@Abiqua what cri in 5000K are you using
I have been using 2x vero 29 5000k 70cri
Just replaced one of them with vero 29 5600k 90 cri
I believe the 5k are just 70k

but they are V1 too, so can't quite remember they have been running for while now, lol.....
I would love to try out some of those 5600K cri...I need to be on the lookout...
Personally I my grows lean towards as much selection as possible...I never run the same cut in the same run, so I like the ability of flowering with different K temps and I am enjoying the results, but I think I enjoy the same K temps for vegging as well!
I am diving further into 3500/4k as a Sativa veg spectrum......always need more narrowleaf testing varities though
I have found 1 cut only that responds similarly under different veg K temps and flower K temps...out of 8 varieties I have been running 7 seem to all lean towards a certain spectrum and disdain others....but all very preliminary even after a year + of watching the process...