AllDayToker's Adventure of Greener Living - HPS Perpetual Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Well I was pretty bored today, went to see if one person could put on the pool cover, it's a hassle but I did it. Besides that just kind of listen to music and just laid around.

I did tie down all three of the Purple Monkeys. I was told they start really indica-ish but finish out like a kush so trying to maximize my yield with the least amount of stress possible since they had no veg, so LSTing was the obvious choice.

The AKs will untrained, they are suppose to grow into giant single cola plants so I'm just going to let all of those do their thing.


Well-Known Member
I'm still praying for you bro..
Thanks Rosey. Don't really know if anyone has prayed for me before, but it means a lot.

My father found a small piece of nug about the size of half a marble. He had no idea how long he has had it, found it in a baggy in a coat pocket. He gave it to me, knowing I would appreciate it more then he would. Wow what a small amount makes such a big difference. It was dry as a bone and had no smell or taste, but that little bit compared to any amount of schwag did me wonders, for the two hits I got off it.

I'm losing hope, but I've been lower I have been. Probably 3 or 4 years back now I was one of those guys that tried off myself, luckily I was found and had my stomach pumped. Ever since then never had those thoughts, until these last few weeks... It makes it worse thinking about it because my best friend I knew from the age of four shot himself 3 months ago.

I've been doing so much better with my life, getting shit done, losing weight, staying on top of things, and I still can't be happy. There is no reason for this...

All I can say is the light is dim.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Rosey. Don't really know if anyone has prayed for me before, but it means a lot.

My father found a small piece of nug about the size of half a marble. He had no idea how long he has had it, found it in a baggy in a coat pocket. He gave it to me, knowing I would appreciate it more then he would. Wow what a small amount makes such a big difference. It was dry as a bone and had no smell or taste, but that little bit compared to any amount of schwag did me wonders, for the two hits I got off it.

I'm losing hope, but I've been lower I have been. Probably 3 or 4 years back now I was one of those guys that tried off myself, luckily I was found and had my stomach pumped. Ever since then never had those thoughts, until these last few weeks... It makes it worse thinking about it because my best friend I knew from the age of four shot himself 3 months ago.

I've been doing so much better with my life, getting shit done, losing weight, staying on top of things, and I still can't be happy. There is no reason for this...

All I can say is the light is dim.
aw honey...I'm here for you, anytime..I'm sending you my cell number ok? text me call me, it don't matter. Just hit me up, ok?