All my plants got stolen :/ such a horrid feeling...

Growing in public land is WRONG. Simple. The land is the be enjoyed and shared by the public the way it is and that is why it is protected.
Next year go plant a couple plants in the location that they got stolen from and use a new spot for your real harvest. Grow the plants in the old spot nice and good, then when you think they might come and steal it put something on the bud, like a very think layer of lye or something else that's toxic to humans that you can spread in a thin coat on the nugs. If the theifs come back and smoke it and they survive, they wont steal bud from the wild again.
funny when you mention hunting and fishing
how so many times i see hook packages fishing line and cups of worms obviously empty from these so called granola bars fishing and hunting people
yea i go on these public lands and see trails made by these hunters wrecking the land by what Quads ????? so someone plants a few plants or 100's of plants who fckin cares right or when you come across a dead animal cause some granola bar shot a deer but was to lazy to go in the bush and chase it finding beefjerky rappers na not these granola bars there all green ppl hahaha
No, you are ignorant.

Marijuana atracts criminal element (not all, but if you have a brain you understand), and I don't know which of you are willing to hurt or kill to keep your garden a secret, and I don't want to be fishing and have some punk roll up on me because he thinks I'm invading his grow when his grow is invading public spaces, so I cut it down secretly, and then I can continue to hunt and fish that area because I know no one is going to come back after they realize their grow has been discovered.

Besides, you asshole leave your plastic cups, fert bags and all that shit every where. Nothing pisses me off more than to be enjoying nature and find a couple thousand feet of tubing abandoned from a previous grower.

Again, this is only those illegally growing on PUBLIC lands. If it's your land or in your home, you have my full support and I do not agree with people jacking shit out of peoples back yards. But if it's everyones back yard (public land ) then your grow can go fuck it's self.
I bet you own no land, you are now my new hero.
Well if it's on public land I cut them down every time. Fuck you guys who grow on public lands where many of us hunt and fish, it makes it a risk to those of us who are out to enjoy ourselves. Best patch I ever found was over a 100 strong in late September 2 years ago, cut everyone of them down and left them there to die. I've found over a dozen patches in the past couple years most being 20 or less, knocked them all down.

It's not just theives and cops, it's people who DON'T FUCKING WANT YOU GROWING ON PUBLIC LANDS that also have a problem with your ass. Grow in your house or on your land, or fuck off. Maybe I should start calling the cops and helping them bust some of your asses for this shit instead of just cutting them down.

i also might add where i come from you be gutted on the spot if they caught you cutting down there grow its there lively hood
You 2 will NEVER really meet, just leave the threats off the site Please. No need for that non sense

It blows to have ANYTHING stolen or broken that you have worked hard on.

I dont grow on public land because I own acreage but If I did there's a simple code to live by.

"Leave Nothing but Footprints".

I Always Hate to hear of plants getting stolen, just find a spot not near people next time if on public land,

even though I may not condone it.
thanks for the advice gfreeman, I feel ya.. chances are im not going to do any retaliation because at the end of the day theres someone who is gonna smoke that red dragon and have a better day so atleast someones enjoying it. Im using this years rip for fuel to do it better next year. And ALWAYS abide by, the first rule of grow club. Have a good one mannn

Very sorry about this BS with your dragon's! it isn't right! PERIOD!!! and I read that you were NOT ON PUBLIC LAND!! but I think YOU need to think like these IDIOT RIPPERS!!! there going to know that there will probably be another grow next year, and they will be ready to look for it!! how did they find it to begin with? THEY LOOKED FOR IT!!!!! rethink your next grow and get out of that area completely. again I'm sorry for your plants being ripped by EVIL'S. yeti
Been a while since I've posted (two years?)...anyway. Sucks getting jacked. Happens, and has happened twice to me. I just finally pulled off a harvest this week, been a long time coming. Nothing big, not a lot of weight, but it's mine and I did it. Was a little early, but given my history I made sure I got something. Had a male, and I pollintated early, now I have seeds for next year. Indica male, sativa female. Should be a good mix, right? You'll be back. Was it Jorge Cervantes who said: "Smoking pot is not addictive. But growing pot is." Amen.
I bet you own no land, you are now my new hero.

Other than the 122 acres I own you mean, not pretending to own while making payments each month hoping the bank doesn't fuck me if I lose income for more than 2 paychecks in the process, like most people who "own" property/homes in this country. It backs up to BLM so really it's like owning about 10 million acres but I only have to pay taxes on a tiny piece, and it's out in the BLM lands that all this growing is going on.

I know some of you can probably pull off a grow without leaving much of a foot print if any at all, but the assholes around here are sloppy and it's really put a bad taste in everyone's mouth whether they are pro-pot or not.

And you guys with your traps and ideas of poison, thats just wrong, what the fuck is the matter with you?
This wasnt on public property it was privately owned by a family friend of whom's permission I have to be out there.I had a second plot that was ravaged by deer leaving 1 plot. And your also have the IQ of a dolt. I clearly posted above that this is solid brush for 3mi with no trails there would not be any reason (besides ripping) for anybody but me or the land owner being out there.I may not have a thousand plants but the 11 I did have would have made me a couple thousand and if somebody takes money out of my pocket I get revenge.And youve obviosly never had your hard earned plants stolen from you cause its a heartwrenching feeling knowing you worked for someone else all summer, for free. So go eat a dick and some rocks

"with permission from the owner" i thought you said noone else knew?