a few more ..
did take out 2 medium size top buds ..

to inspect and check out ..
wight of the biggerst is 2,5 grams

so pretty dens .. and also pretty hard Im happy to discover .. smaller one is 1,5 gram .. so they two alone is 4 grams and is only like 1/20 of my top buds so it do look prommising .. also begin to smell realy nice and strong ..
also made a check on thricomes .. had about 5% Amber when I cut the light ..

so now after drying its more like +20% Amber ... on top buds that is ..
here is the 4 grams of buds cut up ..
pretty sticky now after it got a good dry .. more then I dare to hope for .. and smell when you cut it is pretty strong ..
made a 1g joint (with a bit of toastet tobacco to make it burn better) to test the smell/tast and effect ...
and it did`t let me down ..
cant wait untill its cured proberbley .. well I can .. atlest I will try

but allready the tast is nice and effect leave nothing to complaing about ..