All my plants do the same thing, get sick


New Member
I got a bunch of little plants that grow their first two leaves, then start on the second pair of leaves, then stop growing, turn yellowish green and wilt.

I was watering the dixie cups every day, then suspected over watering. Then I let them dry out like 2.5 days - one dried out completely. Watered them all the way to the bottom yesterday with water thats ph 6.5ish.

Also no matter what PH water I put in there, the PH in soil is always reading about 7. Last watering I tested the drainoff and it was at about 6.5 tho.

I even read a thread about how urine has worked in some peoples grow because it has the nitrogen and phosphorus etc. I tried it on two plants - they havent gotten any better, but havent gotten any worse.


New Member
Also I suspected they were too close to the light and suffering from the heat. I had them 1 ft from a 400w MH now I have them 2ft from it.


Well-Known Member
Cloning keep your light back so you don't overheat them. Also don't over water. I use a spray bottle and spray the soil a couple times a day. You want the soil just moist with cloning not soaked.


Active Member
When your plants are just sprouting dont put them under such heavy light. I use t5 floros for veg and when when I'm sprouting I have them about a foot away.


New Member
how far should the 400w MH be from the young plants ideally? Dont tell me to put my hand under it and see if it burns me, cause thats why they were only 1 ft from the light.


Well-Known Member
I think maybe a foot is good enough maybe a few inches off but otherwise it is a light burn but if you are using any Nutes that could be another reason.


New Member
Hyponex Potting soil. I checked it out, and others have used it successflly. However I should prolly add perlite and the PH stabilizing lime shit.

Also - Have not been using any nutes - I added a very small amount of piss to the worst looking plants (yes, piss, but read about whats in it, and how other people use it successfully)
so what kind of soil are you using?


Active Member
There are a million of combos that work I am sure. I have seen routine success with a simple combo of Scotts potting soil (ph right on) and perlite mixed in. There is enough neuts in there get the lil girls going for 3 weeks or so. It is really foolproof, just gotta keep it simple stupid or so it goes. You can repot em in a scotts/mg perlite mix now if you want. Only water when the pot is really dry, get to know them by weight, pick em up b4 and after and you should not feel any moisture when sticking your finger in the soil al the way. When its time to feed em' I only have experience with Alaska Fish Fert 5-1-1 and organic lime to keep PH in the soil up. Then add molasses to the rotuine during wks 4+ of flowering. Good luck


New Member
Should I expect these to start growing starting now? Or are they going to continue this pause for awhile?

Also - The leaves that yellowed - there were a few - Are they going to get better? Or are new ones just going to grow.

New leaves got green (mostly on the inside) Leaves that yellowed still look like crap, and no real noticeable new growth. Ive had these maybe 2.5 - 3 weeks and they are still sprouts lol.


Active Member
They most likely got stunted a bit. Sprouts wont do a whole heck of alot the first two weeks. Then next two however they will grow like crazy. The next week or so will tell you alot. The yellow leaves probably won't get better. Pay attention to new growth. Dont feed em! Water only when throughly dry.