights that help these plants turn a shade of purple?

kush fario

Well-Known Member
ya every one says a 10 degree temp drop at night with bring the purps out i am growing some purple kush for the first time i was just going to leave it in a cool dry dark place for a week in a bubbling pail of water to flush out nutes and everything and hope that will bring it out but all in all its just good bud that i want :bigjoint: :bongsmilie: The longer veg period just allows more caylexs to have a better chance of being pollinated. and pink hairs maybe i should pull up my seet for this one ;)


Active Member
Ok. So, 2 days ago, just after my last post, I was downstairs. I had previous to this transplanted the only surviving FI seedling into a better container. The pot it was in was low on soil, and only gave the root 1.5-2 inches at most to grow. I didn't want to go straight into my larger square pot and I had a 2 liter bottle with me, so that is where it went. All was going well and the root had already reached the bottom of the 2 liter bottle as of 2 days ago after my last post. I got concerned about having issued getting the plant out of that bottle because of the shape of the bottom and decided to do it sooner rather than later, so away I went. I prepared my square pot and my mix and turned to the plant. I very carefully began attempting to remove it from the bottle. Cutting slits and removing sections of the bottle I thought would help me ease the plant out. Cut this story short, I ended up literally breaking off what I can only assume was the entirety of the root system.
It was like 3 inches long and had smaller roots coming out of it closer to the "top". At the very "top" of the root, there was a small white mass. I assume this was literally the bottom of the plant.
After shedding a few tears, I went into recovery mode. I added more soil to my square pot (since the plant is now only in about 1/3 of the soil it used to be) and I planted it. I watered it very well and let it drain well then I put it as close to the lights as possible in the pot it is in now.
I rolled a joint and smoked it while saying my goodbye's, and made a promise to make the plant comfortable during its last days. I have been keeping the temp about 25, and the RH about 65, and I have been misting the plant a few times a day hoping that it will put less strain on the plant because it has no roots now.
Ok, so what can I say. 2 days later. The plant doesn't even seem to be stunted. The second set of leaves has grown a good 30% of what it was before the accident, and also, the third set of leaves is now growing up and the plant looks great. No drooping, no color issues, no growth stunting as far as I can tell. I mean, I expect to wake up the next morning and see a poor droopy dying plant to toss out. Instead, so far at least, I am experiencing the exact opposite!
So, how long will it take for her to die? Is this a cruel joke by mother nature that will be exposed in the next day?
Or, is there some kind of hope to reach for?
When I went down this morning my jaw dropped. I could not believe that this plant was still growing strong.
So, to be clear. about 60 hours ago, I am pretty sure I accidentally removed her root system. What the hell is going on?
When I was reading, one guy commented "clones survive with no roots don't they?". This perked me up a little bit.
But it is soo young, any opinions on whether or not this plant will live? If it does, I hope to keep these strong survival genes and use it as a parent.
My head tells me its already dead, but my eyes just are not seeing that yet.
I am so ashamed I couldn't even post it for 2 days... LOL

On another note. I have begun to germinate the rest of my seeds. I have 7 germinating right now. 1 @ 48 hours, and 4 @ 24 hours. These are back in the small pots that the only 2 FI seeds actually germinated in. I have however filled them up with soil to almost the very top. Left just enough room to be able to water slowly without spilling water. These seeds are in their soil which was pre soaked and drained well. After the seeds were placed and gently covered, I misted the area where the seed is planted to give the seed shell a little moisture to start off with. However, instead of placing these 5 under my lights for the warmth they need, I placed them on top of my lights. The temp up there is a constant 25 and the RH about 60% and the air is always fresh because they are under my exhaust.
I also have 2 germinating in 2 liter bottles. They are on their 8-10th day. I cant remember. These however have spent the last 7 days or so under the lights for warmth. I have begin to think that the seeds in the soaked soil under the lights so close for warmth are slowly being cooked or rotted as a result of the light. So we will see if they ever pop and can compare with the 5 that have never been under the light for warmth.
Main point of the story. If you are going to use a 2 liter bottle to begin growing in, make sure it is one that is uniform in shape from the top to the bottom. Don't use any that have a curvy body or a slightly larger base. And when transplanting from these bottles, cutting off the bottom and planting, then carefully removing the plastic bottle from the top may prove to be a good way. Unfortunately, I didn't think of that until after the fact.

Pics to follow soon.


Active Member
Ok, Here is the only remaining FI plant after the horrible transplant 2 days ago...

Here are the 5 that are germinating in the small pots.

And the other two in the 2 liter bottles. They may have been cooked by the lights.

And a few shots of the slightly modified box and exhaust ect.

I really didn't want to take any pics until I had a few more to show, but considering all the trouble, I will just give you what I got.

There are still some small modifications intended, but I will save those for another time.

Edit: The next day. I can't believe this plant. Still growing. How could it not be stunted and dying after I ripped its roots off? I am completely stumped and can't believe my eyes.
Like, when the roots got torn off, the leafs on the second node were still smaller than the leafs on the first node. Now, almost 72 hours later, not only is the second node larger than the first, but the third node is growing fast too!
Defiantly a fighter.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
fucking rights its a fighter i would assume your soil is moist enough and has enough oxygen in it for the plant to push out new roots from its main stem there are fancy words for it but thats what it breaks down to add a little h202 in your water and if its still alive and well the h202 will only give it oxygen and help with nute uptake :)

and it looks just fine to me i think it will probably stay fairly low and be pretty bushy but only time will tell and for any grammer junkies FUCK PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING :bigjoint:

Also i use a heating mat in a little terrarium for my seedlings so the heat from the light should be fine.


Active Member
Yeah. I defiantly need work on my germinating...
I just use normal tap water m8. Almost 80 hours now and the thing is still growing. I mist it 4-5 times a day to ease the pressure on the roots to provide, but in another day or two I will need to water the soil. I think at that point, I will stop misting it for a day or two and see how it reacts. At that point, I am sure it will almost be rising up over the pot it is in. I honestly can't believe it is still growing.
Never mind stunted, or wilting, or changing color... It is green and growing. Crazy. Oh well, next update if I get another one to join it.


Active Member
sometimes MJ loves a bit of stress, they just seem to bounce back and fluorish...oddly enough!
i would hit her with a very light dose super thrive or thrive alive, i truly believe in these kelp/seaweed based plant 'tonics" they seem to help transplants and clones develop roots quickly.
just a suggestion