Allister's first CFL Grow

Great to have you along! I hope that this one turns out good, since I already have the strains for the next go around and I am anticipating the fun of watching them grow BIG!!
Time for the Monday morning report... Decided to start posting weekly pics unless something crops up that I need people to see. So here are BS1&2 at 8 days old...

BS1 1-24.jpgThe Girls 1-24.jpgBS2 1-24.jpg
Ok, everyone, got another new daddy question...
In my last pic on my last post and in this pic,


On the first set of true leaves and now on the second just along the edges, I am getting a light green - yellow color. It starts at the tip of the leaf it looks like. I don't know if it is some nute problem or if it is too much water or what. Any input would be appreciated!
The pic didn't turn out as large or as well as I had hoped, but if need be, I can take more to hopefully show more of what I am talking about.
Ok, so I figured out my camera's macro, and here is hopefully a little better shot of the leaf. Notice that the second set of leaves is also twisting a little bit. Hope this shot will help you folks who know this stuff to figure it out!
Thanks for any help in advance!
leaf issue.jpg
if your using nutes stop for a week and it kinda looks a little like over watering but the topsoil looks dry, so ???? whats the humidity?
no nutes at all yet. The plant is just over a week old. I am using straight FFOG soil, so it may have been a little hot for the starting plants... I was thinking that might have a part to play in it too. The RH in the room stays in the mid 30 to 40 range most of the time.
Looked in on them after work today and they have started hitting that first growth spurt, so I don't think anything is too wrong. Just want to get my chops down as good as I can since my next go around is with some killer bean!!
And for the week 2 Monday update, I present the girls, BS1 and 2. Looks like they are doing ok at this point, but as always, if anyone sees anything that looks like it could be better, feel free to chime in!

BS1 2wk profile.jpgBS2 2wk.jpgBS1 2wk.jpgBS2 2wk profile.jpg
:weed:Finished up the girls room today.... added mylar to the walls, a couple of new "light ladders" for the side lighting and I am grabbing another 125 CFL, so that each plant will have a 125 and 2-8 side lights to beef up the lower regions of the plant too. Hoping to get enough light energy on them to get good tight compact buds at more than just the top.
Also picked up a soil PH meter, and a PH pen for the water so I can take a look at what PH I am running right now.
Next water isn't for a couple of days yet though, so I will report on that when I get a chance.
Thanks to everyone for the good vibes, now just gotta make these girls happy!! :weed::leaf:
Its good you got some ph supplies. Im always shocked by the number of growers who don't and somehow don't even need to adjust the ph. It will make your life easier knowing your ph is where it should be.
Ok, so I got a PH meter, and I tested the runoff in the catch tray after I watered with some RO and Cal/Mag. Went with a tsp of CM in a gallon of RO water. After watering and letting it stand for a bit, the water in the catch tray PH was like 5.5. The soil looks like it could be coming in right around 7. Just wondering if I should be worried about the PH or not?? Plants seem to be growing pretty good, but I would still like any input!
Nice looking plants- you should be ready to go when this one's under your belt! They look interesting, good bagseed?