Allergy Testing 2CE Was A Bad Idea!


Active Member
2:15 pm: i snort about 10 mg 2ce. burns like hell for about 10-12 minutes, i start feeling sick and i puke my lunch out. i feel much better after then the burning starts to go numb, around 2:35 im tripping and feeling great. smoke a bowl to ease into things... intense euphoria a feeling of a calm well being. i put on some beats and things start to intensify. time starts to slow down 1 minute feels as long as three. the music begins to make things breathe. i see distinct wood stained type patterning with intense colors.
3:15 pm: feeling even better. i smoke another bowl. smoking weed always seems to help with the flow of the trip. sometime around 3:30 i put on sportscenter and see that football is back. i begin to realize i cant watch this its not making sense and i keep laughing at how silly these people look. back to the music.
4:15 pm: still going up tripping harder and harder everything seems to be getting gradually bigger and gradually smaller in increments of three (one increment is about 1-2 seconds) 3 up and 3 down, colors are super intense almost like new colors that i had never seen before. a friend comes over and we smoke a bowl. every song is easily the best song ive ever heard.
5:00 pm: still going up kind of surprised but not really worried. the incremental sizing has stopped and now everything looks like its growing out at me colors are so intense i can feel them at this point it feels like 10 minutes of tripping somewhat hard to a rush and time almost stops for what feels like 4 or 5 seconds i feel like im living in a snapshot. i feel as tho im starting to melt, my body feels like its made of syrup or honey, my skin feels like the leather of a baseball glove. im very confused i feel like i should be starting to come down not keep going up and paranoia sets... friend leaves around this point
5:30 pm: i feel that i have finally leveled off. still having those intense rushes of intensity i begin to think maybe im going to be stuck like this. i tell myself its a drug just relax and everyhthing will be fine. so i smoke another bowl. this makes things worse. usually weed helps. whats going on? time stops again and i experince i state of being i do not understand. it feels as i am not confined in my body but the energey from my body exsists in this space at this time totally disconnected from the confined reality we live in sober. i feel a pop in my head and a release of pressure, the intensity drops dramatically, i find it hard to think of anythign at all the more i thought about something the harder it was to hold onto that thought, i was starting to feel sober and yet my mind seemed to be stuck not being able to comprehend anything. all of a sudden i break out in a sweat. i soak through a shirt in about 3 minutes. i think i took too much, what popped in my head? am i dying? it felt as if someone had turned off part of my brain i felt slow and stupid im really starting to worry that ill never be the same again i feel totally different. nothign feels looks or even tastes the same oddly my brain feels like it is liquifying inside my skull
6:15 pm: def coming down but still having splurges of visuals. i feel very disconnected from my stomach and digestive tract. it feels like my stomach is a rock and my intestines are steel cables wrapped inside of me. i get cold so i put another shirt on. my friend states that i dont look well and im not acting normal. this worries me i break out in another sweat i get up walk over by my fan to cool off it feels good i tell myself i will be ok if i can just calm down. i drink some water and i start feeling much better. then i realized this whole time i had forgotten to stay hydrated... i go on a water drinking mission... i start feeling much better
8:00 pm: everything still feels different looks different including my own skin my own body. i begin to think that this experience had changed me forever. i am no longer tripping or feeling any effects of the drug and yet things are still not right, finally i fall asleep

i started feeling better the next day but the thought of being different forever still lingered in my mind. but another day later i wake up feeling great and refreshed
i now believe the popping in my head was clogged sinuses from snorting the 2ce it kind of felt like your ears popping but the same feeling everywhere in your head. overall a shit load of fun and a great learning tool. you can find out a lot about yourself and any changes you would like to make in your life
Nice report, bro!

I laughed my ass off at you watching sportscenter and thinking every song is the best you've ever heard. I was the same way!!! Too bad i didn't turn on the beats until I was on the way down.
you are lucky that you did an allergy test because recently a lot of deaths // overdoses occured because of mislabeld 2ce, it was infact bromo-dragon-fly. you are very luck to be alive.


Active Member
you are lucky that you did an allergy test because recently a lot of deaths // overdoses occured because of mislabeld 2ce, it was infact bromo-dragon-fly. you are very luck to be alive.
I wouldn't call taking a preventative measure being lucky. I allergy tested because of unfortunate accidents and deaths from bromo dragonfly. Lucky would have been not testing it before consuming a regular dose.


i looked all that up countless times... and i still read up on it now and again to make sure nothing else has happened knowledge is power
Ive done 2ce twice. the first time 15mgs and the second time 20mgs. The first time i did it was perfect. But i actually did it 2 days ago (20mgs) and it was fucking intense (must have been some good shit hah). The visuals from this drug are like nothing else. You will see aztec-like hieroglyph patterns on anything that has a random arrangment, clouds, popcorn ceilings, wood grains, walls. They look like they were drawn with highlighter and constantly flash colors. Look into the sky and your mind will start to connect the stars and by some absolutely amazing phenomena your brain is literally showing you the pattern making that is happening in your subconscious. Look at a tree and it looks like a bunch of bending green cheetos and will NOT stop moving. About halfway into the trip i was laying on my bed just looking at my whole ceiling with all the glowing stars (i have the sticker glowing stars you put on ceilings and a black light too lol it was sick) and i realized how my body is only a machine for this higher conscious mind to percieve the world in. While on this drug it almost seems as though one could literally disconnect their mind from body, the most amazing feeling ive ever had in my life so far. For what seemed like maybe 5 minutes, prob more like 30 min, i was just laying there, "thinking" my consciousness out of my corporeal body...and it worked. I cant explain the feeling of not being in your body, or what i was thinking. It was like all of the electrical murmurs that your brain produces was projected into some other-worldly medium that a consciousness could survive in. Try it or dont. That is all.