All plants showing female flowers


All 5 of my planets are showing pistles. Signs of a female i believe. They are not feminized seeds and truly dont think i got lucky. I am worried they all might be hermies because i know i caused stress. Is this typical if you know that you have stressed them slightly?


Active Member
slight stress wont cause hermies usually
i say you got lucky
this has happened to me with 9/10 babes out of 10 norm seeds


Well-Known Member
I agree. If you are seeing true pistils, then it's likely that you have true girls. I don't have much experience with hermies(only ever had/seen one), but from all the reading I've done it sounds like interrupting the dark periods in bloom, is the most likely way to turn a plant hermie. Trust me, in the past I've stressed plants to the point that they became so mutated that they didn't even look like pot plants anymore,LOL and they never turned hermie, not once. It's tough to do in veg, so you shouldn't have much to worry about. Congrats. :cool: