All the buds are so tiny and round

I think it was Mexican I bought it from Mexicans and it pressed into a brick they broke it off for me
sweet, mexican brick weed, the seeds from them will be stronger then thr weed you baught. they just let the plants do what they will without removing the males, what you get is a brick of male n female plants that have been seeded.
i often wonder why they dont do some selective breeding, they could get some killer plants thast they can chatge a decent price for.
but its all asbout the money, just let them do there own thing and then brick it up. i miss the days of brick weed, its how i started growing weed from the bagseed.
see if you can find someware to let it do its thing. and colect the pollen from it. fertilise a branch from a selected female and polinayte her.
you can just cut a branch off and have it on the kitchen or coffee table in a glass of water and it will continue to produce flowers and give you pollen, safely away from any females
sweet, mexican brick weed, the seeds from them will be stronger then thr weed you baught. they just let the plants do what they will without removing the males, what you get is a brick of male n female plants that have been seeded.
i often wonder why they dont do some selective breeding, they could get some killer plants thast they can chatge a decent price for.
but its all asbout the money, just let them do there own thing and then brick it up. i miss the days of brick weed, its how i started growing weed from the bagseed.
see if you can find someware to let it do its thing. and colect the pollen from it. fertilise a branch from a selected female and polinayte her.
you can just cut a branch off and have it on the kitchen or coffee table in a glass of water and it will continue to produce flowers and give you pollen, safely away from any females

It gave me a headache but got me high.My buddy is the guy who sold me the weed but his seeds were from Sensi he grew not the brick weed


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my first ever joint was mexican, it blew my girlfriend and my head off. it was a real hot sunny day and we were at the local park, i got some for babysitting this bikers kids. we had a single skinnrr joint and statred to wonder around untill it hit us. man we were blasted. we just colapsed on the ground and freaked out that people were watching us, we both got the real paranoia going on. we were tripping our heads off. we just spent the time at a friends ghouse . maria, we were even more shocked when her mum said we had been on the wacky tobacky. but she was cool about it and let us stay untill we were fit to go back home
good times though. but i wouldent recomend it to a first time smoker. the thai brick weed we got was nice too. full of seeds but sa real plesant smoke, not mind bending like the mexican
I searched brick weed and found a pic that resembled it. Dude it’s a full grown plant I done smoked that weed
Between the two. But lighter if I remember right


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