all talk, and no action...

i just didnt feel right, having everything i had... whilst having the knowledge that there are others around the world that have nothing...

just didnt feel right bro...
i just didnt feel right, having everything i had... whilst having the knowledge that there are others around the world that have nothing...

just didnt feel right bro...
Yeah I understand what you mean but still, maybe you can go to another country and help them out. I actually think you would like that. You would live in a tent with just the bare survival tools and medicine then you can just help everyone and go crazy with help, I'm probably gonna do that someday. Don't let people's negative posts get you mad it's just a forum, if they knew you they would probably think you're a little crazy (Jk) but overall a really good guy. Peace bro.
Helping others doesn't have to be physical. Preaching about all talk no action seems a little oxymoronic, is that the right word? Showing someone how to take action is proly more effective. I have been helped by many on this site just reading and researching, that in turn lets me help others. Small example.
I live in a small town with a few weed dealers with expensive buds that need to be brought in. Now that I've shown a bunch of people how to do it themselves they have shown others and there is rarely a need for dealers. So a couple dozen have been helped but again there is a few who had to get a job so they could buy buds from my friends.
first thing, give up all attactchments you dont necisarrilly need, its not as hard as it seems if you start out slow. like extra shoes you dont need to people who do, or chothes for example. the more you give, trust me, the better you will feel about yourself... and the more free you become from your attatchments. sooner or later you'll come to a sudden realization, and the things that you once loved will lose their value... and you dont really have to give anything away... they just kinda fall away of their own accord. :)