All of La Plata Labs Gear and Grow Journals


New Member
Yesterday june 22nd i soaked 1Big skunk,1Big white,2Green Aliens,2Lemon Aliens,2Buddha Pez,3Maple Tangerines,2Mystery Aliens,2Pink Aliens,2White VooDoo,2Mystery Sour all for about 12 hours and today at about 9am east coast time i put all the seeds into root riot...For 2 days I useally leave in a certain room were the temp always the same after 3 or 4 days i will move the tray into the veg room n from there they useally always sprout anyway theres not much more i can say bc right now i am at step one just waitin for them to pop and as soon as most pooped i will keep updated of which strains popped and which ones did not and times they did pop around so today june 22nd i put them all into the root riot.. anyone who never use root riot u should go an try it man for real they are miracle dirt sponges they work about 98% of the time for real..Soon as the seeds pop i will take pictures on there day ones and keep pictures updates everyweek or other day dependin whats goin on and how fast they grow .Personaly i never ever grown Laplata Labs but i seen ther stuff on the net and lookedd sick so i bought every strain off him.anyway anyone has questions along the way ask away dont matter how many or anything does not bother me i hope everyone enjoys this grow bc this is my first one ever posted online i have grown for like 10 years so its def def not my first grow just my first grow journal... so i decided to make one for once n to post pictures and i did not really care which forum i picked there all the same to me as long as i get to type my journal out and post pictures and i am happy and also i would of done more of each strain but i have already 54 other plants growin rite now i told my brother i was doin this project july 1st an do u k no what he does germinates freakin literally 40 seeds man i was suppose to have that spot and on top of that we have 28 plants about to go into flower and 15 floweriin for real and each strain diffrent in that one except if ther regs i do 2 but anways back to the new grow i had to squeexze laplata labs gear in or i had to wait another 3 months so i said screw that if anything my bro strain have to move bc i told him reapedtly i have this project comin up and also i have sic meds grow i am starin june 29th 4 williams wonder with so its goin to be crazy and packed i cant beleive that anway any questions just ask away an soon as majority pop i will post pictures and start updatein till then peeps keep true n keep grownin
whats up philly i live in de and work in phiily everyday use to go behind the gas station on 5th street and lehigh and get the hydro from poppy, some killer shit, ne ways i like that your going to do alot of strains, i myself am a strain whore i always pack to many plants in one tray and then have to tie them all over the place but ive had some good luck cant wait to see some pics ,good luck, bigworm
Whats the deal this is on icmag and dead too... I was really curious to see if la plata has good shit ? Anyone actually flower anything from la plata or know about the breeder ?
Laplata labs misrepresents strains, puts his name on other people's gear and says he breed them, he just makes stuff up, bad news!!
sup ppl i have lemon alien, big white, big skunk, all just went into the flower room an more wil join threw the month an i ahve at leas 5 to 10 of each strain now instead of 2 i have least 5 to 10 plants of strans lol anyway i will take some pictures soon of them shortly
also there is a buddha tahoe i forgot to mention that in flower also my bad guys i knew somethin was missin when i wrote this an also im doin test grow for

bodhi seeds, gage green group an cannnaventure an cants wait they all will be startin this week or next lastest but this thead will be again updated an not dead

just to let eveyone kno an i kno theres not to many threads on la plata labs to figure to make one when i did before they got big an famous and now there

sellin there gear everywere now for real which is awsoem an there real good ppl at la palata labs the manager an the owenr are the nicest guys in the world an

kno there shit man an hope eveyone enjoys the rest of th log an which is awsoem u guys can see all the phenos an out of like 8 lemon aliens like 4 of them

showin sex an all showin femals also an al the ones in the tent are female except still waitin on the big white to show sex lol anyway be safe peeps an

welcome back lol
Phillyfinest is the same person that's been called out on other forums for spamming up laplata with "run on paragraphs".
This dude uses strange writing patterns and misplaces his punctuation.
Still no pics ever....on any of his posts.
Is laplata this unedumuckated?