Hi again,
You, you, you. Me, me, me.
Although i was expecting as much determination from people who voted for Harper, Trudeau - or even both... Actually i must confess how sorry i feel for the future reader who happened to trust the present title above was really announcing what's actually on the menu, as a leading subject: e.g. so-called "medical mari-caca" in Canada, so far... Nobody seems concerned at the simple thought that it's now criminalized by law to even "share" between hostages of the HC-endorsed ACMPR program - which by the way could as well have just been left to die by Trudeau anyway as it was declared unconstitutional in a Canuck court of justice. Instead we got what i just described in my initial reply, without any echo. Looking at the 1-liner which preceeded and the trashing work it's certainly a waste of my time and energy trying to educate
You, you, you.
Or maybe it's simply meant to evoke emotions. In a supposedly rational context... Confused, hey?
But i care about the reader, and you know what? I also care a great deal about the "medical" patients - even the "children" of planet Itnoc, especially those ones i might add. But i'm no cap'tain Canada and explaining such things feels so trivial at the moment; which reminds me why i didn't visit the place for a long while. Some things never evolve for the best i'm afraid.
M'well, what more is there to "rant" about which sounds relative to the ACMPR exactly? Euh...
Ah yes. While i observe radio silence on, euh...
Your side. (You, you, you...) Euh... There's something i just can't deceipher about the logical consequences of criminalizing (more severely) the act of sharing for the legit registered patients after the, oh... aHummm... Yet-to-come, euh... 2017 revision of, euh... Trudeau's "legaleezation" reform (read yet one more "fix" of bigot anti-cannabic prohibition)!!
Please, dear reader, lets now imagine this for a second...
So, what have we got here?...
The poor sod who suffers incognito on his hospital bed needs to phone HC everytime he takes his precious 30-day cured (at most) cannabic jar with him to the toilet room, meanwhile a group of dudes dancing with the Emery couple in Vancouver can pass the joint (or dab!) no questions asked. Hummm... Seems to me the next promise of his father's son should be to undo what he has done himself during his 1st mandate, euh... Confused,
YOU think?? Think again, maybe politicians are dumb but i won't fall for it, this one ain't the inoffensive joker people like to support. It would help this miserable sample of a RollIt-Up "debate", i'm sorry to note, if if the reader could at least expect to read the rest of my story on more of those jokes, to be honest.
M'well, i've been chased around on "social" media for 7 years now and it seems the old wars never die, beware dear reader, as *1* single revenge is never sufficient. They need more beyond total anihilation, etc. It turns out i was quite ready to cut the wires that give life to Egzoset a long while ago already. It's somewhat late. So, hurting on-line reputations by importing forged reputations may be what generates the [
CLICKS ] around here but the thing is i still care for those readers who clicked hoping to get informed on the situation of "medical" cannabis in Canada today; i've provided a fair amount of links to sustain some mature discussions already, i invite
YOU to put
ME on
IGNORE ] list so the extra noise can be silenced for the benefit of all those genuinely concerned.
COP6 (FCTC) in Russia a couple years ago, i don't suppose
YOU know what connection there is to be made in here though... Here's a clue: it's about
US and
THEM (for a change!)...
Now try to connect A to B to C, starting with the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists. In Québec nearly a year ago that would be:
YOU even care to learn why?...
Madame Lucie Charlebois, the minister who's reponsible for our vulnerable minors in Québec (...), has created a law (#44) which puts on a same level toxic tobacco/nicotine/paper/glue
SMOKING vs e-Cigs/e-Liquids (despite their value as healthier substitutes) vs vaporizers (the most healthy consumption method of all 3!)... A touching story with some nice intrigue at the key! Idiot, hey?... In a house of mirrors.
Which brings me to this case of a guy we saw at Découverte on SRC (Radio-Canada) a couple years ago...
Guess what, he's got a mandate to run some
research on CBD:
M'yeap! But
YOU won't agree
*THAT* is what the reader normaly came here for
, right??
I hope it doesn't matter that i shall not translate to top that.
And yet lets add this which occured quite recently in Montréal, as i tried to explain as clearly as possible (given the circumstances), in my previous post:
Too bad
YOU still can't resist obstructing the discussion (euh... Once this guy was subsided by Big-Pharma, for example!)...
Even as i persist in completing the picture, with a multitude of details that went to the trash bin because of the alias Egzoset. It really doesn't take much of that "visibility" to pull the trigger, like it's a cheap chatting game focussed on insults - though as if
YOUR life depended on it like there was no tomorrow, euh... Confused, i know.
M'well lets make it clear right away that i don't have anything to trade or sell, nor do i grow, even less work in the piss industry! Competition lies elsewhere.
In any case... WOW!! So much focus put on a member who's just not posting anymore - and so little motivation to behave as nearly-decent human beings. Have it your way, get judged by your peers.
Yano, i decided i wouldn't let the darkness invade my heart because someone dear to me once explained that once it's inflitrating inside there's no going back, and
YOU're not taking me there.
You'd need more pull than you think. Like it or not
YOU're powerless at destroying ideas. You, you, you.
Which in some manner reminds me of the brief answer of Trudeau to this famous French-speaking TV animator (TLMEP in Québec) who asked it that wasn't feeling good listening at music (under "influence")...
And here's what SuperTéteux declared while he had managed to capture a monster audit on premium hours, available coast-to-coast across the nation (for those who don't hate Québec):
I'll translate in my own way for your convenience: «
Only the others would know, i sure wouldn't!... » Or put differently, «
Don't ask me, not me! »... With the fear of monster as roots in the background.
Personally that night i found this was an hypocryt with ZERO political spine and much less courage, unworthy of being Prime Minister. Not even capable/willing to do the after-math, if you see what i mean!
YOU pretend its "rant" just because
YOU say so, euh... It's funny how the most relevant points of this whole thread are systematically rejected so far, hence i'd argue the feeling is more than reciprocal, naturally. Tell your friends they're making themselves a bit too obvious for good taste. But i don't really care, after all. Only for the readers, m'well... Déjà vu: it works on planet Itnoc with the "dangers" of Trudeau's mari-caca, doesn't it?! Don't worry, the real readers who arrive from elsewhere than a hive for hate-lovers/love-haters don't need
YOUR guidance to decode factual events recorded by history as demonstrated here - despite
YOUR insistance to divert spotlights in the other direction...
Ouf!... Vitement que je crisse mon camp... Enfin, c'est pas trop tôt.
Good day, have fun!!