Almost done first cycle! Please help :)

Hey guys..I need some help here..I started my girls to flower on March 7th.
1 blueberry, 1 ak47, 2 critical mass and one white widow. Some are looking pretty much done I will post pics later when the lights come on.
How can I tell if there done?
Also..using AN sensi grow ph perfect so I still use this while flushing? Because if not won't my ph be off?
Thanks guys :)


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Global Moderator
Staff member
You're talking 6 weeks from flower.
That's really fast - I would pick up a scope and get a close look @ the trichs.
I'd bet they're not quite as ready as you are thinking.
Thanks man :). When they start to go amber they are done right ?
Some stuff I read said critical mass can be ready in 45-55 :).
The stems are almost breaking from all the weight of the buds:(.

I'm also having a spider mite issue but only on the blueberry. Any advice ?
Thanks again guys :)


Well-Known Member
Dont rely too much on what they say about flowering time bro. The best way to tell is with a scope to see the trichs and yes when they start the turn from cloudy to amber its time to chop


Active Member
Definitely get yourself a scope, really IMO it's the best way to tell for sure. I have gotten some cheap ones on ebay, they work well enough for me. And those are not ready quite yet, maybe another 2-3 weeks depending on the strain.

As for the spider mites, there are various methods, but this late I would just keep spraying with water to slow them down. If you want, get yourself some neem oil and mix according to the directions. It's cheap and easily found at most hydro shops, lowes, etc.

Anyway! Lookin' good! Really good.


Well-Known Member
Scope! It's the ONLY way to go.

Why waste sooooo much time just to chop early? A plant can pack on 25% of it's total weight it's last week of life-chopping even a few days too soon can cause a difference in yeild and potency.

If I'm growing a new strain I'll harvest in stages- I use my scope but harvest 1/3 of the plant a little early, then another 1/3 when I think it's done, then a 1/3 5 days to a week after that.

I find that the scope is a tool and harvest time depends on the grower. Most say 75%cloudy and 25% amber and it's good to go, at it's most ripe. Amber is degraded THC, but I find certain strains I like the trichs to be 60/40 or even very little amber. It's all in the details and what you prefer.

You definitely don't want to harvest early, and the scope makes sure that doesn't happen- if you see a lot of clear trichs then it needs more time. Hope this helps.

ALSO, check plants in multiple spots a few times a week with the scope to discover any type of pest or disease as early as possible and take immediate action.

SPIDER MITES: Neem is good, if that's ineffective try Sevin it's some good stuff- kills tons of pests and can be used on edible fruits and vegtables till day of harvest. I know it seams worse then neem but it's more effective and I've personally seen it save crops with no noticable effect to final product(and I am very picky, I knew they were sprayed and it was in the back of my mind, but I honestly couldn't tell the difference and completely forgot about it) You can get it at almost any hardware store. If it's between choping or spraying, i'm spraying : ) Do it IMMEDIATELY after your lights turn off(seriously, stand there and wait for them to go off then spray them, don't go in 'a couple' mins after lights have been off), you don't want to spray anything with the lights on.
Awesome replies thanks guy. I literally just sprayed them with neem/water 2 hours before I saw this :)
Lots of helpful advice I appreciate it and the compliments !
My only concern is the branches are already about to break due to the weight of the bud, any suggestions for that?
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Well-Known Member
If the branches are hanging, simply tie them up to anything you can find. Get a bunch of zip ties and tie them to the ceiling, to the walls, even to other plants if necessary. Whatever works to hold them up. My last grow I had so many strings and wire ties and zip ties all over you could barely get your hand in there. At this stage of the game you gotta do whatever it takes. Good Luck!