Zaehet Strife
Well-Known Member
What is it that we should all be trying to do? We should all be trying to make the world a better place. But everyone is all talk and no action.
Their beliefs give them the excuse to sit around and talk, while doing nothing. So they can go on with their lives exactly as they were living it before.
Buying things they don't need instead of using their money responsibly to help others. They buy their new clothes without ever having to think about the people thousands of miles away who have NONE! These are just a couple examples.
Until they realize the truth, they will continue to believe what they want so they can keep living life the way they like, instead of giving back to the world, giving back to the universe.
They don't have to change because they think the world will change for them, or that it is out of their control... it is an excuse.
And they will sit, and they will wait. And nothing will happen because none of them are going to change their behaviors.
None of them will give up things they don't need, to people who need them. None of them will give up their comforts, to make others more comfortable. None of them will give up their fortunes, to help less unfortunates.
It is about equalizing our happiness with the rest of the worlds, and our beliefs give us the excuse to sit and wait, to do nothing about our own behavior. To continue being selfish in the guise of self-lessness.
Unless we change our behaviors, the world will stay in the hell it is in right now until it may be too late.
All talk and no action.
We must all change our behavior to be better parts of ourselves.
But no one will... because we like our beliefs, homes, our video games, our shoes and clothes, our burgers and French fries, our drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
To make change we must be change, but our beliefs give us the excuse to keep doing the same things over and over again without ever taking full responsibility for what we are doing, for every action we take, and how it affects EVERYONE not just the people and places that surround you.
No one wants to give up what they have become attached to, whether it be materialistic items we dont need, or beliefs we dont need; they would rather turn their back on the world and be selfish, while parading around like they are making a difference, when they keep making the same decisions about their lives over and over again. The same patterns, which will not help the world but continue to drive it deeper and deeper into self-destruction.
All talk, and no action.
I believe to wake up, is to become utterly conscious about every single decision you make, about every single thought you think and to take responsibility in doing what you know is right for each and every one of those decisions or thoughts.
I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink, I can help you hear but I cannot make you listen, I can open your eyes but I cannot make you see. He who has ears let him hear, he who has eyes let him see.
Do whats easy and continue to live life the way you like, the way you always have been, or do whats hard and really truly help the universe instead of helping yourselves.
But you wont want to accept it either. You will start making attempts to justify your own behaviors, and they still will not change. I have the same problem with some things, but they are getting better, slowly and surely i am taking the steps necessary to make the changes we all know we need to make In order for the world to be a better place.
So what is more important to you? Yourself, Or the collective? Yourself, or the world? Yourself or the universe?
All talk and no action
Nothing is beyond our ability if everyone is willing to come together. It is hard and it is painful, but I promise if you need someone to talk to, or if you need someone to empathize with you, I am here. If you need help I promise Ill try my best to find a way to help you. I promise you I will show you compassion and love and understanding and patience. I cannot do this alone, I need everyones help. So when you are ready, please let me know, I will be here for you with you, always have been and always will be.
(I will not reply to this, if you would like to discuss it with me, please message me, this is for each individual to come to their own understanding and decision of how they really want to live their lives)
we can all help each other if we choose to
Their beliefs give them the excuse to sit around and talk, while doing nothing. So they can go on with their lives exactly as they were living it before.
Buying things they don't need instead of using their money responsibly to help others. They buy their new clothes without ever having to think about the people thousands of miles away who have NONE! These are just a couple examples.
Until they realize the truth, they will continue to believe what they want so they can keep living life the way they like, instead of giving back to the world, giving back to the universe.
They don't have to change because they think the world will change for them, or that it is out of their control... it is an excuse.
And they will sit, and they will wait. And nothing will happen because none of them are going to change their behaviors.
None of them will give up things they don't need, to people who need them. None of them will give up their comforts, to make others more comfortable. None of them will give up their fortunes, to help less unfortunates.
It is about equalizing our happiness with the rest of the worlds, and our beliefs give us the excuse to sit and wait, to do nothing about our own behavior. To continue being selfish in the guise of self-lessness.
Unless we change our behaviors, the world will stay in the hell it is in right now until it may be too late.
All talk and no action.
We must all change our behavior to be better parts of ourselves.
But no one will... because we like our beliefs, homes, our video games, our shoes and clothes, our burgers and French fries, our drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
To make change we must be change, but our beliefs give us the excuse to keep doing the same things over and over again without ever taking full responsibility for what we are doing, for every action we take, and how it affects EVERYONE not just the people and places that surround you.
No one wants to give up what they have become attached to, whether it be materialistic items we dont need, or beliefs we dont need; they would rather turn their back on the world and be selfish, while parading around like they are making a difference, when they keep making the same decisions about their lives over and over again. The same patterns, which will not help the world but continue to drive it deeper and deeper into self-destruction.
All talk, and no action.
I believe to wake up, is to become utterly conscious about every single decision you make, about every single thought you think and to take responsibility in doing what you know is right for each and every one of those decisions or thoughts.
I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink, I can help you hear but I cannot make you listen, I can open your eyes but I cannot make you see. He who has ears let him hear, he who has eyes let him see.
Do whats easy and continue to live life the way you like, the way you always have been, or do whats hard and really truly help the universe instead of helping yourselves.
But you wont want to accept it either. You will start making attempts to justify your own behaviors, and they still will not change. I have the same problem with some things, but they are getting better, slowly and surely i am taking the steps necessary to make the changes we all know we need to make In order for the world to be a better place.
So what is more important to you? Yourself, Or the collective? Yourself, or the world? Yourself or the universe?
All talk and no action
Nothing is beyond our ability if everyone is willing to come together. It is hard and it is painful, but I promise if you need someone to talk to, or if you need someone to empathize with you, I am here. If you need help I promise Ill try my best to find a way to help you. I promise you I will show you compassion and love and understanding and patience. I cannot do this alone, I need everyones help. So when you are ready, please let me know, I will be here for you with you, always have been and always will be.
(I will not reply to this, if you would like to discuss it with me, please message me, this is for each individual to come to their own understanding and decision of how they really want to live their lives)
we can all help each other if we choose to