Almost 2 months old....What should I do?

So I planted about 10 seeds June 1, 2010. I got 6 plants out of the 10 seeds and they are almost 2 months old, but they were kind of tiny until recently they started to get a little bigger. Most of them have had leaves turn yellow and die already, but they are still growing bigger and more leaves. I just started to use some nutrients on them and so far it doesn't seem to be hurting them only making them bigger which is good. I have them under 2x40watt FPS lights with reflection on them 24/7. I have had the lights on 24/7 since day 1 and have not had them off since. I currently only have 5 plants under the light and another plant outside in someones garden as an experiment. I can only get my hands on the 40 watt bulbs as I cannot find any around my area that are any higher and that will fit in the grow space. What can I do to improve the growth of these plants?



Well-Known Member
The plants need at least some dark periods. 20/4 is popular; so is 18/6. What is your soil? Is it rich with nutes or are your plants screaming for food?
The soil has nutes, but not rich with it. So I am using some nutes I got from a friend that he uses on his plants. I only just started with the nutes this last week.

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Can you start setting them out side during the day? Start by setting them in the sun for an or two and keep progressing more hours daily. The sun should help get them going.


Well-Known Member
The plants need at least some dark periods. 20/4 is popular; so is 18/6. What is your soil? Is it rich with nutes or are your plants screaming for food?
No, not really, it depends on the particular grow itself. I use 24/0 with my cfls but with the hps i only do 18/6, thats because during the dark alot of the growth is more stretch growth, with cfls or tubes you want them as compact and bushy as possible since the light of cfls loses its effectiveness over distance more than hps and isnt as powerful so the extra time does help. Also the 18/6 does cost less and give you the ability to control your temps better by having them off during the hottest part of the day but with cfls its not really such a problem since they dont get as hot.


Well-Known Member
No, not really, it depends on the particular grow itself. I use 24/0 with my cfls but with the hps i only do 18/6, thats because during the dark alot of the growth is more stretch growth, with cfls or tubes you want them as compact and bushy as possible since the light of cfls loses its effectiveness over distance more than hps and isnt as powerful so the extra time does help. Also the 18/6 does cost less and give you the ability to control your temps better by having them off during the hottest part of the day but with cfls its not really such a problem since they dont get as hot.
+Rep for this advice :)

OP ... Looks like your over watering around the edge of the pot but not in the center near the stems ... Might want to try the other way round until the roots have established a bit more ... they are very tiny and would benefit more from " small amounts " of water near the stem for now ... then go for the round the edge thing to ecourage the roots to go looking for the water .

You say you have light reflecting on them ?... how are you doing this ?... i see buring on the tips also ... i dont think they are ready for nutes right now ... or at least try and use less untill they root a bit better ... What quantity of nutes are you useing per ltr / gallon of water ...and are you HP ballencing the water ?

Bit more info would help :)
+Rep for this advice :)

OP ... Looks like your over watering around the edge of the pot but not in the center near the stems ... Might want to try the other way round until the roots have established a bit more ... they are very tiny and would benefit more from " small amounts " of water near the stem for now ... then go for the round the edge thing to ecourage the roots to go looking for the water .

You say you have light reflecting on them ?... how are you doing this ?... i see buring on the tips also ... i dont think they are ready for nutes right now ... or at least try and use less untill they root a bit better ... What quantity of nutes are you useing per ltr / gallon of water ...and are you HP ballencing the water ?

Bit more info would help :)
Actually I am using the same kind of reflection you have in your grow journal. I have only used about a tsp/gal of nutes in two separate waterings and haven't used them since, I wasn't planning on going so high powered on the nutes. The leaves started yellowing on the edges before I gave them any nutes and I figured it was because ti was getting to warm in the room, but I dropped the temp down and the yellowing is starting to go away so to speak.
What can I do to improve the growth of these plants?
Better lights is the main answer.

Here is a picture of mine that had I had started from seed the 1st of June and sprouted the 4th of June, they had 30 days of Veg and 3 weeks of Flowering for a total of 7 weeks.

The leaves are actually green and normal, its the HPS lighting that makes them look orange and abnormal

