Almost 6 feet high.....................jeesuz murphy!


Ok, I put two of my clones in the ground and the rest in buckets. All the same strain of hybrid. All have gotten the same treatment.

here are the two 'in the ground' girls. Almost 6 feet high and still about 2 months to go! I had to 'truss' them up as some of the heavy branches were breaking off. SOme of the leaves are like 12 inches long, not including their stems!!!

The greenhouse bucket sisters are about 3 and 1/2 feet tall.

Has anyone ever had a problem with branches breaking off.................... because the plant is growing so dang fast? Or are the outdoor girls lacking something?


Put som wire around them like a tomato plant and poor the water to them they look great. I love the outdood tree farm. I have been using large tree pots in my greenhouse and they seem to be as big if not bigger than my in ground stuff. It wasnt like that last year I dont know what I have done different. Good luck and have fun



Thanks Narddog, I have been running a string around them to keep them 'together'. but am thinking of a ring of wire too! Never had plants that branches break off of, I can just imagine how heavy they will be when the buds form. Yoiks!!!! Heard these girls can produce up to 1 to 3 pounds a plant in the right conditions.

I am thinking I might need to build a cover over them too!!! Just in case we get an early killer frost! BUT, I will need an 8 foot high shelter or higher!