All Pot Shops In Los Angeles Will Be Closed Very Soon


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Staff member
I think we will be seeing big pharma come out with their Cannabis solution to save the poor medical marijuana users from the evil cannabis profiteers. God I hope I'm wrong. I am so sick and tired of corporations poisoning us for profit and buying the legislators that are supposed to protect us and instead create a nanny state that serves us on a platter to the corporation.


Well-Known Member
Just another bump in the road. This same thing has happened several times in San Diego since the 90's. The prohibitionists and obstructionists have a long arm, and they will continue to harass us.

But we're resilient, and we will persevere.



Well-Known Member
This is ridiculous. Perhaps we should close all stores and retailers that have liquor licenses while we are at it?


Well-Known Member
The FEDS know exactly what they are doing. They are knocking off what they can in CA before they turn their guns on Colorado. Colorado is one of the states that has legalization on the ballot in November and the Feds want to make their raids count...against that. They will swarm over Colorado late summer for maximum 'shock & awe' to cooerce voters against voting for this 'evil weed'. I really hate being right all the time... :(


Active Member
Just another bump in the road. This same thing has happened several times in San Diego since the 90's. The prohibitionists and obstructionists have a long arm, and they will continue to harass us.

But we're resilient, and we will persevere.

oo i used to live in san diego. i think the military presence doesn't help the issue at all. bunch of robots.


Active Member
Fuk em tbh.

Weed was here before all the medical bs , and itll be here long after.

What there doing is called pissing in the wind.


Active Member
This is such bull shit... Making Los Angeleans drive a couple hours to hit up a dispensary in the city over is just stupid law, removes the tax revenues from LA and gives it to neighboring counties...

The planning committee in charge of doing this is full of idiots, I personally know one of them