all i want is an ounce or two


Well-Known Member
dude you guys are making it so complicated, i got a 35 plant grow room running in my them under 3 400watt hps ...dude i have a master set-up...i could grow up to 50plants if i wanted...and i spent less then $350...that includes pots,soil,lights(they where free),everything. I even bought a cloner tent...actually i modified a refrigerator and made it to a cloner...this is a professional setup, better then the ones ive seen with $4,000+ budget....and i made a better one...with less then $350...ow and i forgot to mention, im only 14years old.. xD...quit making it so difficult...its just a weed.. ow and CFL's work great for seedlings and clones by the way...
lol who do you live with that thinks its cool that you grow in the basement ballz out, I have always been cool with my son but I would not allow him to do that in my house


Well-Known Member
yep a 250 in that tent will work well for four plants and maybe add a couple of clf to supplement and you should be good to grow 2-4 oz...


Well-Known Member
im pondering whether i should sell this tent. im so freakin limited as to what i can do with it. height might be an issue also. if i got a gl80 which is 3x3x6 this would be no problem at all...
You ARE limited. But you only wanted an ounce or two, right? A 2ft tent won't hold big lamps. Try something innovative, investigate LED lighting. Just a suggestion, but that would solve many of your problems. You could grow 4 small autos under LEDs that will easily kick off 2 zips. Good luck. I'd love to see how they work out for you.

I'm doing a 4x4 GroLab tent. 12 plants under 1000w.