All Man Someone please Help


stays relevant.
What is your feeding/watering schedule and quantities?
Also, distance between tops of plants and lights?


Active Member
Every 3rd day on watering and no fert for another week, or maybe I should start now. Approx 10 inches from light.


Active Member
Can she(positive thinking)be saved? How she look? I was told the leaves curling up is from lack of copper. That was a first.


Well-Known Member
Can she(positive thinking)be saved? How she look? I was told the leaves curling up is from lack of copper. That was a first.
Hey buddy, she is far from done!!!
Of course she can be saved!

Thanx Lipples/how far should I have her? Any ideal? moving her immediatly.
10 inches is a touch too close, I doubt it would cause problems tho. 12-18inches for a 400watt is where u want to be... Use the inside of your wrist to judge. If u feel the heat of the bulb it's too close.

Now lets get those leaves uncurled.
What is the room temp?
Is it possible u are underwatering?
U definately don't want to overwater, but when you water them you want to soak them good (til the water is draining out of each bottom hole), then let them dry out til u can go knuckle deep w/o touching moist soil before u water again.
Leaves curling is usually a watering, or heat issue.


Active Member
Hey good looin out CH, I believe I may have been over watering. I keep the temp around 68-74. Is horticulture oil a good foliar feeding cause I been using that too?


Active Member
I keep the temp between 68-74, I believe that I may have been over watering. preciate the advice CH. Is a horticulture oil good for foliar feeding, or could that potentially be harmfull at once a day?