All My Plants Are About To Diie

Here is a link to the old thread

Plants are in 3 gal pots of happy frog, was feeding pH's water of 6.5-7, Started to feed quarter strength nutes of grow big and had temps at a steady 65-70 at all times. Out of no where all of my plants got very droopy and leaves were curling and also yellowing at the bottom. I have no idea what went wrong since nothing has changed. I know the [lants are growing because I can see the roots starting to move towards the bottom.

Any Advice?

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Active Member
Whoa, I dont know man. You watered them lately? If there not short on water then something major got to them. ph sounds kinda high but not too bad. Either water or nutes. Not good. Wish you the best for sure.


Active Member
It looks like you are either giving them too much of something or not enough of something.What kind of soil is that? nutrients in soil? and are you giving them nutrients.... and how many times are you watering?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
pH is fine (If that's the pH of the actual soil) but that soil looks a mite dry. Bet they're thirsty.
Ya I took the picture right before I watered. I am watering every 3 days. I'm giving them small amounts of nutes because they got some nute burn when I first gave them some. I'm gonna try watering every other day now that I have them in these special pots. Otherwise ill have to start germing seeds again....


Well-Known Member
lol ya changed it. small amounts of nudes will only excite us. the plants wont care!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
is there anybody in your house that dont like ya? that is kinda weird one minute there fine and the next boom!
No exact amount but I water kinda slow and wait till run off and then I stop. I did water them pretty well today because underwaterring was my only guess.

My brother actually doesn't like me at all and we live together....I wouldn't put it past him to do something but I hope not cuz he knows how much time and 3ffort I put into these plants

Dr Lg

Active Member
That soil looks very dry but might just me. I've seen plants do that from lack of water.. but if they don't prop right back up within 10 minutes after a good watering then i'd say its something else. Its quite fascinating watch a plant change completely in 10 minutes. Not advised though

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
you want to saturate the soil thoroughly until you get run off out of the bottom, then let them dry out before you water again.
you want to saturate the soil thoroughly until you get run off out of the bottom, then let them dry out before you water again.
Thats what Ive been doing, Im starting to think that someone has messed with my plants now. Because they just keep getting worse but ill water them again today