Almost a total loss this year.


Well-Known Member
All I can say is wow...worst year ever, and I have been growing outdoors guerilla style for 15 years.

Two weeks ago I was looking at an estimated (conservative estimate) of at least three pounds. I had blight under control with liquid copper, and had some amazing looking plants, bogbubble, sour life saver, some kind kush strain, and PPP.

Than Irene hit which resulted in many broken branches that could not be repaired, than this wasfollowed by continuous rain almost every day for the past week, with some torrential downpours bringing as much 7" rain in 24 hours.

I went out today to find at least half of my crop suffering from mold and/or PM. My two 9-10 foot tall PPP which were looking great two weeks ago are covered with some kind of mold or mildew.

With another 3-5 days of rain forecast, along with temps in the high 70s low 80s I ended up harvesting everything that had three weeks or less to go. They are not ripe yet so most of it will go to make hash. From the looks of things I may end up with a qp or so of hash from these. Not sure what I will do with the ones that have mold/mildew..I hear it is safe to make bubble hash of BHO out of those, but they looked so far gone it may not even be worth it.

I still have a few plants left I put out late in the season. there are two weeks into flower, and have another 6 weeks to go. If the rain stops, the temps drop, and the humidity gets lower I may end up getting some decent bud this year.

I always expect to take some losses, especially once september hits, but Ive never had anything like this happen.

Next Year I will still focus on some strains I have found to be blight resistant, but most of my grow will be devoted to autoflowers or possibly something that finishes close to sept 1st.


Well-Known Member
Wow man my condulances, all they work and stuff. Would piss me right of. Good luck next time round man.


Well-Known Member
Dont sit back and cry, get out there and put more in(you have locations). They will flower quickly so outside sog is best for now and they shoudnt mold with lower rh and less rain near winter.(late summer is mold time) Mass plant some clones and/seeds in your best patches.


Well-Known Member
Dude I feel your pain. I've had rain the last 8 days and they are calling for ANOTHER WEEK of rain! I am hoping my plants make it so far no mold but alot of rain! Where abouts are you?